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Gabumon/Agumon Lemon I made - Printable Version

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Gabumon/Agumon Lemon I made - BlackBlade - 07-01-2004

Dinner For Two
By BlackBlade

Agumon smiled gingerly at the back of Gabumon's head, sighing he turned to hand the stone he was holding to Gommamon, who passed it to Gatomon, who passed to Palmon, who assited Biyomon in placing the stone in it's rightful place on the tower the eight were busy constructing. They passed what seemed like an infinite amount of stone, which there actually was, constantly being refilled the pit was a valuble resource for the eight to make a watch tower to keep watch over what they temporarily called 'Home'. Agumon was handed a heavy burden by Gabumon, who realized his mistake, jumping to hold the other side of the cumbersome stone, "Sorry." he said shyly as if it was his fault. Gabumon and Agumon handed it off to Biyomon who, with the help of Patamon placed it. Everyone returned to theiir places. They slowly but surely constructed the tower and everyone was dirty and hungry, retiring into the tower. Hearing multiple groans and growling stomachs, Gabumon offered to get it, Agumon, out of love and guilt, for him helping and just standing there like a blitthering idiot. He wanted to talk to him anyway.
They took down a nearby path in search, unbeknowngst to Agumon, Gabumon was hoping he would come anyway. They searched up and down the path twice when Agumon spoke, "Gabumo..." being cut short by a hasty "Shh!". Something in the bushes rustled, Gabumon fired off a round of ice at the bush, hoping to find food, instead a very large insectoid rose, abdomen encrusted with ice crystals glittering in the sun. "Run..." Gabumon whispered as they fired a couple of shots of fire and ice at the bug, then turning to flee. They ran down a familiar looking path, outstreching off their original route and came across a cave in which they were just small enough to enter, doing so they found themselves in the cave the Digidestined and company slept when they first arrived. In awe and in fear they fled to what seemed like the back of the cave to hide away from the large insect on their doorstep, who was attacking the entrance relentlessly, with massive hands and pincers he tried but couldn't reach the duo. In selfdefeat it raised its wings and flew off, light free to enter the cave. Noticing for the first time the drawingson the wall, one of Gabumon surrounded by an icy aura, another of Agumon spewing flames, they smiled to easchother and explored deeper to the end of the lighted part of the cave where the saw in crude etchings, two obviously different handwritten, messages each had a heart one atop the other, one read,"Tai and Matt" the other said,"Matt and Tai". Amazed by this Agumon gaped at the wall realizing how many times Tai had come onto him, and he obliviously went about life. "Matt said he and Tai had loved eachother and never had the courage to admit it until they read the other's script upon this wall." Gabumon admitted as if under pressure to do so. "I am also not exactly...straight." Gabumon added bowing his head shamefully. Agumon tiptoed to him, planting a kiss upon his lips, Gabumon smiled gratefully. "I am too." Agumon said with an enormous weight lifted from his chest their lips met in an intense kiss lasting a few minutes, when interupted by a loud growl of Agumon's stomach. "Guess I'm hungry..." Agumon winking as he rubbed his neck. "No problem," Gabumon said revealing two small mushrooms from his coat, "These are a little less than tasty but filling nonetheless, follow me and I'll show you how to use them." Agumon followed as they winded up and through the cave when the found a trickle of water coming from the ceiling. Gabumon placed his mushroom in the water and ate it quickly almost gagging as he swallowed it. Agumon ran water over it and gagged as he gulped his down. Smiling they felt their bellies filled and ready to go again. Noticing the bulge inbetween Agumon's thighs he flipped him around and locked lips in an explosive kiss. Gabumon rubbed his fur against agumon's bulge, sending the straining pouch over the edge as Agumon's pink penis hell forth to his midshin. Smiling, Agumon forced Gabumon's package out, he had much more control than Agumon. Gabumon's reached his ankles and stopped in a throbbing array of blue and white swirling his cock was a sight to behold. "Hah! Mine's bigger!" Gabumon bragged. "Nah-uh!" Agumon strained as his extended to the floor. "Wow..." Gabumon said to himself.
They closed in on eachother met with open lips and massaging the other long hardness they both fell into a state of bliss. That's when Gabumon stepped on Agumon's hardness, sending pain up the longest appendage of his love. Agumon jumped back in pain, after they cooed over the hurt they both dissolved into a fit of hysterical laughter in eachothers arms. A halfhour later they regained composure, "Do you love me?" Gabumon asked Agumon, Agumon's reply was curt "Yes, Do you?". Gabumon nodded in happiness. "Good." Agumon Tackled Gabumon and retrieving the cock from the pouch engulfed the head and half the shaft with a needy tounge and lips, Gabumon, after many moans and shudders, did the same for his love and they both shuddered in pure ecstacy. Both came at the same time releicing their seed into the other's mouth and in Gabumon's case down his front, Agumon licked the salty liquid and gently bit on Gabumon's nipple, making it painfully hard. "Ouch!" he said in pleasure and pain doing the same to Agumon. they smiled and bathed under the trickle for the next hour, they came out clean. "You wanna go all the way, Agumon?" Gabumon queried curiously. "For you, anything..." Agumon wispered positioning himself on the floor, arms and legs spread to let in the already hardening member. His eyes in awe at the tight hole, smaller than even Matt's. Gabum played his fingers in, out, around over and over until Agumon gave a grunt to get on with it. Gabumon informed him of the hurt he'd experience and Agumon welcomed it, Gabum thrust in halfway, pulled out a quarter of the way then thrust in full force and AGumon who was facing upward to gaze into Gabumon's eyes, came all over him in the largest amount of cum either of them had ever seen. Smiling Agumon pulled up and Gabumon took his place, spread out, Agumon fought hard to keep his dick from softening, he shoved in already halfdiminished, but the feeling of being inside him sent Agumon to new heights. Gabumon bit his lip in pleasyure releasing more cum than Agumon had all over him.
Both collapsed in the other's arms, until they realized the cum would cool soon they drifted to the trickle, washed off, taking a delicate time on Gabumon's coat. They made a fire and slept in the other's arms all the night through, waking as the sun rose they collected food quickly having forgotten their responsibilities, they got an entire meal ready in the course of ten minutes. Returning to camp to see a picnic blanket spread out. All the group's partners were there, asleep. Gabumon prodded Matt awake, Agumon awoke Tai and the four left to the cave to find themselves with eachother once again.

This si my first lemon and I hope you had as much fun reading as I did writing...

- Gabumonfurry - 10-24-2004

I think it was great, nice job blackblade*pats on back* I loved it. :D

- circeus - 10-26-2004

paragraphs... please?

I can't read big blocks of text like that...

Nice! - Lukos - 08-29-2005

I enjoyed it as well, but I have to be honest.

You need work on the grammar. I sometimes had trouble understanding what you wrote.