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Renama-ma (Diapers/babyplay) - Printable Version

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Renama-ma (Diapers/babyplay) - blankmind12 - 11-11-2009

Alrighty, as you might've guessed my name is Blankmind and I've registered here only a short time ago, though I've been a fan of this site long before. I'm also an amature writer (emphasis on amature) so I decided to post my Rika/Renamon fic here. I hope you enjoy it ^_^

by: Blankmind12

It was a brisk winter morning in Shinjuku, Japan and all across the city people were getting ready to face it. The Nonaka residence was no exception as the all female household happily prepared for a day of activity…for the most part.

“Why am I doing this again?” Renamon asked in a depressed tone while Rika‘s mother and grandmother finished getting ready.

“Because,” Rumiko said cheerfully as she applied her lipstick. “I have a photo shoot today and I promised Sky I’d bring you along, he‘s been dying to meet you.”

Rika’s grandma smiled at Renamon. “After that we’ll do a little shopping and I want you to pick out a few things to decorate your room.” Renamon sighed deeply but nodded all the same.

The guest room (which was officially dubbed her room a few weeks prior) had never really been used before had was stocked with only the bare essentials. Renamon rarely used the room, preferring to sleep outdoors when the weather permitted, but was nonetheless grateful for the consideration.

To be honest Renamon wasn’t really upset about the schedule, what bothered her was that Rika wouldn’t be a part of it. Her young tamer would be home alone all day working on an essay for school.

“Here ya go grandma.” Rika said as she entered the living room, still wearing her light blue pajamas. “I found your hat in the kitchen.”

The older woman smiled tenderly as she took the wool cap from her granddaughter. “Thank you dear I‘ve been looking all over for it.”

Rika gave her a small smile and Renamon decided it was now or never.

“Rika are you sure you’ll be alright here alone. I’ll stay with you if you like.”

The redhead smiled at her partner but waved her off. “Thanks Renamon but believe me shopping with mom and grandma is a thousand times better than what I’ll be doing.”

“Well, alright then, if you’re sure.”

Rika nodded just as her mother bent down and gave her a quick hug and a kiss on the forehead.

“We’ll be home late sweetie so be sure to eat lunch okay?”

“Okay mom.” Rika replied as her grandmother embraced her as well.

“Goodbye Rika. Don’t work too hard.” She gave Rika a quick kiss before turning to leave.

“I won’t.”

Renamon gave Rika a worried look as she and the two women stepped outside but Rika just gave a short wave as Rumiko shut the door behind her.

Rika breathed a sigh of relief a few seconds after they left. For the first time since she met Renamon she had the house to herself. Not that she didn’t enjoy her family’s company but being alone was a requirement for what she had planned today. She felt bad for lying to Renamon and her family (she had finished her essay the day after it was assigned) but it had been so long since she’d done this, and it may be even longer before she has another chance, she couldn‘t let the opportunity pass her by.

She let out another deep sigh as she finally turned away from the door.

“I’m sorry.” She said quietly before starting towards her room. She only had a few precious hours before they returned home and she wasn‘t about to let them go to waste.

About an hour later Rumiko exited Sky’s studio with her mother and Renamon.

“Well that didn‘t take very long.” She said as they walked down the street. “Though, honestly, Sky didn‘t seem like himself today.”

Her mother chuckled at this. “I think he has a bit of a crush on Renamon. Don’t you agree?” She asked the yellow Digimon. When she didn’t receive an answer she looked and saw that Renamon was deep in thought. “Renamon?” She asked a little louder, snapping her back to reality.


“Are you alright dear, you’re awfully quiet?”

“Sorry I’m just a bit distracted.”

Rumiko giggled and looked back to her. “You’re worried about Rika aren’t you?” Renamon paused for a second before giving her a slight nod. Rumiko smiled at her. “It’s alright. We’ve left Rika at home several times and she always-” She cut herself off with an uneasy chuckle. “Wait, that didn’t come out right.”

Renamon sighed as Rumiko fumbled with her words. “I know what you’re trying to say. However, this is the first time I‘ve left her home alone.” Thinking back Renamon recalled how she always stayed nearby when Rika was home by herself and only left her when she was either at school or her mother or grandmother were with her. Just the thought of Rika being truly alone, even for a short time, was too much.

“I’m sorry.” She said quickly. “Please, don’t let this ruin your day.”

Rumiko gasped when she realized what she was doing. “Wait Renamon don’t…” But it was too late, Renamon had already disappeared. “Oh dear, this isn’t going to be pretty.”

Her mother smiled tenderly. “Look at it this way; if given the choice who do you think Rika would prefer to share her secret with?”

A few seconds later Renamon reappeared in the Nonaka’s garden just outside of Rika‘s bedroom. She’d only been gone for an hour but she had thought up an, at least, half-decent excuse for returning to check on her. So, after taking a deep breath, she placed her hand on the door and slid it open.

“Rika, your mother wanted me to make sure you…” She trailed of as she locked eyes with the human girl sitting on the floor. A look of absolute horror appeared on Rika’s face as she jumped to her feet, giving Renamon a clear look at what she was wearing.

She had on a pink, ‘Hello Kitty’ T-shirt and nothing else except for a yellow pacifier between her lips and a white disposable diaper. Correction; a white disposable diaper with a damp, yellow stain on the front of it.

The two stared at each other for a few, silent seconds before finally recovering from the shock.

“Rika,” Renamon began softly. “What are-”

“Wait! Renamon, I can explain!” Rika cried desperately, her pacifier dropping to the floor. “You see this is-…I was just-…It’s not what you-…” Rika began shaking as she struggled to speak. “I…I…I…” Tears began pouring from her eyes as she stuttered until she finally dropped to her knees and started crying uncontrollably.

Renamon stared at Rika with wide eyes. She was caught completely off guard by her partner’s behavior, not to mention her clothing. And yet as she watched her sobbing tamer she felt compelled to do what she did next. Without saying a word she stepped into the room, making sure to shut the door behind her, and moved beside Rika.

Meanwhile Rika’s mind was in full panic mode. Not only had someone discovered her deepest secret, it was Renamon the last person she ever wanted to know. She could see everything play out in her head. Renamon would leave, her mom and grandma would have a fit and send her to a therapist or something and if her friends ever found out…she cried even harder as cruel laughter echoed through her mind.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt Renamon’s fur brush up against her. She tried to pull away from her but she suddenly found herself in a soft embrace as Renamon whispered to her.

“Shh, it’s alright Rika, don’t cry.” Rika looked up at Renamon. Much to her surprise there was no sign of anger or disgust on her face. Instead Renamon looked back at her with a strange mix of affection and worry. Rika shivered slightly as Renamon stroked her back and her sobbing slowed to quiet sniffling. “I’m so sorry Rika. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“Y-you‘re sorry?” Rika asked as she calmed down. “You mean you’re not...”

“Mad?” Renamon finished for her. It wasn’t the word she was looking for but Rika nodded anyway. “Of course not, though I am a little surprised. Why are you...”

“Wearing baby clothes?”

“I was just going to say ’those clothes’ but, yes.” When Rika looked away she quickly added, “It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me I’ll just-” She started to get up but Rika grabbed her arm.

“Wait. I‘ll tell you it‘s just,” She wiped her eyes before finishing. “It’s just kind of a long story.”

Renamon sat down next to her a brushed a stray tear from her cheek. “Then it’s a good thing I have long ears.”

Rika managed a smile and began at the beginning.

