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Diablo II - Casey the furry one - 04-15-2009

Since the beginning of time, the forces of Order and Chaos have been engaged in an eternal struggle to decide the fate of all Creation. That struggle has now come to the Mortal Realm...and neither Man, Demon, nor Angel will be left unscathed...

After possessing the body of the hero who defeated him, Diablo resumes his nefarious scheme to shackle humanity into unholy slavery by joining forces with the other Prime Evils, Mephisto and Baal. Only you will be able to determine the outcome of this final encounter...

n Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, you will return to follow the path of Baal, the last of the Prime Evils, into the Barbarian Highlands of the north. Traveling with hordes of demonic minions, Baal intends to corrupt the powerful Worldstone, which protects the whole of the mortal plane from the forces of Hell.

That is basically the story for the rp for Diablo II now for the rules

1. No god modding or power playing
2. I want four lines per post because we need detail for this kind of rp
3. Once the main seven hero's(one for each class) are created no more hero's may join
4. Anyone may come in after the hero's are created and make a killible demon or monster of some sort
5. Have fun

Hero's available:

Amazon(female only class) (crim: This powerful woman warrior belongs to nomadic bands who roam the plains near the South Sea. The wandering of these groups often brings them into conflict with other peoples, so the Amazon is accustomed to fighting to defend her own. This lifestyle has made her fiercely independent and able to weather severe hardship and travel. While her skill with the bow rivals that of the Rogues, the Amazon is also adept in the use of spears and other throwing weapons, as well as in hand to hand combat. The Amazon is much sought after as a mercenary, in which type of service she will be loyal as long as her own ends are also served.

Assassin(cowboy from hell): The Assassins are an ancient order originally founded by the Vizjerei to hunt down and eliminate rogue mages within their own ranks. Employing secret disciplines to combat and resist the magical abilities of their elusive quarry, the Assassin's bag of tricks includes traps and other infernal devices, martial arts, and powerful mental abilities. Common people know nothing of the Assassins, but they are widely feared and respected by all who employ the magic arts

Barbarian(dark chibimon): The Barbarian, a member of any of several tribes on the fringes of civilization, rebuffs the influence of those he sees as soft and weak. Ceaseless clan warfare and the constant struggle to survive in the hostile wilderness are evident in the Barbarian's sturdy and powerful frame. Though perhaps lacking the sophistication of his civilized contemporaries, the Barbarian has an acute awareness of his surroundings. Because of his shamanistic belief in the animal powers with whom he identifies, the Barbarian is sometimes associated with stories of lycanthropy. In fact, he believes that he can improve his superb battle tactics by calling upon the totemic animal spirits to infuse him with supernormal strengths and abilities.

Druid (human only class): The Druids are a race of nomadic warrior-poet-kings. Driven from their homelands long ago by their Barbarian brothers, the Druid tribes live primarily in the northern forests. Using mystic secrets passed down through the generations, they summon the elements of fire and wind to do their bidding, and command the creatures of the forest to aid them in battle. Shifting from their human forms into that of wild beasts, gives them abilities far beyond those of other mortals.

Necromancer: (taken by Casey the cagon) From the steamy recesses of the southern swamps comes a figure cloaked in mystery. The Necromancer, as his name implies, is an unseemly form of sorcerer whose spells deal with the raising of the dead and the summoning and control of various creatures for his purposes. Though his goals are often aligned with those of the forces of Light, some do not think that these ends can justify his foul means. Long hours of study in dank mausolea have made his skin pale and corpselike, his figure, skeletal. Most people shun him for his peculiar looks and ways, but none doubt the power of the Necromancer, for it is the stuff of nightmares.

Paladin(kyoson): The Knights of Westmarch who felled the armies of mighty Leoric are pure at heart and closely follow the teachings of Zakarum, the Religion of the Light. A battle-ready warrior for whom faith is a shield, the Paladin fights for what he believes to be right. His steadfastness gives him powers to bestow blessings to his friends and wreak cruel justice on foes. There are those who call the Paladin an overwrought zealot, but others recognize in him the strength and goodness of the Light.

