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The Gods tail Part 1: Release - Printable Version

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The Gods tail Part 1: Release - BlackVeedramon - 08-07-2010

The Gods tail

Part 1: Release

Ian looks at the big glass and metal tubes that hold the experiments inside. The "Things" are floating in a green liquid. That fluid is supposed to keep them in a coma like state, but despite the feeding tubes attached to the creatures, and the regular cleaning and check-outs, six of the nine "Things" are death. The dead ones tubes no longer function and of the last three remaining one wont last much longer. Ian was faced with a difficult choice, he could do nothing and let those creatures die, like he was ordered, or he could set them free and get in big trouble.

Their funds have been greatly cut in the last two months, and soon they where going to shut them down. Had he to make the choice five years ago, when the whole thing started, he would have let them die. But now, he kind of cared for this "Things". They where just prototypes, so they had never cared to awaken them. Do they had an human mind or where just mindless beasts? He knew they had been "programed" , but never knew for what. He was just a care-taker of these things, so they never told him much about the project.

"What if they went wild and started to kill people?" He thought, just then the lights on one of the tubes started flashing and an alarm sounded. The creature code named RBU-07 was dying. He turned off the sound alarm and tried his bests to keep it alive, injecting it with the usual drugs, increasing the oxygen it received, even sending it small electric shocks to make its heart work again, but it was a losing battle. He managed to keep it alive for ten more minutes, but then the creature died.

Ian then made his choice and typed the "release" code in the computer. Then a different sound alarm started to sound but Ian just cut a few wires and it went off.

The phone rang, he answered it trying to sound relaxed

"Hi whats up?" he said, there was no need to be formal, everyone that could get another job had already left, there where only a few employers in the lab, just waiting to be fired so they could get their last check.

"Whats up? You just set the level eleven alarm on!, Did you free those things or something?" a voice said in the other side of the line

"Nah, I was just trying to take some stuff home, cut some wires and set the alarm by accident. And before you say something Bob, I saw you doing the same yesterday, I bet that "new" computer you took home makes your kids crazy" said Ian, Bob was his Boss, but when a ship is sinking everyone takes care of himself.

"Oh well, alright, you are lucky the guards where fired two days ago". Says Bob, "just try do don't set another alarm, okey?"

"Yes Bob" Ian said as the two tubes that still had something alive inside finished draining the green fluid away. Ian then hangs the phone, puts all the tech he can carry in two big cardboard boxes and runs away the fast as he can to his car. He didn't wanted to be in the lab when those things woke up.

Almost five-teen minutes later...

RBU-08 woke up and looked around, RBU-09 looked like she was in a coma, all the others had died. He broke the tube he was in with little effort, got out of it, then broke RBU-09 container and carried her in his arms. The was no one there to give them orders, and while clean, the place looked abandoned, as several pieces of equipment had been removed. He noticed that the metal door was open, and took the chance. He was able to get away of the building before he was noticed, then he ran as fast as he could while carrying RBU-09. He didn't stop until he was far away of the lab, then he looked around and noticed a construction site. He went in and hid her and himself behind a a wood cabin that was probably used as storehouse for construction materials. He didn't move and waited a few minutes, it wasn't the best place to hide, but it was the best place he could find.

Since he didn't hear anything suspicions, he looked at her. It had soft white skin and a smooth, shoulder-length black hair. She was a bit shorter than him, having 170 centimeters of height. Her eyes where green like his eyes, but of a lighter color. She had a fine, sleek figure, and firm, but small breasts, she looked somewhat like a teenager of sixteen years, if teenagers could be half-human, half-animal creatures. While she had no fur, the triangular straight ears pointing upward that were in the top of his head, her muzzle, paws and tail where clearly feline. He in the other hand, was more like a wolf, and unlike her, he had a few patches of fur over his body. Maybe in a few days both of them would be fully covered in fur, but for that to happen they had to survive first. He poked her in the stomach, there was no response, he keep doing so and she moved a bit. Then he heard a noise, it was his stomach grumbling.

She woke up looking around confused and saw him, she stood up not caring to cover herself with her paws, as she had no sense of shame.

"Whats the situation?" she asked looking right into the wolf eyes. He had 175 centimeters of height, a strong muscular build, white patches of fur covering him in about a third of his body, that included the left half of the muzzle. His eyes where dark green, his nose leathery black, his package covered in a furry sheath. His hands and feet were stubby and ended in claws, He had four thick toes per foot and a short canine tail that had tick white fur and was black on the tip.

"We are running for our lives" he said "For what I know, the project has been canceled, we have been awakened but we are alone, do you want to survive?"

"We should have stayed and wait for orders, we must contact our superiors" she said, moving her tail around, it was the first time she fell the air touching it, and while she didn't like still being wet, being outside the tube fell great.

"There will be no orders, unless they are orders to kill us. Don't you understand? We have been rejected, we are monsters in a world of humans. They cant allow us to live, weren't you programed with the special survivor program?"

"You are a traitor, surrender now or I will have to kill you!" she said, she didn't have anything against the wolf and she LOVED to be outside the container, but orders where orders.

The wolf punched her in the stomach without having made any warring canines usually do, like growling, that must be part of his training program. She fell on the ground with a big thud, quickly she got up and got into a fighting stance, "I'll kill you wolf!" she hissed and attacked.

Her first strike was aimed at his head; the wolf barely dogged the attack moving the head to the right, her punch missing the head by a mere inch. She followed it with treacherous kick at his groin, he howled in anger, pushing her away with his strong arms, then kicked her stomach at an amazing speed making her fall. Then he jumped over the kitty, trying to pin her down with his superior strength, but she wasn't going to let him do so. Both of them struggled in the ground, rolling back and forth, the feline had sharper claws and managed to make him bleed, giving the wolf several cuts, until he was able to took hold of her paws forcing them behind her back. He was panting hard, drops of blood were falling from several cuts on his chest and his bruised muzzle.

Looking into each others eyes, they both smiled, the feline started to laugh, the wolf had no idea why. Then she licked the wolf face and whispered "You know what, you are hot"

The wolf then noticed he had got exited by the fight, so his hard cock was touching her thighs, it would be her pussy if it wasn't because of the difference in height

He released his grip and stood up, the feline looked at him confused

"Whats wrong? I am not good enough for you?" she said standing up and looking at him with angry eyes

"This place is not safe, we have to move or they will find us" He said, as he too had no sense of shame, he didn't cover the erect shaft with his paws.

"Ok, lets go, but you better give this Lil kitty some fun later" she said, and both beasts ran away from the construction site, the wolf leading her. She took the chance to admire his cute ass, yeah the wolf was hot!

PS: Yeah I know, that's why I need and editor!