As it turned out Rika had a bedwetting problem a few years ago. She was really upset about it and her mom and grandma were very worried. After trying a few other methods, that only served to make Rika feel even worse, they finally decided to try having Rika wear diapers at night. Naturally she was dead set against it at first but that all changed after the first night.

When she awoke the next morning her diaper was soaked but it didn’t feel like she was. The diaper had soaked up most of the moisture leaving her bed and her dry as a bone. This came as a huge relief to both her and her family. Rika felt as though a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders and less than a week later, the wettings stopped completely. For some reason, however, she didn’t want to stop wearing the diapers. After a few nights without them she began to think that she actually enjoyed wearing them.

Then one day, when Rika’s mother and grandma were out shopping, she decided to spend the whole day in a diaper. Once she got over the fear of being caught she finally understood why she felt the way she did. The soft material against her skin felt wonderful and as the hours ticked away she felt all of her worries melt away. Wearing a diaper just made her feel…happy.

From then on whenever she had the house to herself and she felt sad or stressed she’d have a ’Baby Day’ as she called it. She pulled some of her old baby toys from the basement and hid them in her room and later on she bought the clothes, pacifiers and a few other things to use on those special days. The last time she’d done it was the night before the big Digimon card game tournament where she won her championship, which was also the day she met Renamon, and hasn’t had a chance to do it since then.

“I see.” Renamon said simply as Rika finished her story. “So dressing like this helps you feel better when you’re upset?”

“Yeah, basically.” Rika replied, not meeting her partner’s eyes. “Y-You’re not gonna tell Mom and Grandma are you?”

“I don’t see any reason why I should.”

“Really?” Rika asked in a unsure tone. “You don’t think I’m weird or anything do you.”

Renamon chuckled sweetly and placed her paw on Rika’s shoulder. “Of course not. We all have our own ways of dealing with stress and yours is no stranger than anyone else’s. Take me for example, sometimes when you’re at school and I’m feeling down I play your video games and it perks me right up.”

Rika giggled at this. That explains how I got past level six.

“Do you feel better now?” Renamon asked as she picked up Rika’s pacifier and handed it to her.

“Yeah, I guess I do. Thanks Renamon.”

“Anytime.” The vulpine Digimon replied before standing up. “I’ll leave you to your day then.”

Rika hesitated for a second but just couldn’t hold in what came next.

“Renamon.” She called softly, stopping her partner in her tracks. “Would you…uh…like to spend the day with me?” Renamon turned back towards her and she continued. “It’s just that as much as I like doing this, I don’t really like being alone. And I’ve always wondered what it would be like for someone to take care of me like I was, well a baby.” Her voice started breaking again but she soldiered on. “And since I don’t want to tell mom and you already know I was thinking maybe...you could. Only if you want to of course!” She added quickly when Renamon’s eyes widened. As soon as she finished she dropped her gaze to the floor again.

What are you doing!? She scolded herself. Renamon just said she didn’t think you were weird and you had to say something like that!? What were you thinking!?

She started sobbing again but was quickly cut off when Renamon took the pacifier from her and gently popped it into her mouth. Before she could react Renamon reached down and easily picked up the small human girl by her underarms.

“I would love to Rika.” She said tenderly as she cradled Rika in her arms. “In fact I would be honored to be included in your special day.”

Rika smiled and snuggled up against Renamon’s fur. “Thanksh Wrenamon.” Rika said around the rubber nipple.

Renamon smiled back and nuzzled Rika’s cheek with her nose, enticing giggles from her tamer. “Anytime. Now before we do anything else I think my little kit could do with a dry diaper. Don‘t you agree?”

“Hee-Hee. Okay…Renama-ma.”

Part 2

As soon as Renamon began changing her first diaper it became fairly clear that she had no idea what she was doing. Thankfully Rika had plenty of experience and was able to talk her through it.

“Now just fix the tapes on the other side and we’re done.” Rika instructed from the floor.

Once the last tape was in place Renamon let out a deep breath and helped Rika back to her feet.

“I must admit,” She began as she brushed off some excess baby powder. “that was much simpler than I thought it would be.”

Rika snorted at the comment. “Yeah, well it’s a lot harder when I’m doing it for myself.”

“I can only imagine.” Renamon said with a chuckle. “So what would you like to do first?”

Rika thought about it for a few seconds. “Well…” She paused as her face reddened slightly. Even though Renamon was in on her secret now it was still pretty embarrassing.

“Go ahead Rika.” Renamon said tenderly. “There’s no need to be shy with me. Remember, this is your day.”

Rika smiled and continued. “Well, before you came in I was about to go in the kitchen and, um, have a bottle.” She blushed again but Renamon just smiled and patted her head.

“Then that’s what we’ll do now.” On that note she picked Rika up and carried her out of the room, grabbing her diaper bag (actually an old back pack Rika had out-grown) along the way.

Once in the kitchen Renamon sat Rika down at the table and pulled a bottle out of the bag.

“Now you wait here while I fix your bottle, okay sweetie?” Renamon said brightly as she gave Rika's nose a light tap.

“Ha-ha ‘kay.” Rika replied in a babyish voice as Renamon walked over to the refrigerator. Suddenly, a mischievous idea popped into Rika’s head, an idea she just couldn’t resist.

This is wonderful. Renamon thought as she filled Rika’s bottle with milk. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Rika this happy. And I think I’m enjoying this just as much as she is. She chuckled to herself as put the milk carton back and replaced the top on the bottle. I wonder what else she has planned for today.

“Rika,” She called as she turned back around. “here’s your…” She stopped short when she saw that Rika was gone. “Rika? Rika where did you go?”

“Heeheehee.” Came a quiet chuckle. Renamon turned her head and caught a glimpse of red hair disappear into the living room. With a playful smirk Renamon strode into the next room and gave it a quick scan. As she suspected, Rika was nowhere to be seen.

“Now where did my little kit go?” She said coyly as she walked over to the sofa. “Is she hiding, under here?”

She lifted the center cushion as hushed laughter filled the otherwise quiet room.

“No.” Renamon set the cushion back down and moved toward the TV. “Could she be, behind here?”

The laughs got a little louder as she looked behind it.

“Nope, not here. I know.” This time she moved beside the coffee table. “She’s hiding, in here!”

The laughter turned to a loud cackle when she lifted the lid off the candy dish resting on the table.

“No, not here either.” She replaced the lid and rubbed her chin thoughtfully. “Where, oh, where could she be?” A wide grin appeared on her face as she quickly ducked down and locked eyes with the giddy redhead under the table. “Found you.”

“Ah-ha-ha!” Rika squealed as she crawled from under the table and tried to get away.

“Oh, no you don’t.” Renamon said as she grabbed Rika from behind and lifted her into the air. She then sat down on the on the couch, set Rika on her lap and started tickling her sides.

“Ahh-ha-ha-ha! St-haa-p it! Ple-hee-hee-se!”

“Alright then, how about this?” Renamon asked in a slightly evil tone before bending down and blowing a loud raspberry into Rika’s bare tummy.

“AHH-HA-HA! Stop, sto-ha-hap! I give up!”

Renamon stopped the tickling and gently rocked Rika in her arms while she caught her breath. Once Rika had calmed down Renamon lowered her into a reclined position and held the bottle up to her mouth.

“Open up for your bottle now Rika.” The young girl gave a short giggle and began nursing from the rubber teat. As she drank Renamon continued rocking her and started humming a simple lullaby. In absolute bliss, Rika closed her eyes and let her mind drift away. This day was better than she could ever have hoped; she felt exactly how an infant would feel in her mother’s arms; safe, warm and loved.

