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Fuck you valve
(09-04-2009 08:40 AM)Guilmon and a shotgun Wrote: What a mature, reasonable and understandable rant.

I only have one vice with Valve and thats their game engines, which are inferior to that produced by Infinity Ward but thats pretty much it. Oh, and Left for Dead has the worst AI system ever.

First off, the Source Engine is an antique. It's been around since 2004, and it's amazing they were able to make it last this long. A lot of game engines today don't get anything close to that longevity.

Second, Left 4 Dead has a very impressive Survivor AI. How many other games give you allies that are that sophisticated? Granted, the AI's intelligence can border on aimbotting, but still, it can keep up with a player, and I think that really matters if you don't have 3 friends.

Magitek Wrote:This rant is very jumbled and confusing... so, what happened? Did they just falsely accuse you of idling or what's up?

There's no way they can manually go through several million accounts and find who exactly used the program. They used a software to track IPs *Or more likely, their Steam accounts* using the idle program.

This is for everyone who doesn't play TF2.

The item acquisition system in the game is based off of time. When you're in a server, you have a certain chance each minute to get an item at random. At the same time, a programmer from Valve made an application that registered the player as being in-game even if the game application isn't open. This allowed players to gain items much faster.

When the program was made, Valve officially discouraged people from using the program, but some people still used it. I've already discussed this with Dark and tried to speak reason to him after he bitched into my MSN for several hours last night. There are only two ways he could have been on the list. He either used the program at some point and can't remember, or someone else has been using his IP *Or Steam account, whichever one Valve tracked*. After knowing him for over a year now, I'm assuming the former. This isn't the first time I've done this with him.

And as much as I hate to throw you under the bus, Dark, I end up having to. You came into this rant thread foaming at the mouth and didn't really elaborate on what had happened, instead just screaming "FUCK YOU VALVE!" into the thread, my MSN, and my Steam, for several hours last night. There's no way a string of code can be fooled like that unless someone else has been using your IP or steam account and using the system *Which is still a very high possibility knowing you*. Unless you can prove otherwise, I rest my case.
[Image: WalkingEye-1.jpg]

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Messages In This Thread
Fuck you valve - by DarkChibimon - 09-03-2009, 12:55 PM
RE: Fuck you valve - by Asesino - 09-04-2009, 07:31 AM
RE: Fuck you valve - by DarkChibimon - 09-04-2009, 08:51 AM
RE: Fuck you valve - by Guilmon and a shotgun - 09-04-2009, 08:40 AM
RE: Fuck you valve - by Lost - 09-04-2009, 12:04 PM
RE: Fuck you valve - by Asesino - 09-04-2009, 09:08 AM
RE: Fuck you valve - by DarkChibimon - 09-04-2009, 10:38 AM
RE: Fuck you valve - by MagusKnight - 09-04-2009, 11:11 AM
RE: Fuck you valve - by DragonMasterX - 09-04-2009, 01:43 PM