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Breath of Fire-like RPG - Printable Version

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- DragonMasterX - 11-19-2006

OOC: That was okay, since this was a demostration on how to fight them, but next time, remember it's only one action (Attack, Ability, Item, Defend) per post.


Elliot looked on Shadow, "Great!" he said, then used Focus a third time to boost his strength to its peek, he then had an idea. If the Jolt was made with both Wind and Water, then why not struck them all at once? "Hey! Try immobilizing all of them at once with your combo!"

- Lonely Werewolf - 11-23-2006

Meanwhile, Elissa kept dodging from Tarman, in order not to multiply them "Oh yes, great. Now, I have to hold my attack for being used to them"

- Kurtz - 11-24-2006

Lunos, looking at Elliot quietly, nodded. "Hey, good idea, we can use that." Turning to Shadow and nodding, another sphere quickly built up at the tip of his staff. With a small movement, he shot at one of the Tarman's. hoping Shadow would react quickly.

- Shadowknight - 11-24-2006

Shadow did what he did best, react quickly, "FROST!" He shouted as shards of ice fired from his hand. The two spells collided in the air and soon caused a large storm cloud to appear over the Tarmen. Bolts of lightning struck down from the sky striking each one.

- DragonMasterX - 11-25-2006

Elliot smiled as the strategy seemingly had worked.

The Tarmen had all frozen solid, their bodies were cracking, not even a further hit was needed to deal with them as the chemical reaction within their oil bodies from electrical energy after being frozen. They all exploded.

"Great job!" Elliot punched the air, happy even though he hadn't done much about it.

- Shadowknight - 11-25-2006

"Man, that was close." Shadow looked over at Lunos, "Good job."

"Sheesh, took you lot that long to figure it out?"

Shadow turned quickly as a voice rang up directly behind him, he grabbed his blade and spun around quickly, "Who's?" He blinked a bit as an old man looked back at him, "Gramps?"

"Huh? Who are you?" He looked at Shadow closely, "Well, couldn't be Shadow, only grandson I know wouldn't be caught dead travelling with outsiders." He said as he looked at the group.

"Long story, listen my friend here,"

"All in good time. But first we shouldn't stay out here long, those tarmen can appear pretty quickly." He said as he turned and headed up the mountains, surprisingly fast for someone that old.

Shadow sighed a bit, "Come on," he waved for the others as he started after his grandpa.

- DragonMasterX - 11-25-2006

"Right" Elliot accepted. He still blinked in surprise as the old-man was far too speedy for everything he had ever seen, Woah... to be that old he's... fast he admired in his thoughts, but shook his head and looked over Lunos and Elissa, "Come on you two! Let's go!" he grinned, then hastily left after Shadow and his grandad.

- Lonely Werewolf - 11-25-2006

Elissa grabs Lunos' hand and follow Elliot, Shadow and his grandfather as quickly as possible, so they could not miss the track.

- DragonMasterX - 12-18-2006

OOC: @ Other Five players: Why isn't anyone replying? Are you guys tired of the RPG and want to drop?

- Kurtz - 12-18-2006

OOC: To drop would be to screw up the RPG, to be honest.

I wasn't posting because we were flooding Disturbed and Pokepimp out, so actually I think that's a good enough reason, no?~


Getting tugged by Elissa, Lunos could only but gasp out of surprise, and wave his free arm about as he followed after the three. "Heeeeyyy~~!"