At that moment both Digimon and tamer wished that this day never had to end.

A short distance away in the park a strange event was taking place. A thick white fog suddenly appeared from thin air and eerie high pitched laughter could be heard within it. Suddenly a figure clad in red and black burst from the top of the cloud and hovered several meters above it on her broomstick, overlooking the city.

“So this is the human world, so mysterious and strange.” She adjusted the pointed hat on her head before finishing. “Oh, well I just hope it‘s ready for this wily young mage. Kee-hee-hee-hee!” With a evil cackle she dashed across the sky and into the city.

All good things must come to an end and before they knew it Rika’s bottle was empty. Renamon gently pulled the nipple from Rika’s lips, her ears barely catching a quiet whine, and placed it on the table.

“All gone?” Rika asked, in a childish tone. Renamon smiled and gave her belly a light rub.

“All gone. What should we do next?”

Rather than answer Rika sat up and pulled Renamon into a tight hug, her chin coming to rest on her shoulder. “Thank you so much Renamon. This has been the best baby day ever.”

Deeply touched Renamon returned the embrace with interest. “You’re very welcome Rika.” She said softly before giving her back a few light pats.

“Um…Renamon?” Rika began in a low voice. “Could you…do that again please?” Though a little confused Renamon complied and patted her back a few more times. After a few seconds of this Renamon’s curiosity got the best of her.

“Rika, what is-”

“Ahup.” Renamon’s question was cut off by a tiny burp popping out of Rika’s mouth. The young tamer looked up to her partner as a tiny blush appeared on her cheeks.

“Sorry. I just always wanted to try that.”

Renamon chuckled and wiped a bit of milk from the side of her mouth. “No apologies needed but you should’ve just asked. What did I say about being embarrassed?” Rika giggled as Renamon continued cleaning her face. “How was it?”

“It…it was really-” Before she could finish the phone next to the couch started ringing.

“…nice.” Rika finished with a sigh as she got up from Renamon’s lap and picked up the phone. She took a deep breath, switching back to her usual self, and answered. “Hello?…(sigh) What do you want Gogglehead?” She suddenly perked up. “What? Where is it now?…Alright we’re on our way now, don’t wait for us.”

“A Digimon?” Renamon asked seriously. Rika gave a quick nod.

“Yeah, it showed up downtown. Takato and Henry are already on their way but if we hurry we can-” Rika cut herself off when Renamon let out a deep sigh.

“Oh, well I suppose it was fun while it lasted.”

“What’re you talking about?” Rika asked with a chuckle, surprising her partner. “There’s no way a runty little Digimon’ll keep us busy for more that a few minutes and when we get back we can pick up where we left off with plenty of time before mom and grandma get home. Okay,” She placed her finger on her cheek and showed Renamon her best fake pout. “Renama-ma?” Both Rika and Renamon burst into a fit of laughter at the nickname.

“Okay, but first I think you should consider a change of clothes.”

Rika nodded enthusiastically. A T-shirt and a diaper wasn’t exactly ideal battle gear.

“Good idea.”

“Pyro Sphere!” Guilmon cried as he launched the fireball attack at his target. Witchmon easily avoided the attack by darting to the side, using her broom like a skateboard.

“Tsk tsk.” She chided as she waved her finger at Guilmon. “My little friend, you have such lousy aim. I expected much more from a Digimon that’s been tamed.” Guilmon snarled as Terriermon flew over his head and charged at her.

“How ’bout you try me on for size! Terrier Tornado!” He spun around, forming into a miniature twister, and closed in on Witchmon. The spell caster scoffed and stuck out her arm, clothes-lining Terriermon and catching him in a headlock. “Ack! Okay maybe that wasn’t such a good idea!”

“Now, now little one there’s no need for woes. All great warriors have their highs,” She grabbed Terriermon by the ear and tossed him in front of her. “and lows!” She then threw a vicious punch, sending him flying right into Guilmon. Both Digimon landed in a heap as Takato and Henry ran towards them.

“Terriermon!” Henry cried as he helped the rabbit Digimon to his feet. “Are you okay?”

“Ooh, did anyone catch the number of that truck?” Henry smiled a bit as his partner stumbled around.

“How ‘bout you boy?” Takato asked as he tended to Guilmon. “Any damage?”

The red dinosaur whined as he rubbed his head. “My head hurts.”

Takato tried to soothe his partner, when Witchmon’s cackling pulled everyone’s attention to her.

“Keee-hee-hee-hee! Be they human or Digimon boys are all the same. Fighting only with brawn and leaving no room for brains.”

“You talk too much.” A new voice said simply.

“Huh?” Witchmon asked as she turned around, only to have a furry foot slam into her face, knocking her to the ground.

Renamon did several aerial flourishes before making a perfect landing next to the other two Digimon, leaving them all speechless.

Takato was the first to snap back to reality. “Wow, nice entrance.”

Before Renamon could respond a loud ’humph’ was heard behind them. Everyone turned and spotted Rika walking up to them.

“Honestly can’t you guys do anything without me?” She was clad in a thick coat and matching pants, the latter doing an excellent job hiding the fact she was still wearing her diaper.

“We managed to get our butts kicked pretty good.” Terriermon quipped. Rika fought back a laugh and kept her attention on Witchmon, who was starting to recover.

“Renamon, no mercy!”

“Naturally.” With that Renamon charged at her opponent but Witchmon quickly grabbed her broom and took off into the air again.

“Kee-hee-hee!” She laughed as she resituated herself. “That surprise attack came as quite a shock,” She began tracing a figure in the air with her fingers. “But as you’ll soon see I’m not a safe foe to mock! Aquari Pressure!” She thrust her hands at Renamon, unleashing a high pressure wave of water at the yellow fox.

Said fox simply smirked and put her hands together to form a ninja sign.

“Kohenkyo!” On command several leaves appeared and began spinning around her just before the water attack struck her. The force of the attack left a small crater in the ground and lying in the center of that crater was…Witchmon, who had just suffered a direct hit from her own attack.

“H-How did she-” She was cut short when someone above her whistled. Witchmon looked up and saw Renamon standing on her broom looking down on her.

“Would you like to know my favorite magic trick?” Renamon asked before jumping from the broom and crossing her arms in front of her. “Making someone disappear, Diamond Storm!” She uncrossed her arms and released a barrage of glowing white crystals.

“AHHH-” Witchmon’s scream was silenced as attack collided with her in a spectacular explosion.

Renamon touched down beside Rika and lightly brushed her shoulder as the boys stared.

“Big deal.” Terriermon said, huffing and crossing his arms. “I could’ve done that.”

Henry chuckled at this. “Then why didn’t you?” He asked giving Terriermon a playful knock on the head.

“I was gonna, but then she jumped in and-” Rika cleared her throat, quickly ending the short squabble.

“Well, now that we’ve saved your butts, again, Renamon and I are gonna head home. See you guys later.”

“Wait, Rika.” Takato called to her. “We were gonna go get some burgers, you wanna come with us?”

“Thanks.” Rika replied with a polite smile. “But Renamon and I already have plans. We’ll catch you next time.” With that she and Renamon started for home.

“Hey,” Henry began once Rika was out of sight. “Is it just me or did Rika seem, nice today?”

Takato just shrugged. “Everyone has their good days I guess.”

“Takato.” Guilmon whined as he pulled on Takato’s shirt. “I’m hungry.”

Little did the tamers know that they were being watched that very moment from atop a nearby building. Witchmon growled to herself as she nursed her sore arm, having barely escaped Renamon's Diamond Storm attack.

