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Bribery - BloodstainedAngel - 05-08-2006

You know how when someone does something wrong they're all like "Wait! Don't tell! I'll get you something nice!"...Well that happened to me today >.> *glad there is a rant thread*

My dad slapped me..Three fucking times and my mom just said "He hit you? Okay lets go to the mall. Don't call the police." I got a new CD and some clothes..and I hate all the clothing but the cds nice. I only bought the clothes to make her suffer! >.< My side hurts dammit! I'm gonna kill him one day! And her too for trying to make it better with material things!

Does anyone have any ideas about how I might do that?

- DV85 - 05-08-2006

That shit is just fucked up. If my father ended up hitting me back when my folks were still married, five seconds later me and my mother and sister would be out the door. And no, domestic abuse was not why they got divorced. It was because he had an affair. Anyway, no doubt such a thing as your father hitting you is plain wrong but what your mother is doing is also wrong in my opinion. Unless you did something absolutely reprehensible then there should be no reason for such violenct to occur. Yet murder would just complicate matters greatly. I recall a teenager who recently clubbed his father with a bat to death because he would always take out his anger onto his children. Even with the prosecution lessening the charges the teen is still going to face charges.

If I was in your position right now, I'd do one of two things; either give some sort of social service or law enforcement information about what's going on or seriously talk to your mother about divorce. She should not love a man who hits their own child. Everyone gets upset at one point or another but taking it out on family members is just out of whack. Another example is the movie Enough where things ended up getting worse because the wife who suffered abuse from her husband fled the home instead of reporting the incident.

If I've learned anything in my 21 years on this planet is that people such as your father are beyond counseling. That sort of stuff cannot be cured by anybody. I'd also advise not running away from home or anything too rash. While your dad I would hope hasn't threatened your life or anything, it still demands attention. If he's the working man and you and your mother cannot support yourselves then there's foster care or welfare issues. To get away from somebody abusive though, that's the first step.

I can understand your hatred but please do not even think of murdering your parents. I'd be more upset with your dad then your mom although both are doing the wrong thing. Think about what I've said as I'm treating this as a very serious matter. Don't do something you'll regret. If you really cannot stand who you live with, even your mother for trying to bribe you, then try to live with someone else. Do you have any relatives who are on the level? Do they know about this? If you're unwilling to tell any police what went down then try telling them. They might have a solution.

- BloodstainedAngel - 05-08-2006

Eh, I don't really give a shit. I might go to Ohio because I'm not fucking living with these people anymore, even though you advise me not to run away I probably will. Anyways, my relatives don't know about it and I'm not about to tell them. My aunts in the Dallas city councel and my grandparents are already under enough stress. I'm definetly going to Ohio soon, I think.

- Shadowknight - 05-08-2006

I'd say keep a record of everything and if it does get out of hand then you have the evidence so it won't just be your word against his.

- blueeyedgabulvo0o - 05-08-2006

Allow yourself to think before you act....If running away is the most effective....Maybe go to the courts and explain, become indapendent and declare yourself as an adult and use the abuse in the case. You are guarenteed to win.....Evidence like shadow said is effective....

- senjuro - 05-08-2006

If your parents are hitting you, you should definitely tell an authority figure. It'll get taken care of VERY quickly.

- DragonMasterX - 05-08-2006

I agree, I have been slapped countless time by lots (girlfriends, girls, mother, sister... etc) but if my father ever touched me... with the relationship he has been building with me- forget about me responding to my actions.

But since you mustn't be the violent type, I'd recommend you to listen to Shadow, if you have the evidence, then no lawyer will save your parents. They'll have to pay for you and you'll be an adult who will be able to do whatever she wants away from her parents.

If they annoy you so bad... then do that, if this happens WAY too much time but all of you just end being a family (like me, meh...

- The Infamous Boss Reo - 05-08-2006

It's very apparent that your mother wants to keep the family together, no matter what, and that your father hitting you is something that he "doesn't mean." Which could mean that she has attachment issues and is in constant need of companionship, even from abusive people.

The best thing to do is to inform the authorities, even though it could also emotionally cripple her in the process and affect her trust in you. Talk to her about this, or even talk to other close family members in order to help her, and in the process, help your family and you.

- Gunter VanCrimson - 05-08-2006

That is a punishable law here... If your parent/guardian abuses you... you are given the excuse to shoot them- well- slef deffence first of course- no shooting unless they want to kill you- or you'll face the charges for murder or stuff like that.

But since you're there- try the authorities... I hear that works wonders with many cases of abuse.

- Shadowknight - 05-08-2006

DragonMasterX Wrote:if you have the evidence, then no lawyer will save your parents. They'll have to pay for you and you'll be an adult who will be able to do whatever she wants away from her parents.

Just make sure you can live without your parents. I'm not sure of the law but I'm not sure if the parents have to continue supporting you if you're imancipated. If that is the case you should make sure you have someplace to stay like a reletive or friend or something. Otherwise you'll end up in an orphanage or something. Granted this all depends on many factors which I'm not sure of such as your age and, like I mentionded in the second sentence, possibly financial circumstances.