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Left Fur Dead - Printable Version

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Left Fur Dead - Gol22 - 02-05-2009

Alright, this is basically a game centered around the new game Left 4 Dead. It will center heavily around violence and maybe even a bit of vore/gore. So if you don't like the idea of that, you've been warned.

Backstory: proximately 2 weeks ago, a very unusual disease broke out across America. Scientists discovered that this disease was a super evolved form of rabies that transformed it's victims into ravenous monsters!

Within just 2 weeks, almost all of the country was infected, except for 1% of it's population which were immune for reasons unknown at this time. About then, the disease began to mutate it's victims from simple madmen, into true abominations of nature. They gained super levels of strength, speed, and resilience, a hunger for flesh and some of them even mutated into truly grotesque forms and gained the ability to control the legions of lesser infected.

The left over 1% of America now must grab any weapon, apply any resource, form any alliance that they can in order to fight off the infected hordes and find some way out of the country, and pray to whatever gods they worship that the disease is contained from the rest of the world...

Players do not need to be Francis, Zoey, Louis, or Bill, you can be whoever you want. But the boss zombies will basically remain the same with furry additions.

Survivor: The lucky 1% of America who were somehow immune to the new strain of rabies. They can not be infected, and they can wield guns. However, they are weak and extremely easy to pick off if they are alone. Thus being forced to work together in an entire country full of monsters.

Infected: Driven to peaks of rage which do not seem possible within the laws of nature, they are nothing more than zombies now. They are stronger, faster, and more durable than the average person and are known for striking in packs or even entire hordes. Their primary weapon happens to be their claws. Some of them choose to roam around the streets, while others lay waiting in specific areas. Some of them even have enough intelligence to try playing dead! However, they react purely based on instincts, and will quickly swoop in upon any survivor they see or hear. Loud noises often attracts entire hordes of them at a time, such as car alarms or gunfire.

Boss Infected: The boss infected are a handful of Infected people with whom the disease took an even further mutation than the common Infected. They possess disgusting or unusual abilities and appearances. They are smarter than the average Infected, and even possess a limited form of control over them, but they are still madmen regardless. The following are Boss Infected.

Smokers- These infected are identified by their constant coughing and their ability to fire off a 50 foot long tongue as their main weapon while using claws as secondary. Their tongues are so powerful, that they can drag survivors with them, and even suffocate them to death like snakes! Smokers obtained their names because their bodies explode into a thick cloud of smoke when they die, making it difficult for anyone in the area to see or breathe. If a smoker manages to successfully pull a victim to them with their tongues, they will proceed to repeatedly claw them while constricting them at the same time! If a Smoker is unable to completely pull a victim, they shall simply constrict them with their tongues.

Boomers- The most disgusting of the bosses. The Boomers are enormously fat, but their disease allows them to move faster than one might expect. They possess the ability to launch off projectile vomit upon their enemies. For some unknown reason, this vomit acts like a homing beacon which draws every common Infected within a 20 yard radius to whoever it lands on! Boomers obtained their nickname because they explode when they die, showering everyone in a 10 foot radius with vomit and blood. Boomers possess claws just like any other Infected, however their main function seems to be attracting hordes of common Infected while they sit back and watch.

Note: You don't need to play Boomers if you don't want to, and I sure as hell don't expect anybody to want to!

Hunters- These fast little freaks are known for their ability to climb walls like spiders and their extremely powerful pouncing ability. Their favored means of attack is to pounce upon a victim and proceed to slash the living hell out of them with their claws, not stopping until either the victim is dead, or they are forcefully knocked off their victim. Although they can walk upright, they prefer to crawl on all fours, where they can quickly pounce a target. Hunters obtained their nicknames because they like to use stealth tactics to pick off group members one at a time. They are the only form of Infected who exercises some level of self control when it comes to killing. Some Hunters are known for leaping from wall to wall like some kind of zombie ninjas!

Tanks- The berserk bosses, the disease which made Boomers fat, seems to have taken an adverse effect on Tanks. They are colossal bastions of physical might. Possessing bulging muscles and titanic strength. Only the most hardened of survivors survives a Tank assault. Their primary means of attack is to simply punch victims with their fists which can send them flying several feet away, although they also have enough strength to rip huge chunks out of the ground and lob them at enemies. Tanks seem to be neutral, attacking both Survivor and Infected alike, being completely insane and uncontrollable. Tanks usually stand around 10 to 12 feet tall, regardless of what their original species or size was, and they can withstand more damage than any other form of infected, often taking several rounds from shotguns, pistols, rifles, and even explosives before they are finally defeated.