“Wretched brats and traitorous swine, you’d best celebrate now because vengeance will be mine.” From her high vantage point she could just barley spot Rika and Renamon walking home. “If not for those two the tables would not have turned.” A wicked grin crawled onto her face as she watched them. “To not cross this little witch is a lesson they will soon learn.”

Part 3

“Whew! Talk about timing, huh?” Rika said as she unzipped her jacket. Glancing outside Renamon couldn’t help but agree.

A short while after they pair left Takato and Henry the sky had suddenly turned pitch black and mere seconds after the two of them set foot in the house it started pouring down rain.

“I suppose we were pretty lucky.” Renamon mused while she helped Rika get undressed. “And you were right about us making it back with time to spare, your mother and grandmother aren’t due back for another two hours.”

Rika giggled as she kicked of her shoes and unbuttoned her pants. “Told ya so. Ah,” she sighed as she pulled them down revealing her diaper. “That’s better. It’s hard enough to walk in one of these without pants.”

“That may be so,” Renamon began, zipping open Rika’s diaper bag. “but I think you should put on some more clothes anyway.”


“Well, considering the weather I just thought you should cover up some more.”

Rika’s face fell a bit as Renamon pulled a set of yellow pajamas out of the bag. “Do I have to?” She asked with a whine. “I really like this shirt.”

“You don’t what to catch a cold do you?”

“I guess not. But this really stinks, it’s not even cold enough for snow.” Renamon snorted at this which irked Rika a little. “What’s so funny?”

“I’m sorry.” Renamon replied as she chuckled. “It’s just, I’ve never seen you pout before.”

Rika growled a bit under her breath. “I am not pouting!” Renamon covered her mouth but couldn’t help but burst into a fit of laughter at Rika’s outburst.

Rika fumed for a second but quickly chuckled to herself when she realized how childish she sounded. Then again wasn’t that the whole point of her Baby Days?

Okay, Renamon. You want pouting, I’ll show you pouting.

Once Renamon had calmed down she walked over to Rika and held put the pajamas.

“Alright, now Rika let’s get you changed.”

Rika immediately crossed her arms in front of her chest. “No!”

Renamon raised and eyebrow. “What?”

“I don’t wanna!”

Renamon sighed as Rika plopped herself down on the floor. “Rika, I really think you should put on something warmer.”

“Well, too bad.” Rika said sharply as she spun herself around. “I don’t wanna wear it so, Nyah!” She stuck her tongue out at Renamon before turning her head toward the wall, all the while doing her best not to giggle.

It took Renamon a bit to figure out what Rika was doing and when she did it took quite a bit of effort to not start laughing again. Still this was a serious subject, Renamon only wanted to keep Rika from getting sick from the cold. At the same time she didn’t want to just tell Rika to stop playing around and risk ruining her fun.

And that’s when it hit her. A tiny smirk appeared on Renamon’s face as she came up with a way to play along with Rika and get her dressed at the same time. Renamon took a deep breath and…“Rika Nonaka!”

Rika gasped as Renamon called out her name in a very stern voice. Looking back over her shoulder she spotted her partner standing right behind her with her hands on her hips and an irritated look on her face. She quickly jumped back to her feet as Renamon continued.

“You will get dressed right now or, so help me, I will take you over my knee!”

Rika’s eyes shot wide open at Renamon’s ultimatum. Whimpering slightly Rika took a tiny step away from her partner.

Oh, no! Renamon thought, her face softening instantly, fearing her plan had gone too far. “Was that, too much?” She asked, dropping her eyes to the floor.

Rika breathed a sigh of relief at this. “Just a little bit.”


“Don’t be.” Rika said as she waved off Renamon’s apology. “To be fair I was kind of taking the ’brat’ thing a little too far. So let’s just call it even.”

“Alright.” Renamon agreed. “But I still want you to put something else on.”

“Okay, okay.” Rika conceded though she clearly still didn‘t like the idea. Renamon sighed and decided to compromise.

“At least put on the bottoms so your legs are covered.”

Rika smiled and nodded. “Okay, that’s fair.”

Renamon smiled back and held out the pajama bottoms for Rika. Holding onto Renamon’s shoulders for balance Rika stepped into to cotton sleep wear and Renamon pulled them up to her waist.

“Rika?” Renamon asked as she fastened the buttons on the waist band.

“Yeah, Renamon?”

“Was I really that scary?”

Rika chuckled at the question. “Well, you were little scary but I was mostly exaggerating. I mean, I knew you wouldn’t actually spank me.”

Renamon couldn’t help but detect a hint of challenge in Rika’s voice. “Oh, is that so?”

“Yeah. I knew you were just-Hey!” Rika exclaimed when Renamon suddenly grabbed her arm and started pulling her to the other side of her room. “Renamon, what are you doing!”

“Well, apparently…” Renamon began with a smile as she pulled out Rika’s computer chair and sat down in it. “I’m doing something I’d never actually do.” With that she gave Rika’s arm a quick tug, pulling the young girl face-down over her lap. She then locked her left arm around Rika’s waist, pinning her in place, and let her right paw come to rest right on Rika’s rear.

“Wait, Renamon!” Rika cried, not sure if her partner was serious or not. “You’re not really gonna…”

Renamon let out a quiet chuckle as she raised her paw above her head. “I guess you’re about to find out.”

Rika whimpered at this and started squirming on Renamon’s lap. “No! Renamon, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”


“Huh?” Rika stopped short when Renamon’s paw tapped her butt. Between the pajama bottoms and her diaper she could only just feel it.


Rika started giggling at the second pat, greatly relived that Renamon was just playing a trick on her.

Well I guess I kind of asked for this. She thought happily to herself as Renamon continued her ’spanking.’

“This is what happens *Pat* to naughty little kits *Pat* who think they can pout *Pat* to get whatever they want. *Pat*” Renamon scolded playfully, adding a gentle spank every few words. She tired to sound as parental as she could but it took everything she had to not crack up laughing.

Rika meanwhile was trying to keep her giggling fit under control, or at the very least try to make it sound like she was crying instead. Once she managed that she decided to join in. “Owie! Owie! It hurts! I’m sorry Renama-ma-Ow! I’m so sorry! I’ll be-Ow! I’ll be a good girl-Ow! I promise!”

After about a dozen more pats Renamon stopped the false punishment and smiled as Rika pretended to cry over her lap. After a moment Renamon decided it was time for the final act and pulled Rika up into a sitting position and put her arm around her.

“I’m sorry I had to do that Rika.” Renamon began in a quiet voice. “But you should know better than to act like that. I love you and I only wanted to keep you from getting sick.”

Rika sniffled and leaned her head against her partner’s chest. “I’m sorry Renama-ma. I love you too.”

Renamon smiled warmly and wrapped her arms around Rika. “I forgive you, Rika.”

Rika let out a short giggle in Renamon’s ear. “Okay, that time you did scare me.” She whispered. “But it was worth it, that was fun.”

“I’m glad.” Renamon whispered back as she rubbed her nose against Rika’s.

The two of them held each other for a few minutes, both of them greatly enjoying the tender moment.


Rika blushed as she pulled away from Renamon and placed her hand over her rumbling stomach. “I guess that means it’s time for lunch.”

Renamon chuckled but was quickly silenced by her own growling belly. After a second both of them started laughing again.

“I guess we agree then.” Renamon said as she helped Rika of her lap. “I’ll go and fix us something to eat, why don’t you pick out a movie for us to watch afterwards?”

“That sounds great.” Rika replied cheerfully. “I’ve got a bunch of old videos that I haven’t seen since I was little.”

