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Breath of Fire-like RPG - Printable Version

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- Shadowknight - 11-04-2006

Shadow set his cup down as he stared up at Elliot, "That might be a problem, the mountain is full of random interlinking caves. He tends to move around alot and it has been almost three years since I was last here." Shadow said as he looked up at the mountain, "I'm afraid it won't be as easy as we'd like."

- Lonely Werewolf - 11-04-2006

Elissa turns her face to Shadow and place the empty glass on table. "Don't say that, Shadow. We're facing a lot of trouble during our trip to certain places. As long as we work together, I'm sure that we can find him, even though it looks hard as we think." She smile after finish her sentence.

- Master Grim - 11-04-2006

"Oohhhh... Bruno... t-take me..." Catalina moaned/mumbled excitedly.

- Shadowknight - 11-04-2006

"Pretty optimistic aren't you?" Shadow asked as he looked over at Elissa, "I know we'll find him, and I'm not too worried about the dangers. I played on that mountain all the time as a kid. It's not that dangerous."

"Times've changed young'un." The large Kanryu said, "Not too long ago the monsters starting getting more and more aggresive, some of them have grown to almost 3 times what they used to come in at. The hunting is the best it's ever been but the danger is severely higher." he smiled as he picked up a few of the empty glasses, "But you look like a tough group, you'll do fine I'm sure."

- Disturbed - 11-04-2006

Bruno slid Catalina's pants the rest of the way off making her completely bare "Beautifal." was the only thing he could say as she laid on top of her. He then rolled backwards and slid his own pands off and tossed theim to the side. With the completely naked Bruno cuddled Catalina.

- DragonMasterX - 11-04-2006

"We will" Elliot nodded, full of confidence, "Oh, and" he grinned, "You, sir, have been the best cook I ever ate food from!" he said, patting his own belly with his hands, his tail happily wagged behind him.

- Kurtz - 11-04-2006

Lunos was still practically lost... again. He didn't know what everyone was doing, and just stood up. "So.. we're going?" With that, he flapped his wings, and glanced at Elissa, before looking at Elliot oncemore.

- DragonMasterX - 11-04-2006

Elliot smiled to Lunos, "Finish off your food first, we don't wanna go climbing there with our main healer without his stomach filled!" he grinned, putting a hand on Lunos' shoulders.

- Kurtz - 11-04-2006

"What food?" Lunos chirped back, blinking, as he turned back round, flapping his wings. "Uhm... something I forgot easily again?"

- DragonMasterX - 11-04-2006

"Well, you haven't eaten yet" Elliot said, "Wait a bit and he'll bring your order soon" he pointed to the big kanryu in the kitchen.