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Family or Money, what's more important? - Printable Version

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Family or Money, what's more important? - The Reclaimer - 12-12-2003

My dad seems to think money. See, my dad and mom divorced about 10 years ago, and me and my sister were living with our mom. Three years ago I moved in with my dad and my sister stopped visiting my dad's when she got a job. And now they like hate each other, and I told my dad they should talk it out, and he said "There's nothing to talk about, be happy it means that when I die you get more money because she won't get any." And I told him that the family meant more then money and he just laughed at me. Is it so wrong to want my family to be close?

- Arrowhead - 12-13-2003

Personally I believe family. My dad himself I cannot tell with since he has his moments in which he openly admits appearance means more than who a person really is (we get in this argument all the time since I dress punk-ish), but at the same time he does things that say he believes in his family. I am not very close to my family, but I would like to be closer. The one person I feel the closest connection with is probably either my sister or my brother. my brother and I have a... well... understanding, per say. We don't really like each other, but we can work with one another very well when it comes right down to it.

The next in line would be my cousin since she is the only one who I feel as though I can communicate with. Other than that the only people who I feel close enough to call family are my friends and both my parents really do not like my friends. They pretty much ARE family to me, they are more family than my parents or siblings have ever been really. I can honestly say I will not take a bullet for anybody in my family, but my friends I would gladly die for.

lol, my friend Shana, who is going to marry my friend Micheal when she graduates, says she would want me to be her kids "Wiccan Godfather" :D
That is how I know we are family, she, Micheal, and a couple other of my friends are close enough to me to want things like that. I have no doubt in my mind that we will have hardships but I just hope that we will stick together for a while.

Blessed Be,

- urban dream - 12-13-2003

I'd have to say family. Money doesn't mean much at the end of the day. I mean, it's true that not having enough money can make you unhappy, but that doesn't mean that having a lot of money automatically makes you happy.

Ya know, TR, obviously I haven't got a clue what I'm talking about because I've never met your father and don't know the situation in detail, but still: It sounds to me as if he's just being cynical to hide his pain. I mean, your sister and him might be fighting right now, and not seeing each other, but none the less, I can't imagine a parent and his child actually beginning to wholeheartedly and sincerely hate each other from one day to the other.

And no, it's decidedly not wrong to want your family to be close to you. It's natural and normal. In my opinion, you're definitely a hundred percent right when you tell your father to talk it out with your sister.

- mowgly - 02-25-2004


- Anus Individual 20 - 03-03-2004

I think it depends on which family member we're talking about here. There are lots of family members I'd take a bullet for, but a few who I would sell out to in a second, knowing that they've done the same to me.

- The One Caron - 03-20-2004

What about combinations?

Like 'Your family's money' or 'Your money's family' (My twenty has the cutest little dime you'll ever see. He taught her to say "ch-ching")

- UnknownH - 03-22-2004

heh heh nice non-serious comment carron

- FinalEnix - 05-09-2004

I go for family even if they get annoyng like my uncle he buyd a comp two days a go and now he is asking to me why his comp dont work. so I went to th hous and guess what he did not plug it to get nuts. then two days later he asked me to come becous his comp does not work. So I come to his hous he has 50 viruses on his comp it took me a whole day to get the comp normal. but it stays family

- Red Mage Dragon Tiamat - 05-10-2004

whoa 50 different kind of virus? how evil.

I'd go for family too

- FinalEnix - 05-11-2004

yeah but he got yesterday his record happy for me it where just worms and troyans around 100 of them they where easy thank god