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Breath of Fire-like RPG - Printable Version

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- Shadowknight - 12-19-2006

OOC: Like Kyo said we were just leaving too many people behind. But I think since those two aren't really in the actual action right now we can safely continue. I'll write them and ask them about it though.


*Moment's later inside a small cave in the face of the mountain*

"So I'll just assume this ain't a social call and that you need something." The elder Kanryu said. He sat down on a small mat in the cave, around him sat many odd looking objects, most carved from wood or right out of the mountain side. But one object that stood out among all others was an odd crystal that sat mounted on a small shelf carved from the stone, it's odd blue color shining in the light from a few torches, the insides swirling almost with a mist like smoke.

"Right," Shadow said, "My friend,"

"Needs my assistance figuring out who or what he is." The elder Kanryu said, not once glancing at anyone other than Shadow.

"Yeah, how'd you."

"Well what other reason would you have to visit me. Or to associate with these things." he said, knowing full well that everyone could hear. "Next ya know you'll be traveling with some damned Kitsune or something." He grunted a bit, being dogs the Kanryu's had a natural hatred of the Kitsune, one that was usually instilled in the next generation by following the example of the elders. "Well no matter, so what's your story?" he said looking over at Elliot.

- DragonMasterX - 12-19-2006

Elliot blinked at how, wise in a matter, the elder sounded. The red haired youth squinted eyes at the elder Kanryu for a moment, he wasn't sure how to speak. But started talking as best and clearly as he could, "I come from a hut in Kasq Woods. I was raised by a Woodsman called Bunyan. I've lived all my life with him as far as my memory recalls. I recently found out- well... power... inside me, which I didn't know of" he said, taking a small pause to breath and let the elder get all the info.

- Disturbed - 12-19-2006

OOC: I think it is safe to say that Grim is not going to post here anymore..thats what I've been waiting for this whole time..I suppose I'll make him static and go on from there.

- Kurtz - 12-19-2006

OOC: Reasonable enough, I guess.... And I'll speed up with Faiz since we need life back to this RPG.


Lunos quietly listened to the pair, as they talked, while holding his staff close to him. Out of all things, the thing he hated most was bats. He just hoped that this cave didn't have them of all things that it could. "Dangit~"

- Disturbed - 12-19-2006

Bruno then awoken from his slumber and quickly sat up. The Warren got to his feet put his clothes back on then headed back towards town "Damn it I'm bored." he said to himself walking down the trail back to town "I wish I was with those guys again, it would be a lot better than wasting away in this town." He then approached the town and sighs.

- Shadowknight - 12-19-2006

"I see, and what exactly is this power?" The elder asked, eyeing Elliot intensly, almost as if peering straight through him.

- DragonMasterX - 12-19-2006

OOC: I'll ask Grim later. I didn't see the post where he said he dropped. But static status has been applied for everybody who hasn't posted till now, so yes, you can safely ignore, Disturbed.


Elliot shuddered a bit, feeling the old kanryu's gaze pierce his eyes metaphorically. He managed to say: "I don't actually know, sir. I suddenly got a rush of power and, well... changed" he said, a bit worriedly.

- Lonely Werewolf - 12-19-2006

Elissa standing in front of the Large Kanryu while holding Lunos' hand. She manage to listen the conversation between Elliot and the Kanryu, as she quickly spoke. "Elliot change into dragon, and I could feel the powerful force insides him."

- Shadowknight - 12-20-2006

The elder looked over at Elissa as she spoke, "A dragon?" He laughed a bit, "Absurd, they were whiped out ages ago. They exist as nothing more than crystals nowadays."

- DragonMasterX - 12-20-2006

Dragons? What are- wait- "Crystals?" the boy suddenly spoke up, squinting his eyes at the elder, "I was hit by a red crystal in the chest, and according to them, I changed."