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Breath of Fire-like RPG - Printable Version

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- Lonely Werewolf - 11-13-2006

"Come, let's go Lunos." Elissa smiles cutely while pulling him together towards the mountain.

- Kurtz - 11-13-2006

Lunos then nodded, and quickly ran with Elissa towards the mountains after Elliot.

It was only a few minutes - say ten or twenty- that they caught up with him, as they arrived near the very base of the mountain. "Hey, looks like we caught up after... heh..."

OOC: n_n;; Did I speed up properly?

- Shadowknight - 11-13-2006

Shadow looked up at the group as they arrived, "Took long enough." He said as he sat up from leaning against a tree, "Hope you're all ready."

- DragonMasterX - 11-13-2006

"We are." Elliot took a good look high up on the mountain, "Never been more ready" he said, then took a step forward, "Let's go, I'm impatient to see him."

- Kurtz - 11-17-2006

"Yeah!" Lunos muttered quickly, as he ran over to the tree. "Well, I'm ready. Come down and let's start making our way, eh?"

- Lonely Werewolf - 11-17-2006

"Me too. I hope we're not bumped with someone is deadly evil inside the cave." Elissa smiles, but feel a little bit shaking.

- Shadowknight - 11-18-2006

"Kay," Shadow turned towards the small path up the mountain, "Let's go." He said as he started up the mountain.

*Curry stand*

The large Kanryu was putting away a few of the bowls from the guests that had just been there.

"Hey, is Shadow back in the village?" A voice rang up behind him, "I figured this'd be the first place he'd go."

"Yeah, he was just here a mo," The large kanryu turned around towards the voice, "AHHHH!" He screamed and fell over, dropping a few dishes as they shattered on the ground. He stood back up and looked into the bright red eyes of a pure white almost ghostly Kanryu, her body was much thinner than Shadow's, her muzzle was also slightly shorter, "Man, no matter what that always spooks me."

"Sorry," The female Kanryu smiled a bit nervously, "I don't mean to scare people."

"No big," He said as he dusted himself off, "Well they headed up the mountain a short time ago."

"They?" She said.

"Oh yeah, Shadow's actually travelling with some people. Nice group too." He said as he turned back to his work, "I told him he should visit you, but he said they had some important work to do."

"Well, I guess I'll wait for him back at the temple then." The white Kanryu sighed a bit as she walked off.

"Kay. See ya later Shiro." the large kanryu waved back at the leaving girl.

OOC: We needed some more girls. I know we can't have anymore heroes though but don't worry. I have some plains in store.

Character: Shiro. (Japanese for white. Ain't I clever?)
age: 18.
Tripe: Kanryu?.
Gender: Female.
Weapon: Shuriken, kunai, and other throwing weapons.
Description: Ghostly looking Kanryu, slimmer body structure from a typical male.
Spells: Heal. Purify. Rejuvinate.
Skills: Assassin's dart (throws a number of long needle like weapons aiming for an opponents vital points. Can kill or knock out anyone in a second if it connects.)
Perks: Her scent and juices have an aphrodisiac affect on nearby males. Even more powerful effect if she's in heat at the time.

- DragonMasterX - 11-18-2006

OOC: With' Knock-out' you mean 'Sleep' like if the foe had been sedated?


As the group kept advancing, Elliot continued to scan the entrances of the various caves that connected inside the mountain, I wonder just how deep this place goes he thought as he looked at small trails of water run down as they advanced, "Hmm? Small streams of water?" he said out loud, "Where do they come from? I don't see any lakes nearby."

- Shadowknight - 11-18-2006

OOC: Sorry, my brains totally gone. I need to get to bed, thanks for that DMX.


Shadow looked at the streams, "These mountains go up a ways, the ice at the top sometimes cracks and falls off, then melts and forms small rivers." He walked over to it, "They aren't very common so," he glanced up the stream, "If we follow this we should find wherever my gramps is." He said.

- DragonMasterX - 11-18-2006

OOC: Thanks for what? Lol.


Elliot nodded to Shadow, he glanced over the trail the stream was making, so he started to hastily walk upwards.

Soon enough, though, there were some other streams, they were more dirty. Upon looking at them, Elliot frowned, "Tar?" he blinked as he stopped.

Suddenly, two Tarmans emerged from the ground, both being a large amount of sticky tar and bones with a single blue eyeball on the top, they possesed no legs, but two big and long arms with claws.

"Oh damn" Elliot cursed, then stepped back as two more joined the first pair, making it four against four.