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my 5 problems, ...i need help...
oh about #2 i don't think its so important well at least my grandmother was 18 years younger than my grandfather . the only thing is that the lady will be left alone cause men die much younger than women.
like my grandmother is now.

#4 well what do they know they are just pleasing egocentric matters. people don't do bad for just doing it an intelligent person doesn't treat other people like they please. some of them just aren't thinking, it's not serouis cause they don't even know what they are doing, and trying to prove it with them(if they mean it) is imposible cause they want to bother and so they first had thinked that your are in a lower level than them so they'll do anything that they have to, to bother. lots of them are just like machine thingy's.

#3 i might be wrong but you think you can modify your family members ways of thinking and that's why you could react(in a defensive way) in a way that they find unpleasent . Well i have already gave up in trying to do something for them so generally when i see they are going no way good i just say i don't want to talk with you. and when they get back to a more rational state i try again if they search for me first that is.

#5 about this if you have someone to be with to trust with let him/her in an instance help you by supporting you and then try helping back because if not it maybe that you can feel your just bugging and you may feel worthless as sometimes it happens to me.

hope the best for you. goodluck
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Messages In This Thread
my 5 problems, ...i need help... - by SchizoKat - 09-22-2004, 12:58 PM
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