Sorceress(female only class) Diva: A rebellious woman who has wrested the secrets of magic use from the male dominated Mage-Clans of the East, the Sorceress is an expert in mystical creation ex nihilo. Though somewhat lacking in the skills of hand-to-hand combat, she compensates for this weakness with fierce combative magic for both offense and defense. Solitary and reclusive, the Sorceress acts based on motives and ethics inscrutable to most, and sometimes seems capricious and even spiteful. In reality, she understands the struggle between Order and Chaos all too clearly, as well as her role as a warrior in this battle.


skills: I would like everyone to kinda stay true to the skills in diablo II yet I know it would limit what we could do in the rp so here is a link to the list of skills for each class: http://www.battle.net/diablo2exp/skills/ that link should help give you ideas and if they seem a little out there then pm me and so forth. one last thing do have low level skill or two when you start no more you can acquire more as we go.
Bio: give me a bit of a back of why you are in the rogue village at the beginning of the game.
Name: Casey
Gender: Male
Species: Black and gold dragon
Age: 16
Description: [Image: White_Fenrrill_Hot_Coal.jpg] picture his scales much lighter than they are in the pic, He wears simple leather armor, a cloak and a pendant skull of the Ruthma priest/priestess hood.
skills: summon skeleton, poison dagger. and dim vision
Bio: He is a young priest of the Ruthma Mage clan deep in the eastern jungles. His scales are much lighter in coloring since he never was out side of the temples much and even then it was at night when the left the safety of his home to go study for his teaching as a young priest in training. After having ten long years of training he have had enough and decided to try to leave the temple so go fight the great prime evils that were stirring once more on the mortal plains. Yet his mother and father asked him not to go since even though he studied diligently he was not that good at necromancy yet. The young whelp of a dragon talked his parents into letting him leave. After a few days of preparation he left the temples of Ruthma to make his way in the world. After a few days meet a female assassin that worked for the Vizjere he was very intimated by her presence and thought she may have been sent after him since he had left his native homeland. Yet the assassin reassured him that she was not out to get him and offered to show him a way to save money on throwing daggers by tying some string to the hilt or through the hole of they had one. He soon master a skill that let him fling the daggers and control there movement to some degree. Now the months have have passed and he found himself the Rogues village were Diablo II starts.

RE: Diablo II - DarkChibimon - 04-15-2009

Name: Dark
Gender: Male
Species: DarkExVeemon
Age: 17
Description: [Image: ExVeemon_b.jpg] but black inside of blue with blood red tribal mark on his face, over his left eye
Class: Barbarian
skills: Sword Mastery, Howl, Bash
Bio: Dark is a fighter for a western tribe, when the evils of Diablo came across the land, the concale of Dark's tribe sent Dark out to destroy the evil before it destroy everything. Dark grab his equipment and started a quest to destroy Diablo, on his quest he ends up at the rogue village.

RE: Diablo II - Kurtz - 04-15-2009

Hi! This used to include an old post, but due to ancient egypsun spoiler attacks, the old comment seems to be missing! Terribly sorry for any inconvenience!

RE: Diablo II - Bee - 04-15-2009

Name: Sable
Gender: Female
Species: Twin-Tailed Kitsune
Age: 22
Description: 5'7", lithe build, black fur with grey and blue accents. Blue eyes, C-cup chest. She wears leather body armor, consisting of knee-boots, a leather tunic, and leather pants, all very tight fitting and black. Weapons of choice are claws.
Class: Assassin
Skills: Shadow Warrior, Wake Of Fire, Cobra Strike
Bio: trained in the Assassin Monastery, she was brought there as an orphan. When she came of age, she discovered her parents were slaughtered in the town of Tristram during Diablo's first reign of terror. Now that the Demons have returned, she decided to focus her time and energy into using her precise skills in killing to destroy the demons, to keep any other children from losing their parents to the evil scourge.

RE: Diablo II - Crim - 04-15-2009

(04-15-2009, 12:51 PM)Casey the cagon Wrote: Heroes available:

Amazon(female only class): This powerful woman warrior belongs to nomadic bands who roam the plains near the South Sea. The wandering of these groups often brings them into conflict with other peoples, so the Amazon is accustomed to fighting to defend her own. This lifestyle has made her fiercely independent and able to weather severe hardship and travel. While her skill with the bow rivals that of the Rogues, the Amazon is also adept in the use of spears and other throwing weapons, as well as in hand to hand combat. The Amazon is much sought after as a mercenary, in which type of service she will be loyal as long as her own ends are also served.

