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Crazy... Toys in the Attic, I'm Crazy... - Gnostic Metatron Prime - 09-06-2004

I don't know what to do anymore. I've been at college for a week now, and I think I'm going crazy. I haven't been outside of my dorm room except for meals, errands, and classes. When I arrived here, my behavior was so awful that my roommate moved out after just two days. I've been staying up till 2 in the morning.

Mostly, my head seems to be filled up with irrational contradictions. I feel lonely, but I get scared and defensive whenever people get near. I'm probably depressed, but I keep compulsively lying about it whenever somebody asks. In my more rational moments, like right now, I realize that I probably need help, and there's a building on campus, but I'm afraid to go there. I've been tempted to e-mail some friends that I haven't talked to in a long time, but I don't trust anyone, fearing that they would be repulsed if they knew how lonely I was. What do I do?

- mowgly - 09-06-2004

yeah i kinda know how it feels i also started going to college this year and i'm staying away from home , jeez i do feel very lonely also and i can't get to trust people cause in this world there are a lot of people that aren't very intelligent and stuff things up.

try and calm down a bit . try and practice martial arts and you could do some meditation it help and takes stress away. this thing of feeling really bad is due to being unstable, you get mad and upset about things but then u realize that your lonely.

hope you find someone you can trust in and if you can ask him to reduce your contraditions by telling you when your not doing things right(thou its difficult to find someone like that). oh well hope the best for you.

- Wisemon - 09-06-2004

I was completely alone/lonely for my entire freshman and sophomore years. You can do what I did, and immerse yourself in schoolwork and video games (I recommend the first one to avoid academic probation), or you can make an attempt at being outgoing, but this can be risky. If you keep to yourself, you're only ashamed of yourself. If you try to make friends and come off as a complete wacko, you're much worse off. I actually saw this happen to a kid who didn't know his place. He looked like a young "Weird Al", and he was clearly autistic (not super high functioning, like myself), but he approached people and tried to make friends anyway. After a few months, it became clear, even to him, that people didn't want to be his friend, and they were laughing at him behind his back. One day, he went missing, and it turned out that there was a suicide attempt. He ended up going home, and hasn't been seen since. I'm not saying this will happen to you, but if you have social difficulties, make sure you get your shit together before you start trying to make friends. That's what I did (it took two years), and now I'm considered almost normal.

Oh, and you can have Aerosmith. I just claim the new rock. As a New England native, you might know what I'm talking about when I say that WFNX (R.I.P.) was really the only friend that got me through the first years, especially the third shift show. Really, staying up until 2 A.M. isn't unusual for us. That's my regular bedtime.

- Gnostic Metatron Prime - 09-07-2004

Wisemon Wrote:I was completely alone/lonely for my entire freshman and sophomore years. You can do what I did, and immerse yourself in schoolwork and video games (I recommend the first one to avoid academic probation), or you can make an attempt at being outgoing, but this can be risky. If you keep to yourself, you're only ashamed of yourself. If you try to make friends and come off as a complete wacko, you're much worse off. I actually saw this happen to a kid who didn't know his place. He looked like a young "Weird Al", and he was clearly autistic (not super high functioning, like myself), but he approached people and tried to make friends anyway. After a few months, it became clear, even to him, that people didn't want to be his friend, and they were laughing at him behind his back. One day, he went missing, and it turned out that there was a suicide attempt. He ended up going home, and hasn't been seen since. I'm not saying this will happen to you, but if you have social difficulties, make sure you get your shit together before you start trying to make friends. That's what I did (it took two years), and now I'm considered almost normal.

Wisemon, your advice is, well, starting to go downhill. Previously, you told me to hang in there, and now you're telling me that I could make an ass of myself if I try to socialize...

Actually, I'm a bit better off today. My friend/girlfriend/ex-girlfriend (don't ask me how it's possible, but she manages to occupy all three roles simultaneously) finally IM'd me last night, and she just has a knack for picking me up. Of course, I'll probably get depressed or anxious again tomorrow, but that's later.

Quote:Oh, and you can have Aerosmith. I just claim the new rock. As a New England native, you might know what I'm talking about when I say that WFNX (R.I.P.) was really the only friend that got me through the first years, especially the third shift show.

Uhh, what? What are you talking about?

- flipflop_bum - 09-07-2004

^ thats the way, old friends rock... try talking to some people in your class (on the subject of the class maby) and get to know some of them and you should do fine, aslong as you don't smell like cabbage, because no one likes the smelly kid.

- Wisemon - 09-07-2004

Quote:Uhh, what? What are you talking about?
It was the wrong lyrics, but the same basic idea, and I thought you were referring to the Aerosmith song "Toys In The Attic", or possibly just the album of the same name. WFNX was a new rock/alternative station centered in Boston, but it broadcasted all over New England (I picked up the Providence version). Unfortunately, they shutdown about a year ago. :cry:

- Gnostic Metatron Prime - 09-10-2004

Nah. The title came from the song "The Trial" by Pink Floyd.

- Wisemon - 09-10-2004

You can definitely have them. At least Aerosmith is still hard rock (yeah, sellout type).

- Gnostic Metatron Prime - 09-11-2004

I don't want Aerosmith. They're just a bunch of Led Zepplin wannabes.

- Gabu - 09-19-2004

So your lonely, and depressed?? Wow, what a hole to be in. I remember those years, all 13 of them.. Don't want to be a stat thrower but, almost 77% of teenagers and young adults have some form of depression. It's sad, to know now, that all those young ones have such good lives ahead of them, and look down the dark path, one I walked for a long time, and it ate away at me for so many years, but meh it's over now..