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When love dies...what remains? - Printable Version

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When love dies...what remains? - Zephyr of Darkness - 01-13-2006

I had the radio turned on earlier and there was the song 'I Dont Want To Miss A Thing'. I'm looking at it right now, and I was thinking that whoever wrote that had to really be in love to think that way. We all know that love doesn't last forever, it could fade with time or, like in my case, be extinguished like a match in the rain. I was thinking that it must be a hard thing to keep singing things about things you don't feel a thing about anymore. Since so many of you are writers, please tell me, how do you feel when you're faced with this, something that gave you strong emotions but now it doesn't at all? And more, if you are writing sth with zeal and the feeling you had dies, what do you do?

- Blue Rover - 01-13-2006

i would add my thoughts but its a very touchey thing for me at the moment

- Wisemon - 01-13-2006

I used to be in love with burgers, pizza, and cookies until I realized that they really weren't loving me. I haven't eaten them for years, and while part of me misses them, I know that I'm better off without them. I guess that's not exactly what you had in mind, but without a girlfriend, food has been kind of like a relationship for me. I have far more dreams about eating than I do about sex. I'm into the monogomy of salad and bran nowadays, and I'm pretty happy with it.

- senjuro - 01-13-2006

There Wise goes again, being all witty and quotable again. Every forum needs someone glib like you.

Not really a writer here, Zeph, but I am a professional classical singer, so I can tell you all about having to pretend to feel or act a way that you really don't feel. It's partly a necessity and partly a coping mechanism. Nobody has a perfect life. The people who say they do are missing a pretty huge problem somewhere.

In specific response to what you said, though, just because something is gone, doesn't mean that you can't still have good memories of it. Memories aren't quite the same as living whatever you're missing, but it'll have to do. If that thing was inspiring you and it's now gone, you have to rely on those memories to re-inspire you.

- Gunter VanCrimson - 01-14-2006

The feeling I once had, dies.
let's see, I once felt happy, un-alone, warm, loved...
now that's all gone.
and what do I do about it? why- I'm doing it right now: I live.
Life is not fair, but that's the way it is. I've just learnt to live with it. -sure, I'd be in a state of depression for a couple of months, even years- but still, I learn to live with it.

Quote:In specific response to what you said, though, just because something is gone, doesn't mean that you can't still have good memories of it. Memories aren't quite the same as living whatever you're missing, but it'll have to do. If that thing was inspiring you and it's now gone, you have to rely on those memories to re-inspire you.

yeah... memories are all you have. but memories, like love, also fade.
but it's also those memories that hurt you, when you remember those great times you've had- and now you can never experience a thing like that again?

I remember a saying-

when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

but what if life gives you lemons everyday- and your lemonade tastes horrible? you make lemonade- again, and again. never finishing.

My memoreis are like that. they make me taste the the bitter and sour taste over and over again.

- Herr Mullen - 01-14-2006

I tend to not bother being down too much. I don't know how. I just give myself other things to be exited about. Like, clothes. Or computers. Those are fun. For example, today I donned a trilby and bought a fake cigerette and spoke with an american accent. Little bits of fun, philosophy, and occupation combine to one giant ball of happiness. The last time I felt really down, was one week during December, a fortnight before Christmas, when it was that one year anniversary of a huge rejection. I'm fine, now. And I plan on continuing to be happier than is healthy. Although, I was rather down, one night in the holidays, when I realised I was the lowest rated (at 0.00) on the DHZ.

- Gunter VanCrimson - 01-14-2006

but your lemons were okay- I even copied and pasted them to my pc.

- Shadowknight - 01-14-2006

Yeah memories are nice unfortunately my only good memories date back about 12 years so they are starting to fade a bit but what I did was I collected stuff that reminded me of some nice days and saved them in a small box, whenever I feel depressed I look at them and most of the time it make me feel a little better. As for the old saying I prefer: When life gives you lemons, squirt them in someones eyes and run like hell.

- Machina Kyrios - 01-14-2006

As someone in the middle of a long, drawn out, ultimately inevitable breakup, I have this to say as what will come afterward.

... Avoiding the other person, and plotting horrible revenge.

- Gunter VanCrimson - 01-14-2006

Very wise.