Witches- Possibly the strangest effect that the new rabies has taken is the creation of the Witch boss. Only female cubs have demonstrated this strain of infected. Witches are known for sitting down in dark areas and constantly crying. They will not attack unless disturbed, which is done by shining light upon them, or openly firing upon them. If a Witch is disturbed, she will charge the first person to disturb her and tear into them with her claws, then set her sights upon anyone else in the area. Witches have amazing physical strength, comparable to that of Tanks while possessing enough speed to rival a Hunter. Do not piss off the witch, ever! In addition to their massive strength and bewildering speed, a Witch's claws are longer and sharper than that of any other form of Infected. The claws alone tend to be equal in length to their fingers or toes, depending on which kind they are, thus allowing them to impale victims upon them.

Yiffing is allowed in this RP, if you so desire. But seeing as how this takes place in a zombie apocalypse, I doubt survivors will take time out of running for dear life to try and mate with each other. And I think the zombies are too insane to even entertain the idea. We can have more than one of the same type of boss zombie, but too much of one type can make it a bit boring.

Since we need players to do this RP, I'd like to refrain from killing off each other for as long as possible. While we can have "close calls" in a battle, I'd appreciate it if we kept killing to just NPC's. We may have up to 3 characters each!

Faction: Survivor, Infected, Boss
Gender: (witches must be female)
Age: (Witches must be between 6 and 9 years old)
Species: (If boss, state which strain as well)
Weapons: (survivor only, Infected only have their special evolutions)
Bio: (What's happened to you over the past 2 weeks, up till now.)


I'll make my own creation now.

Name: Gol
Faction: Boss
Gender: Male
Appearance: Hunter clothing, but the sweater is a sleeveless one, showing his torn and rotten fleshy fur, still having hood over eyes but muzzle showing, razor sharp claws, standing 6'5 in height.
Species: Wolf, Hunter
Weapons: N/A
Bio: (I feel I may make it too long or somethin... x[ )

It was just a calm day as he was out, just in hood and jeans taking a break from his work. Everything was going perfectly fine, knowing that he didn't have to worry about anything from his agency. It was until he arrived somewhere downtown, he had felt that the air was somewhat thick and smelled awful. He started noticing people around him starting to cringe, seeing that they had probably felt the thick air going into their lungs. They begin puking a green colored vomit as well as he did, feeling pain inside him, pulsing through his body's veins. He soon collapsed, blacking out onto the sidewalk.

As they days went by, his eyes opened, but it wasn't very clear, seeing that his vision had changed to a strange orange color. He got up and found himself still alive, but not sure how, but he didn't feel like he was before. Checking himself, he saw on his paws that his nails grew, but were a lot sharper looking. His body seemed somewhat very light, it wasn't until he noticed something from his vision, a strange outline of a figure. He saw and suddenly felt a strange urge to kill as the pain in his body was too much, feeling that he needed to unleash his pain in anger. He then darted toward the outlined figure and leaped out at it, taking the being down, letting out a loud screech and begin to hack away at the person, tearing 'em apart until the outline from his vision became faint and disappeared, leaving the person motionless on ground.

He didn't know if it was a nightmare as if he was asleep, but it felt too real, seeing the blood trickle from his claws and blood stained clothing. It wasn't a dream, and the pain never left him, it drove him mad as he feel to knees before leaping into the air onto the rooftops, looking for more of the living.


I'm just starting with 1 character for right now...

RE: Left Fur Dead - Bee - 02-06-2009

Name: Brandon H.
Faction: Survivor
Gender: Male
Appearance: http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u1/ray52535/1219690525nick300_wolf_001.jpg 6'5, 210 pounds
Age: 18
Species: Timber Wolf
Weapons: German WWII-Era K98 Mauser, 8mm, with a scope: http://www.fmft.net/Mauser%20K98%20sniper%20rifle%20WW2%20German%20Sniper%203.jpg ;
A rusty machete.
Bio: he was just a disturbingly quiet mechanic before the infection hit. Now he's a disturbingly quiet mechanic with a WWII sniper rifle! A crack shot with it, he can take the head off of a Witch at half a mile. He doesn't do it often, as gun stores(his source for ammo), are few and far between. He has no qualms about breaking and entering, as this is a survival situation. He rarely is seen out in the open, preferring to stand lookout at the safehouse, protecting the other survivors with his skills in long range sniping. For close combat, though, he carries a rusty machete with him, so that he can give the infected Tetanus alongside the superrabies virus.