“It’s decided then.” Renamon said before teleporting into the kitchen. Once she left Rika ran over to her closet and started looking through her hidden collection.

And so after a simple lunch consisting of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and ice cold lemonade, which Rika drank out of a sippy cup, the two of them settled down on the sofa to enjoy one of Rika’s favorite childhood movies.

Unfortunately, they were only able to watch half of it. Shortly after Dorothy met the Scarecrow and the Tin-man a deafening thunderclap shook the house and knocked out the power, leaving them in the dark.

“Aw, man.” Rika whined once she realized what happened. “It was almost at my favorite part too.”

Renamon placed her paw on Rika’s shoulder to try and console her. “I’m sorry Rika.”

“It’s alright.” Rika said solomnly. “But what are we going to do now? It‘s so dark I can‘t even have fun with my toys.”

“Well,” Renamon began, trying to think of an activity. “If you’d like I could tell you a story.”

“A story?” Rika asked curiously. “What kind of story?”

Renamon shrugged. “I don’t know. I was just going to make one up for you.”

“That sounds really nice. Thanks Renamon.”

“My pleasure.” Renamon said as Rika crawled into her lap. “Now let’s see. Once upon a time…”

Rika listened intently as Renamon told her story. It was about a young dragon named Lena who was very strong but also very lonely. She had grown up all alone and wanted a friend more than anything but all the monsters who lived in the forest with her only wanted to fight.

Then one day Lena met a princess who was able to use magic to make creatures like Lena stronger. The princess wanted Lena to be her familiar and to fight other monsters that attacked her kingdom. Lena agreed and even though the princess was very cold to her Lena felt as though she had finally made a friend.

Some time later a powerful troll attacked the princess’ kingdom and no matter how had Lena tried or how much magic the princess used they couldn’t defeat it. As Lena lay injured the troll turned it’s attention to the princess and tried to crush her. Before he could however Lena leapt in front of the princess and took the hit for her. The princess realized that Lena was much more than a weapon, she was her friend. Suddenly the princess’ magic made Lena ten times stronger than she was before, allowing her to defeat the troll on a single blow.

“From that day on Lena and the princess were inserperable. Together they went on many adventures and met many quirky, yet loyal friends. And they-” Renamon stopped short when she realized Rika had fallen asleep in her lap. Rather than disturb her Renamon decided to let Rika rest for a little while and wake her up before the mother returned home.

With a quiet chuckle Renamon gently scooped Rika up in her arms and tiptoed into her room. Being very careful not to wake her Renamon set Rika down on her futon and tucked her in.

“And they lived happily ever after.” Renamon finished her story and gently kissed Rika on the forehead. “Sweet dreams my little princess.”


No sooner had the words left her lips than Rika’s cell phone started ringing. Renamon quickly snatched up the phone and teleported into the living room before the second ring.


“Hi Renamon it’s Rumiko.” Rika’s mother said brightly. “Are you and Rika okay?”

“Yes, we’re both fine.” Renamon replied. “Rika decided to take a nap after the power went out.”

“Well, that’s good. Listen, Mom and I are waiting out the storm at a friend’s house. We’re alright but we probably won’t be home until tonight.”

“That‘s too bad.”

“Oh, don’t worry I’m sure you and Rika can find some way to occupy yourselves until then. Just make sure to fix something for dinner okay.”

“Alright.” Renamon smiled, this was perfect, this gave them a few extra hours for Rika’s Baby Day. “I’ll be sure to tell Rika when she wakes up.”

“Thank you Renamon. *beep* Oops, I’ve got another call. Bye, Renamon.”

“Goodbye.” Renamon said before hanging up and closing the phone.


Renamon gasped at the sudden noise and quickly got into a fighting stance. She strained her eyes and ears trying to catch any sign of a threat. After a few seconds of silence Renamon relaxed her guard and sighed.

“Something must’ve fallen off a shelf.” She reasoned. “Or maybe it was the wind, or-


Renamon’s eyes widened as the faint cackle echoed throughout the house. “It can’t be!” Dropping the phone Renamon warped back into Rika’s room and was horrified by what she saw.

The door to the garden was wide open, the floor was soaked and there were a few muddy footprints next to Rika’s futon, with Rika herself nowhere to be seen.

“No.” Renamon muttered quietly and she ran out into the rain and looked up into the sky. “RIKA!”

Part 4

Susie Wong sighed as she watched the rain patter against the window.
"Stupid rain. It’s not fair." She said to herself. "First Daddy takes Lopmon to work with him, then Henwy and Tewwiermon go out without me and now I can’t even play outside." Susie let out a low whine at her bad luck.
"Susie." Her mother called from the kitchen. "It’s time for lunch."
"Okay Mommy I‘m com-Ahh!" Susie screamed when a yellow blur went by her window. "Hey, that’s not fair!" She exclaimed when she realized what it was. "How come Renamon gets to play out in the rain?!"
Of course playing was the last thing on Renamon’s mind as she leapt from building to building. After several impressive leaps Renamon finally came to a stop on the roof of an apartment building. While she caught her breath she stained her eyes, ears, and nose trying to sense any trance of her quarry. Unfortunately the rainstorm made it difficult for her to detect anything.
Undeterred, Renamon let out a low growl and continued onwards.
"Hold on Rika, I’m coming." Renamon declared under her breath. "And if Witchmon hurts so much as one hair on your head, I’ll chase her to the ends of both worlds!"
"Mmm…" Rika moaned softly as she awoke from her nap and sat up. She took a quick look around and saw that the room was pitch black.
I guess the power’s still out. She reasoned as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Oh, well. Maybe Renamon will-Huh? Rika’s thoughts were cut off when she noticed the soft material covering her hands, she was wearing a pair of mittens.
She immediately tried to take them off but found that her fingers were pressed together inside of them, rendering her hands useless. This made her a little nervous so she decided to call Renamon.
"Mmmph-" Rika’s eyes widened at the muffled sound she made when she realized that there was a large pacifier in her mouth. She tried to spit it out but it wouldn’t budge. "Mmm! Mmph!" Rika tried to scream as she lifted her hands to her mouth and she tried to pry it out but with her hands bound as they were this was futile.
What’s is this!? She thought desperately as she struggled to remove the gag. Where did these things come from!? And why won’t they come off!?
Almost as if reading her mind the room suddenly lit up bright as day, allowing Rika to see what she was wearing. The mittens were bright pink and tied around her wrists with pink ribbons. She was also wearing an oversized, pink onsie covered in smiley faces and a pair of matching booties on her feet. Rika then noticed the huge bulge around her midsection and realized she was wearing a diaper that was easily five times thicker than the one she was wearing before.
Tearing her eyes away from her clothing Rika saw she was sitting in the middle of an oversized nursery room, in an equally oversized crib with a barred top. Doing her best not to panic Rika got up on her knees and tried to force the top off.
What’s going on?! Rika asked herself as she pushed. How did I get here?! Where‘s Rena-?
"Oh, goody!" Rika’s thoughts were interrupted when a high-pitched voice filled the room. "Sounds like my little sweetie’s awake." With that a door suddenly materialized on the wall in front of Rika and creaked open. To Rika’s shock Witchmon stepped into the room and grinned at her. "Kee-hee-hee. Did you have a nice nappie, baby?"
Rika whimpered as Witchmon approached the crib and looked down at her through the bars.
"Aww, what’s wrong baby?" Witchmon asked with mock worry. "Don’t you like your new room?" She grinned at Rika again. "Or are you just surprised to see me again?"
With a wave of Witchmon’s hand the bars atop the crib vanished into thin air. Rika tried to back away but Witchmon quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her to her feet, her chin barely clearing the side of the crib.
"Silly baby!" Witchmon said as she pinched Rika’s cheek. "You should know that any magician worth her salt is a good escape artist." Her gaze hardened as she tightened her grip on Rika’s cheek causing her to moan in pain. "You know at first I was planning to just destroy you and your little pet right away. But when I saw how cute you were," She pulled on Rika’s cheek some more as the girl tried to wriggle away. "I decided to have a little bit of fun with you first."
"Mmph! Mmuff!" Rika moaned loudly as she struggled against Witchmon’s grip.
"What’s was that baby?" Witchmon asked, releasing Rika’s cheek. "You know no one can understand you with your paci in your mouth." With a chuckle she reached up and easily plucked to pacifier from Rika’s mouth. This came as a shock to Rika as she took a second to catch her breath. "Well, go on baby, what do you have to say?"
Finally recovering from her shock Rika glared at Witchmon. "I don’t know who you think you’re dealing with," She began with a growl. "but I’m not some damsel in distress and as soon as Renamon gets here we’re gonna kick your-Mmmph!" Rika was cut off when Witchmon shoved to pacifier back into her mouth. Rika tried to remove it but once again it was stuck tight.
"My, my." Witchmon chided as Rika screamed through the gag. "Such a cranky baby. Well, I know just what a cranky baby needs."
With that Witchmon reached down and lifted Rika, kicking and screaming, out of the crib. Gripping the girl tightly under her arm Witchmon carried the struggling teen across the room and plopped her down into a large highchair. She quickly locked the tray table into place over Rika’s arms, pinning them at her sides and pulled a thick strap across her legs rendering her completely immobile.
"There we go." Witchmon said happily while Rika struggled against her restraints. She then took off her hat, reached inside and pulled out a large bowl filled with a greenish-yellow mush and a spoon. "That’s right." She began, placing the items on the tray in front of Rika. "A nice yummy meal is just what a cranky baby needs."
Rika snarled through the pacifier as Witchmon scooped up some of the mush with the spoon and held it up to her mouth.
Witchmon just chuckled at this. "Let’s just get this out of the way," She said before roughly pulling the pacifier from Rika’s mouth. "and here comes baby’s nom-noms." As soon as the gag was removed Rika clamped her lips shut and turned her head away from the spoon. "Come on now baby, open up." Rika’s responded with a dirty look and a muffled curse.
"Now now baby don’t be difficult." Witchmon sighed and lifted her free hand and waved her finger at the tamer. Rika’s eyes went wide as her head slowly turned back toward Witchmon. Despite her best efforts Rika found herself eye-to-eye with her captor, unable to move her head. "I said ’open up." The Digital witch flexed her finger again and to Rika’s horror she felt her lips being slowly pried open by some invisible force. "Good girl."

