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Claria and Rick Clan Wars (Yumi / Fred_18 RPG)
I walked over to the feeding hall, greeting various clan members. When i got to one of the tables where the food was i seen one of my cook friends. "Hey Jakie, I hear Jake has finally started courting you."

Jakie looked up from the big kettle she was cooking stew in and smiled "hey Rick, yes, he finally started..." her face became flat as she continued. "after a whole year! for goodness sake!"

I had to chuckle, she knew that Jake wanted so badly to court her. "Good luck, i had to practically push him to start." I grab a platter and start loading food onto it. "I'm going to eat in my rooms again. I'll bring this back later." We both wave good bye as i left.
A wolf dressed in casual wear walked calmly to the Ricks room, before looking around. If anyone see's me, it will be the a public execution! He started poking around the keyhole to 'disarm' the trap, all the while making more noise than was necessary.
Many times lost, many times found again.

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RE: Claria and Rick Clan Wars (Yumi / Fred_18 RPG) - by fred_18_2008 - 03-23-2010, 11:49 PM