RE: Left Fur Dead - DarkChibimon - 02-06-2009

Name: Dark Leonheart
Faction: Survivor
Gender: Male
Appearance: http://img386.imageshack.us/img386/5179/m1196889879427masuraoshwy4.jpg
Age: 18
Species: DarkFlamedramon
Weapons: Norinco: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/b/bb/Norinco_HP9-1.jpg and 2 Walther P99s: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6c/Walther_P99_9x19mm.png
Bio: Dark was just your normal teenager before the infection hit, after the infection hit Dark when ice cold, only answering in 'yes, got it, or OK.'

Name: Garnet Leonheart
Faction: Boss
Gender: Female
Appearance: http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t280/left4dead411/l4d-concept-art-witch.jpg but flamedramonish
Age: 9
Species: Flamedramon, Witch
Weapons: Claws
Bio: Before the infection hit, she used to go wherever Dark went, after the infection stay stays in her house, crying all the time, mainly for Dark to come back.

RE: Left Fur Dead - Kundral - 02-06-2009

Name: Zill
Faction: Boss
Gender: male
Appearance: hunter outfit
Age: 15
Species: Husky, Hunter
Weapons: none
Bio: The test results came back the day before he got infected, They told him he was a super genius and was just on the brink of not being the right species geneticly. The day he was infected he never lost conciness... ever for the two weeks. His body has been in massive pain and his eyes see better as the time passed. He has killed both survior and zombie alike in an attempt to stop the pain, yet he still thinks the way he did before he was infected.

RE: Left Fur Dead - Gol22 - 02-07-2009

OOC: I dunno if we should start it, but i'll probably throw a survivor character in. By the way Dark, no clothing or gear on your character or what?


Name: Sheila
Faction: Survivor
Gender: Female
Species: Husky
Appearance: Orange fur with white underbelly. Stands 6'0 in height, well-fit body with light muscles. Gear: http://www.collectiondx.com/gallery2/gallery/d/55466-3/MK02.jpg
Age: 18
Weapons: Automatic shotgun with one hand-gun. (she isn't afraid to use her own hands to get any infected away)

Before having the infection spreading, she was lucky enough to be far enough away from the infectious disease that was going around. She realized all the people were infected and sure enough wanted to kill any of the living. She had escaped back to her own home where she retrieved her weapons she kept at home for safety. She knew what was coming and what it was she was going to have to go through in order to survive this nightmare.

RE: Left Fur Dead - DarkChibimon - 02-08-2009

Yeah, Dark wears his normal Flamedramon armor with a few deep slash marks on it

RE: Left Fur Dead - Kundral - 02-13-2009

OOC: when do we start?

RE: Left Fur Dead - Gol22 - 02-13-2009

OOC: Well, we can start now I suppose. If any others want to join, they can just be found somewhere to join in the group. Whoever would like to make the first post, go ahead and do so.

RE: Left Fur Dead - Bee - 02-13-2009

Brandon stood crouched in the shadows of the dark alleyway close to the Safehouse, his Sniper Rifle lay set up on a nearby dumpster, as he lit up a stale cigarette, his third of the morning.

Prior to the infection, he was just a quiet wolf, making ends meet as a mechanic. He often visited his family, just to hear the lastest news. Then they died. Horrible, horrible deaths. The Superrabies Virus hit hard and fast, wiping out everyone he knew, or turning them into horrific monstrosities.

He gently patted the sniper rifle. Sarah was her name. It was a name his Grandfather gave to her during World War Two. A captured German beauty, firing 8mm rounds with shocking accuracy. He stared at the butt of the rifle, at the mark of the Third Reich stamped there.

"....if only Hitler lived to see this..." he said quietly, as he scanned the horizon for anyone.

RE: Left Fur Dead - Kundral - 02-14-2009

Zill races down the street, his mind wondering when the sudden jolts of pain will appear once again as he rounds a corner.