As soon as it was open wide enough Witchmon shoved the spoonful of mush into Rika’s mouth and, with another twitch of her finger, forced it to shut again. Rika’s eyes teared up as soon as Witchmon slipped the spoon back out of her mouth, without any doubt in her mind this was the most disgusting thing she had ever tasted. As if that wasn’t bad enough Rika felt her tongue start to burn only a few seconds later.

The young tamer tried as hard as she could to force her mouth open even the tiniest bit but Witchmon’s control was far too strong for her. Having no other choice Rika swallowed the food as fast as possible while at the same time fighting back the urge to cry.
"There, now that wasn’t so bad was it?" Witchmon said with a smile as Rika panted heavily through her nose. "Now let’s try a big bite this time."
Rika whimpered as her captor scooped up a much larger spoonful of the mush.
Renamon, please, Rika pleaded silently as her lips were slowly forced open again. Help me!

Renamon gasped, nearly losing her footing on the ledge she landed on. She quickly regained her balance and looked around.

"What was that?" She asked herself as she searched. She could’ve sworn that she heard Rika’s voice calling for her. The digital vixen shivered as she recalled how desperate and frightened she sounded. "Be strong Rika I-" She stopped short when the sensation returned, much stronger than before.
Composing herself, Renamon looked out at the city and focused on an area east of where she was. Somehow Renamon knew that Rika was that way, she couldn’t explain how but she just knew. Wasting no time Renamon leapt forward and headed towards that spot at top speed.

I don’t think I can take much more of this. Rika thought miserably as she forced down her tenth spoonful of Witchmon’s slop. Her small bodly was shaking uncontrollably and her cheeks were stained with tears but she absolutely refused to break down and cry.
"Let’s make a deal baby." Witchmon said as she set the spoon down inside the bowl. Rika lifted her head as her kidnapper continued. "This is getting a little boring so if you eat two more big bites on your own I’ll let you down and we can play another game." Witchmon then picked the spoon back up and scooped up as much of the mush as she could. "Or I can keep giving you little bites till it’s all gone. How ’bout it baby?"

Rika mentally weighed her options, trying to figure which was the lesser evil. After a few seconds Rika realized she had no choice and, lowering her head in defeat, opened her mouth to be fed. Witchmon obliged and pushed the huge spoonful into her captive’s mouth with a cackle. "Kee-hee. That’s a good baby. Now just one more and-"
"AHH!" Witchmon screamed as Rika spat the mouthful directly into her face. She quickly wiped her face and glared at Rika who glared right back at her. "Why you little-"
"Give it your best shot!" Rika shouted. "I told you before, I’m not gonna break, I’m not gonna let you do anything to me without a fight and I am, most certainly, not you’re baby!"
Witchmon growled at the girl but quickly shifted into and amused smile. "Well if that’s how you’re going to be," Her arm snapped forward and seized a handful of Rika’s hair. "I’ll just have to see what it’ll take to break you." With that Witchmon shoved the pacifier back into Rika’s mouth and snapped her fingers causing the tray and strap holding Rika in place to vanish. She then pulled Rika off the chair and dragged the squirming teen back to the crib by her hair. Once there she bent Rika face down on the padding and pinned both of her arms behind her back.
"Let’s see, first we need to undo these…" Witchmon began playfully as she undid the onsie's snaps between Rika’s legs and moved the flaps out of the way. "Then we pull this down…" Rika squealed as Witchmon slipped her finger into the huge diaper’s waistband and pulled it down, exposing Rika’s bare bottom.
Witchmon giggled as Rika kicked and wiggled beneather her grip. "And finally…" Her hat suddenly levitated off of her head and she reached inside of it with her free hand. "we bring out my little friend." With that she pulled out an incredibly thick wooden paddle and held it up so Rika could see it. As her victim whimpered in fear Witchmon grinned sadistically. "By the time I’m done with you," she began as she rubbed the paddle against Rika’s defenseless rear. "You little bottom will be redder then that ugly hair of yours. Kee-hee-hee-hee"
Rika shivered as the cold wood lightly touched her butt. She buried her face in the mattress, bracing herself for what was to come.
"And a-one…" Witchmon said tapping Rika’s rear with the paddle. "And a-two…" She tapped it a little harder this time elicitling a tiny, muffled yelp from Rika. "And a-thr-…huh?" Witchmon stopped short when her wrist was suddenly seized in a vice-like grip.

Uh-oh. The sorceress thought as several beads of sweat formed on her head. Shaking like a leaf Witchmon slowly turned her head and found herself staring into a pair of ice-cold blue eyes.

"Take your hands off my kit."

