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Idea for a new digimon series; - Printable Version

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Idea for a new digimon series; - grabjuri - 06-11-2004

To start with, there are 2 brothers. One is 13 years old, the other is 10 years old. Their parents have vanished and they were sent to seperate orpenages. They agree to escape on the same night and meet at their parents abandonded house._______As the 10 year old boy escapes, he is followed by a 10 year old girl. She saw the older brothers picture, and has a crush on him. She insists on staying with them and helping them investigate their parents disappearance.________Enter the digimon. These new type digimon are small and powerless. But their ability is to turn the kids into adults and give them magical powers. With these powers the 3 kids can enter the adult world and investigate. Really investigate.________Next another 10 year old girl joins the cast. Her mother was murdered. She is on a quest to find her mothers murderer. She finds out about the digimon and the kids powers. She pressures the kids into letting her join them, using the powers for her own ends._________4 elementary school kids walk past the abandoned house the kids are using for a secret base. They suspect something is going on. They check it out and get caught up in the story.______2 of the kids are boys, 11 years old. The other 2 are girls, 10 years old. They both have crushes on the 11 year old boys, but are way too embarressed to say anything. However they both come to realize, if they use these powers and change into adults, the boys might fall for them._______The 2 older boys are dubious of these powers. But the 2 girls push and drag them into it as they both have romance on their minds.______Now the evil digimon. He is as small and powerless as the good ones helping the kids. But he has the same power. To change a kid into an adult, and back into a kid again. Giving the kid magical power while they are an adult.______He chooses a brother and sister to be his wepons in this world. But they are very uncooperative. They would rather kiss the heros than kill them. Jump their bones rather than fight them. This brother and sister would be attractive rouges rather than villians._______Lots of romance and mystery. Lemons anyone?

- neomatrix2084 - 03-24-2005

its got potenshal as a series but not a a digimon season its just not the same feel as the other series but as a nother show it might be good

- Anonmon - 03-24-2005

Sorry, but I think Digimon series are supposed to be about the Digimon.

- Nate Hunter - 03-27-2005

The concept (sans the Digimon) has potential, but not for a Digimon series. In fac, Grab, all of your ideas have had potential, but NOT as Digimon series. I mean, why not take this concept for a Digimon series:

Think Ranma 1/2. But the characters can only fight if their Digimon are within 100 meters. Except for having Digimon fuel their fighting abilities, it's just like Ranma 1/2 though.

No mater how well developed the conmcept is, it's not a Digimon series unless it's ABOUT the DIGIMON. The Digimon can't be powerless, and their powers can't directly change the kids. In fact, the kids need to be the ones who prompt change in the Digimon (Evolution), or else it's just an attempt to cash in on the franchise in a bad way. Especially since it's, sadly, not an especially popular frnachise.

- Rokeniva - 05-06-2005

My idea is: this time there should be "american digidestined" with a girl as leader.

- Anonmon - 05-06-2005

In my opinion they should just make a series in which all the Chosen are international. I mean really, what excuse do these Digi-Choosing-people think they have for sticking with Tokyo, and in fanfics America, ALL THE TIME? In Digimon World Tour we saw so called Internation Chosen, but none were as important or powerful as the Japanese Chosen. It's neo-Japanese-anime-fascism. Wink

- UnknownH - 05-06-2005

Ever read any of Lord Archive's work?

- Rokeniva - 05-07-2005

Who's Lord Archive, is he on FanFiction.net?

- Nate Hunter - 05-08-2005

Actually.... I have three Parallel Series which follow a similar timeline to the first three incarnations of Digimon, and I call these series Digimon Adventure Gaiden, Digimon 02 Gaiden, and Digimon Tamers Gaiden. The core cast in all three of them in American kids.

Digimon Adventure Gaiden - Begins with two additional kids, Genki Karada (who was in Montana on a trip with his parents) and Ben Cohen. Introduces Kimberly Bates, though she doesn't join the boys until after File Island. They receive a few special villains, but are frequently just dodging around Vandemon or the Dark Masters.
--- Except that Ben and Kimberly are sent back to Montana instead of Tokyo, and have to get their Digimon to reach Ultimate (Perfection) level to defeat a unique enemy rather than just one of Vandemon's minions.
Series code: DAG
Leader - Genki, for no particular reason.
Crests: Genki - Trust; Ben - Justice; Kim - Wit

Digimon 02 Gaiden - Begins with Genki and Ben STILL stuck in the Digital World after three years and being attacked by the Digimon Emperor. After acquiring the DigiEggs of Trust and Justice, Kimberly is shown, longing to go back. She's drawn back in, along with three new kids - Kevin Allman and Gabrielle and Griff Hunter. They find a cave with four DigiEggs in it, and manage to pick them up. The beginning of the series focuses on the Digimon Emperor, but the second arc focuses on a new evil unrelated to Archnemon and Mummymon, while they ignore the World Tour altogether, as they're focused on a much larger threat within the Digital World.
--- After the defeat of their own enemy and Belial Vandemon, the 02 Gaiden kids go into an offshoot story (Digimon Gaiden: Beyond the Dark Portal) where they explore the Dark Ocean world. Genki and Ben stay in the real world for most of this storyline.
Series Code: D2G, DGB
Leader: Kimberly
DigiEgg traits: Trust, Justice - Genki & Ben; Wit, Imagination - Kimberly & Kevin [confirmed couple in DGB, btw]; Humility, Liberty - Gabrielle & Griff

Digimon Tamers Gaiden - Beginning with three fifth graders chosen to be Digimon Tamers, the series is planned to be quite a bit darker than the other two (excluding DGB) with a focus on mortality and death. After all, not every kid is partnered with a Digimon he met in a graveyard, or who happens to evolve into three of the most evil Digimon from Adventure (Devimon, Myotismon and Piedmon). The American Tamers (who happen to live around where I do) are joined by a few additional friends who gain partners -- partners like Ogremon, Yashamon, and BlackGatomon.
--- The Tamers Gaiden team actually fights the D-Reaper from inside the Digital World, and though only David, Angela, Ben and Jason get to Bio-Merge to Mega, all three of the other Digimon have the ability to evolve to Ultimate with a weaker Bio-Merge. This is not the normal Ultimate of the Digimon, if one has been confirmed, though. Yes, the Ben mentions is the same as in DAG and D2G, one of the specials I'm planning for D2G explains why he left his home dimension.
Series Code: DTG
Full Cast List [Human/Partner] - David/Tsukaimon, Angela/DemiDevimon, Jason/Houndmon[fanmade], Lisa/Ogremon, Henry/Yashamon, [unnamed]/BlackGatomon, Ben/Aelymon[fanmade].
Leader - Initially David, but at some point before they go to the Digital World he gives the role to Angela (who is happy to take it).

As you can see, I have made three side series to the originals, and the leaders in two of those are female.

Stormfeather Dancer Wrote:Who's Lord Archive, is he on FanFiction.net?

Lord Archive is one of the best fanfic authors I know. He has a taste for numerous series, some of which I'm familiar with, others of which I'm not. All of his fanfiction is written superbly, whether it's clean or adult. He publishes his work on MediaMiner.org since FFN will not publish stories with explicit (NC-17) content.

Anyhow, Lord Archive has one series in which the Chosen he focuses on are from London, England (as opposed to London, Ontario in Canada), and though I'm not certain, I think is leadership character in London Diaries is a female. I could be wrong though, as it's been a long time since I read London Diaries.

- Baby Cyndaquil - 05-08-2005

I think there should be some digimon that haven't shown on the show yet, like Tsukaimon, and Candlemon.