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Caramel Dancing (Caramelldansen) - Printable Version

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Caramel Dancing (Caramelldansen) - DragonMasterX - 10-19-2008


Lol, okay, after seeing so many sigs/avys just everywhere with characters dancing like this, and after seeing a Phoenix Wrong video at YouTube with the song, I decided to search it and hear both the original song and the popular remix version used in many videos like the link I posted up there.

I have a question to ask, and I hope you bear with me with the fact I just discovered this song, heard from my girlfriend it's very popular in the US, so I figured this was the best place to make this rather particular question!

Given the chance, would you dance to the Caramelldansen in the VERY SAME WAY you're seeing in the video? (If you're watching it at all in the first place that is).

Personally, HELL NO. But if it were to be released as a danceable track in a game such as Pump it Up, then I REALLY think I'd give it a try. I tend to lose my sense of self-humiliation when playing games, haha.

So, what about you all? Do you like the song? Like the dancing? Would you do it?!

RE: Caramel Dancing (Caramelldansen) - Kurtz - 10-19-2008

I wouldn't dance to it. Heck no. Unless it was a freakishly well-paid dare, then I wouldn't dream. But I do actually like it; it's fun to laugh at and also to see certain characters doing it. That's my limits with the song.

RE: Caramel Dancing (Caramelldansen) - Frisk E. Coyote - 10-19-2008

For money. I would suck a Hobo off.

While Caramelldansen.

RE: Caramel Dancing (Caramelldansen) - Bee - 10-19-2008

Well, the song You're Gonna Go Far Kid by The Offspring makes me wanna dance like that.

....please, don't ask for video of it. No one needs to see that.


RE: Caramel Dancing (Caramelldansen) - UnknownH - 10-19-2008

You both are weird. And Ray, don't let anyone else know that.

RE: Caramel Dancing (Caramelldansen) - Frisk E. Coyote - 10-19-2008

-But you? :3

RE: Caramel Dancing (Caramelldansen) - Guilmon and a shotgun - 10-19-2008

Heard it before, don't really dance to it...seen a Japanese McDonalds parody of it, which was good...but it's pretty good overall...better with Ran ran ruu being placed at awesome intervals though

RE: Caramel Dancing (Caramelldansen) - Wisemon - 10-20-2008

No, I wouldn't dance to that. In fact, I'd probably find the source from which it was emanating and shut it down as quickly as I could.

Quote:Well, the song You're Gonna Go Far Kid by The Offspring makes me wanna dance like that.
Glad I'm not the only one. Like I said in my review, one hell of a catchy song, probably the best new song I've heard all year.

RE: Caramel Dancing (Caramelldansen) - UnknownH - 10-20-2008

I also think it's catchy. And the good catchy. But there's two places you'd have to go to stop this. Japan, and where ever it came from. Let's start with Japan first.

RE: Caramel Dancing (Caramelldansen) - Sabre of Pain - 10-21-2008

i've danced to it before but it was painful and i somehow squished my balls while doing it also i got a headache

to conclude i don't think men were ever meant to do that dance yet i would do it again for money or if this one chick i like asked me to

Sabre: aren't leafeon and glaceon cute? id totally hit that
Madarin: only if your hit roll exceeded their armor class
Sabre: no D&D jokes madarin nobody gets them
Madarin: aww