Part 5

Renamon stared coldly into Witchmon’s eyes for several seconds, noting the terrified look on her face. Though fairly intimidating on her own, the sight of her rain-drenched fur added to the effect significantly. After a moment she glanced down at Rika. Her young tamer had lifted her head slightly allowing Renamon to see the relief in her partners face. Giving Rika a reassuring nod, Renamon returned her focus back to Witchmon.

“Take…your hands…off of…my kit.” Renamon repeated slowly, tightening her grip on Witchmon’s wrist.

With a nervous chuckle, Witchmon released Rika’s arms. The young tamer quickly stood up, giving Renamon a clear look at her. Seeing the clothes Rika was wearing, and how moist her cheeks were, Renamon could only imagine what her partner had been through. Her gaze then shifted between Witchmon, the paddle in her hand, and back again to the sorcerous digimon, who could only manage a noticeable flinch.

“Drop it.” Renamon said in a dangerous tone. Witchmon let out a tiny whimper and let go of the paddle. “Rrrahh!” Renamon snarled as she snatched the paddle before it could reach the ground and smashed it across Witchmon’s face, snapping the wood in half and sending the troublesome digimon tumbling halfway across the room.

Dropping the broken paddle, Renamon knelt down and placed her hands on Rika’s shoulders.

“Are you alright?” She asked in a worried tone.

“Mm…Mm-hmm.” Rika answered around the pacifier as she nodded. She then pointed at the over-sized diaper that was around her knees. Renamon nodded in understanding and tore it off of her, tossing it aside.

“Don’t worry Rika,” Renamon began as she looked over her shoulder her and saw that Witchmon was recovering. “This won’t take long.” With that, she stood back up and started walking toward Witchmon.

“Ow…” Witchmon moaned as she pulled herself to her feet and rubbed her cheek where Renamon had hit her. “That really hurt.”

“So will this.” Witchmon turned around just in time for Renamon’s fist to slam into her face, knocking her back down. Whimpering in fear, she grabbed onto the high chair and used it to lift herself up.

“N-Now hold on a minute.” Witchmon began shakily, holding her hands up and backing away from Renamon. “There’s really no need for this. After all, I didn’t hurt her... I-I was only playing Momma with her. You know just like you-”

“Rrrahh !” Renamon snarled as she lunged forward and grabbed Witchmon by her robe. “Don’t-you-dare!” She yelled, lifting Witchmon into the air. “You stole Rika from her home and then you took something she turned to for comfort and used it to hurt her!” She spun around and threw Witchmon into the wall, only to continue her assault by delivering a flying kick that knocked her right through it, leaving a sizable hole. “That is unforgivable.”

Renamon stepped through the hole and out of the nursery Witchmon had constructed. On the other side was a large warehouse filled with rows of stacked crates and boxes, but Witchmon was no where in sight. Renamon carefully walked through the stacks, her eyes already adjusted to and searching the dark room for any sign of her enemy. After a short scan of the room, Renamon lept atop a nearby pile for a better view.

“You can’t get away from me.” Renamon said darkly as she looked around.

“Who’s trying?” Renamon spun around at Witchmon’s voice, only to feel a leather boot strike her and send her crashing into the crates below. “Kee-hee-hee!” Witchmon cackled as the warehouse’s lights suddenly flared up, revealing that she was hovering above Renamon on her broom. “Did you really think a great magician like me would run from a lowly house pet? Poison Storm!” She leans forward and breathes a thick, choking violet smoke from her mouth.

Renamon saw the attack coming and jumped away just as it hit the spot she was lying in and melted the debris like acid. She had no time to counter, however as Witchmon was already swooping down at her, forcing her to leap away.

“Ha! Who’s running now!?” Witchmon asked spitefully as she used her magic to lift a crate off a nearby stack and throw it at Renamon. Thanks to her keen eyesight, however, Renamon saw it coming and kicked it back towards the cackling hag. This surprised Witchmon, but not enough to stop her from knocking the crate away with her broom. Witchmon looked down at Renamon, who in turn looked back up at her.

“You do realize,” Renamon began menacingly. “that the minute I get my hands on you, you‘re finished.”

Witchmon chuckled at this. “Maybe. But what kind of magician would I be if I needed my fists to finish you off. Kee-hee-hee.” She then held her hand out toward Renamon. “Time to run again, Aquari Pressure!” A powerful jet of water erupted from Witchmon's hands. Renamon jumped away right before it hit her but Witchmon continued the attack, forcing Renamon to run and leap around the room to avoid the bone-shattering torrent of water.

While Renamon evaded her attack Witchmon lifted her free hand and levitated another crate up into the air. Just then Renamon jumped high into the air to avoid another close call from Witchmon's attack.

“Got you.” Witchmon said with as grin as she hurled the crate. Renamon saw it coming at the last instant, but couldn’t avoid it in mid-air. The crate smashed into her, slamming her hard against the wall. As her head spun, Witchmon slowly lowered her broom so she was floating just out of Renamon's reach.

“Kee-hee-hee. Serves you right.” Witchmon taunted. “Now the only question is what to do with you?” Renamon growled at her but she ignored it. “Should I just destroy you outright? Or should I turn you into a stuffed animal so my baby has something to play-oof!”

Witchmon was cut off abruptly when a bottle of baby powder bounced off her head. She looked to the direction it came from and saw none other than Rika standing a few feet away, staring daggers at her.

“Why you insolent little-Dah!” Witchmon was cut off again, this time by Renamon’s foot slamming into her face and knocking her off her broom. Witchmon landed hard on the floor and looked up just in time to see Renamon grab her broom and snap it in half over her knee. She whimpered as Renamon glared at her and cracked her knuckles.

“I told you before,” Renamon began as she narrowed her gaze. “you talk too much. Power Paw!” Renamon’s hands and feet were suddenly engulfed in bright blue flames as she charged at Witchmon.

“Ah-Ahh! Aquari Pressure!” Witchmon tried to unleash another water attack but Renamon’s fist struck her hand before it could form, breaking her arm in the process.

Before Witchmon could even cry out in pain Renamon delivered another powerful blow to her midsection, lifting her into the air and finally a spinning kick to her head, sending her flying. Renamon extinguished her paws and lept into the air, crossing her arms. Witchmon got up to her hands and knees and looked up in horror as Renamon prepared to finish her.

“Try coming back this time! Diamond Storm!” Renamon unleashed her signature attack at Witchmon, who could do nothing but scream as her body dissolved into data. Renamon lightly touched down on the floor and sighed. “Good riddance.-Huh?” She gasped a little when a bright flash of light came from behind her.

Renamon turned around just as the light faded and saw Rika standing behind her. The onesie, mittens and booties she was wearing were gone, as was the pacifier, and she was wearing the same outfit she was wearing when Witchmon abducted her.

Once she recovered from the sudden change, Rika ran over to her saviour. “Are you okay Renamon?”

Renamon smiled and nodded. “Yes, I’m fine. What about you?”

“I’m alright I guess.” Rika answered as she looked at the scorched spot where Witchmon was a second ago. “Is she…really gone this time?”

Renamon placed her hand onto Rika’s shoulder and nodded. “Yes, it’s all over now.”

“Good.” Rika said simply as she leaned her head against Renamon’s belly. “Then, can we go home now?” Renamon smiled and wrapped her arms around her.

“Of course.”


A few hours later the door to the Nonaka residence opened and Rumiko and Seiko stepped inside, carrying several bags.

“Well aside from the rain that was a pretty nice day for shopping.” Rumiko said to her mother in her usual bright tone.

Seiko nodded and smiled at her. “Yes it was. But then again there could be a blizzard outside and you'd still think it was a good day for shopping.”