Name: Crimsonia
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Age: 22
[Image: AmazonessFighterDR1-EN-C.jpg]
Valkyrie Panther
[Image: LadyPantherLON-EN-C.jpg]
Class: Amazon
Skills: Magic Arrow, Inner Sight
Bio: Crimsonia was just a regular villager with an affinity for the battleground. She did what she was supposed to and learned all that was required of her. Faithful she always was, and that trait is what held her together when the message came. Akara had sent for someone to venture out and cleanse her native lands. Therefore, there was a tournament in which Crimsonia always came out on top. As her prize, she was chosen to be the Righteous Fury of the Jungle and, to compliment her flawless victories, given the ability to manifest her inner spirit beast, a Panther, when her skills proved ready.

She got to the Rouge Encampment with little to no trouble, but the ashen appearance of Akara caused her to quicken her step....

Acceptible? I'm dense and hadn't seen the very things I asked about in the other thread.

RE: Diablo II - Casey the furry one - 04-16-2009

Yeah but how about instead of Valkyrie you get at lvl thirty roughly how about the panther person becomes yours?

RE: Diablo II - Crim - 04-16-2009

Good answer. *edited*

RE: Diablo II - Diva - 04-16-2009

Species:hitsuji han akuma
Description:[Image: charcreate800_sheep.png]
skills:Casting spells and summoning titans
Bio:Fumika grew up with her mom Sayo and her three sisters Fuka,Nanako,and Setsuna.She lived in a hut on a mountain side.Fumika learned magic on her own,she found the spell book she uses at a shop in the town.Sayo always told her and her sisters that they each would be good at something,Fumika was not only skilled with magic but she also was very good at doing things some house wives do.Such as cooking,cleaning,and sowing but sometimes her food would burn,she used the wrong spray for cleaning,and her sowing just wouldn't match.At the moment of seeing her sisters,Fumika would decide to got venture and find more magic.

RE: Diablo II - Casey the furry one - 04-17-2009

http://classic.battle.net/diablo2exp/skills/sorceress-cold.shtml here is a list of cold spells.
http://classic.battle.net/diablo2exp/skills/sorceress-cold.shtml here is a list of lightning spells
http://classic.battle.net/diablo2exp/skills/sorceress-fire.shtml here is a list of fire spells
choose two start wtih that are lvl 6 or lower Diva

Now lets start the rp we can have our druid join us as we go on
Casey slowly wakes up in a his white fluffy like sleep pants and goes over to the water basin and splashes some of the cool water on his face to help himself wake up. He sighs some glad it was late at night when he got his room since most people told him to sleep in the barns of they felt a bit of compassion for the followers of Ruthma but most shunned him when they saw the skull necklace that marked him as a follower. He walked down to the Tavern below and sat down at the table and yet when he did the sunlight reflected the symbol of the skull and the owner asked him politely to leave or be forced to go. The young whelp of a dragon just nodded and did as he was asked. After a bit he went over the Black Smith to get some more throwing daggers and see if there were any good wood he could make into a wand that he could use for necromancy. He saw a very nice dagger that would be a good buy when he walked into the black smiths shop, he also noticed a nice Yew bow that would be nice to that he could easily turn into a wand for his needs. "I would like to buy the stiletto in your window and the Yew bow you got there," he stated with a bright smile.

The smith look at the young lightly colored whelp of a dragon already know him for some sort of mage and since he asked for a dagger narrowed down what kind he was, "Look boy if you need a yew wand just say so I and I will make one for your abominations. But don't come in hear asking for one of my best bows so you can just turn it into a wand is that clear?" the human states in firm voice.

"Yes I understand and I am sorry for taking you for a fool my good man," Casey apologized as he bowed his head. "Could you make me yew wand and may I also purchase the jeweled stiletto?" He asked some not be taken back by the harsh Manner the human spoke. "I am glad you appreciate the work we of the followers of Ruthma do. I will do my best to avoid using my necromancy around you," he added solemnly.

RE: Diablo II - Bee - 04-17-2009

The black-furred Kitsune sat silently in the corner of the tavern. She didn't sleep that night, but her training allowed her to be awake for days on end if need be. She ran a claw gently against the edge of her claw daggers, accidentally slicing off a bit of her claw from the sharpness.

"...the smiths in Westmarch would only be so jealous to produce a weapon as sharp as mine..." she grinned quietly to herself.

Her sensitive ears twitched, and she looked up, and noticed the Dragon exiting the Tavern. A priest of Rathma. How odd. They usually never left the Jungle.

"Investigate the Preist further." She said aloud, as she got up.

(BTW, it's Priests of RAthma, not Ruthma.)