“True,” Rumiko replied with a giggle. “Now if only I could convince Rika of that.”

“Speaking of Rika, I think I‘ll go let her and Renamon know we‘re home,” Seiko said as she walked toward Rika’s room.

“Hold on!” Rumiko cried as she dropped her bags onto the couch. She searched through them and pulled out a small painting she’d bought for Renamon’s room. With it in hand she jogged after her mother humming happily. “Renamon, I want you to see-Mphmm.” Rumiko was silenced when her mother gently placed her hand over her mouth.

“Shh,” Seiko whispered with a bright smile on her face. “Take a look at this.” She said quietly, moving to the side so Rumiko could peer inside the half open door to Rika‘s room.

“Oh, my goodness, that’s adorable!” Rumiko exclaimed quietly as she looked inside the room.

Inside Rika and Renamon were fast asleep on Rika’s futon. Rika was curled up in Renamon’s arms contently sucking on a pacifier while Renamon had a small but very sweet smile on her face. The blanket covering them had slipped down a little, exposing Rika’s diaper for all the world to see.

Without a word, Rumiko tip-toed into the room and knelt down next to the bed. Very carefully she pulled the blanket back up over them and gave Rika a gentle good night kiss before slipping back into the hall with her mother.

“You know,” Rumiko began, quietly shutting the door. “Sometimes I can’t help but feel a little jealous of Renamon. Isn’t that silly?”

Seiko smiled at her daughter. “Of course not.” She answered as she and Rumiko started toward their own rooms. “In fact, I think that Renamon feels the same way sometimes.” Rumiko nodded at her mother’s wisdom and headed off to bed.

Back in Rika‘s room, Rika had snuggled up closer to Renamon in her sleep and smiled, feeling warm and safe in Renama-ma’s arms.

The End


Alternate Ending (After the battle with Witchmon)

A short while later Renamon, carrying Rika in her arms, touched down outside of Rika’s bedroom and quickly dashed inside. The storm had died down considerably since they left the warehouse but it was still coming down fairly hard. Renamon kept Rika covered as best she could on the way back but the young tamer still ended up pretty wet.

Once inside Renamon set Rika down and started walking toward the bathroom.

“I’ll be right back some towels.” Renamon said, looking back at Rika over her shoulder. Rika nodded gratefully as she shivered but noticed something strange about Renamon. Her partner seemed very tired, she was breathing heavily and was having trouble walking straight.

“Hey, Renamon are you sure you’re okay?” Rika asked. Renamon stopped and turned back to her tamer.

“Yes, Rika I’m fi-…Oh,” Renamon’s answer was lost as her vision suddenly started to blur. Her muscles suddenly felt very weak forcing her to drop down onto the floor.

“Renamon!” Rika cried out as she ran over to her partner. Rika placed her hand against Renamon’s forehead and didn’t like what she felt. “Renamon you’re burning up! Come on you need to lie down!” She put her arms around Renamon and tried to carry her to her bed.

“I-I’m alright.” Renamon groaned as Rika pulled on her. “Really. I-I….” Renamon’s voice trailed off as she blacked out. She could still hear Rika calling out her name.

“Renamon! Renamon, wake up!” She could tell Rika was crying but there was nothing she could do. “Please wake up! Renamon!”


“Renamon?” Another voice called this one much older and calmer than Rika‘s. Slowly Renamon opened her eyes and looked up. As her vision cleared she found herself lying in her bed with Rika’s grandmother, Seiko looking down at her with a gentle smile

RE: Renama-ma (Diapers/babyplay) - blankmind12 - 11-12-2009

“Well hello. You gave us quite a scare, dear.”

“Oh, what happened?” Renamon asked weakly as she tried to rise. Seiko, placed a hand on her shoulder and stopped her.

“It’s okay.” Seiko said, gently pushing Renamon back down onto her pillow. “You’ve got a pretty nasty cold, probably from all that jumping around in the rain.” She chuckled a bit as she spoke. “You’ll be alright but you’re going to need to stay in bed for a few days.”

Renamon sighed but nodded. “How’s Rika?”

“She’s alright. She was pretty upset when we got home but she’s much better now.” She chuckled sweetly before finishing. “She needed a change pretty badly though. The poor dear was soaked. In more ways than one.”

“Good.” Renamon smiled at this. “I’m glad that-wait.” Renamon cut herself off when she realized what she’d said. “Do you mean that you know-”

“About how Rika like to wear diapers? Yes.” Seiko saw the surprise on Renamon‘s face and continued to explain. “Rumiko and I actually found out a long time ago. We came home early from a shopping trip and found her asleep on the couch. We didn’t want to surprise her so we snuck back out and called before coming back. We wanted to confront her about it but she seemed so happy afterwards we couldn’t bring ourselves to ask. In the end we decided that if Rika ever wanted us to know she’d tell us when she was ready.”

“I see.” Renamon said simply. “So Rika was worried for nothing.”

Seiko shrugged. “I guess she was.” She suddenly got a worried look on her face. “Now Renamon, I need to check something and I need you to promise to stay clam.” Renamon raised an eyebrow but nodded. Seiko nodded back and lifted up Renamon’s blanket. Renamon looked down and her eyes went wide when she saw one of Rika’s diapers taped around her waist.

“Wh-What?” Renamon asked in shock, lifting her head up. “Why am I-”

“Renamon you promised to stay calm.” Seiko said in a stern yet gentle voice. Renamon exhaled heavily and laid back down. “I’m really sorry Renamon. You were out cold and we were worried you couldn’t,” She paused, trying to put it as gently as possible. “control yourself.”

Renamon sighed but nodded in understanding. “It’s alright. I was just a little surprised.” She lifted her head again and looked at the diaper. “Am I…” She trailed off, blushing a bit beneath her fur.

“No you’re dry.” Seiko replied with a comforting smile. “If you want I could take it off now that you're awake.”

Renamon thought about it for a few seconds before answering. “N-No. You can leave it on.” She lifted her paw and felt the soft material. “It’s actually quite comfortable.” A small smile crawled onto her face.

Seiko smiled back and covered her back up. “Good. So long as you’re not upset. Now I just need to-” Suddenly the door flew open. Renamon and Seiko looked up and saw a pajama-clad Rika standing in the doorway, her diaper making her middle bulge out a tiny bit. After a second a huge smile appeared on her face.

“Renamon!” She cried out as she darted inside and embraced her partner, sobbing quietly. “I-I’m so glad you’re alright. I was so scared that you…that you were…”

“Shh.” Renamon whispered, placing her paw behind Rika’s head. “It’s alright now Rika, I’m fine. I’m sorry I worried you.” Rika sniffled and laid her head against Renamon’s chest. Rumiko appeared in the doorway a moment later but remained silent.

Seiko smiled at the sight and stood up. “I’ll just leave you two alone for a bit.” With that she stepped out of the room with her daughter. They gave the pair one last loving smile before closing the door.

“I’m so sorry Renamon.” Rika said after she’d calmed down a bit. “If-if wasn’t for me you wouldn’t have-” Rika was cut off when Renamon placed a finger against her lips.

“Rika, this wasn’t your fault, so don’t you dare blame yourself.” She cupped Rika’s cheek with her paw and smiled. “Okay?”

Rika wiped her eyes and smiled back. “Okay. ” She sniffled one last time and giggled. “I-I guess it’s my turn to take care of you now huh, Rena-baby?”

Renamon’s smile grew a bit and she nodded. “I’d like that.”

The End (again)

Well that's it. I hope you enjoyed it and thanks for checking it out.