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Breath of Fire-like RPG - Printable Version

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- Kurtz - 10-02-2006

Lunos smiled, as small green glitter appeared around him for a few seconds, before disappering. He sighed deeply, and turned to face Elissa and Elliot. "Ih' alright, this magic ain' for just attackin'."

- Shadowknight - 10-02-2006

Why am I attracting such idiots today? Shadow wondered as he looked up at the large ox, "The table's not even worth the effort to fight over." He said as he got up, "And you're not even worth my time to argue with." He said as he walked past the large ox.

- Master Grim - 10-03-2006

Catalina nodded slowly "I had a... uh... misunderstanding back home..." She put down the plate; finished "Thanks for the food but I'd better go before they ca-" She shut her mouth suddenly. Me and my big gob...

- DragonMasterX - 10-03-2006

Bunyan shook his head, "You are being followed?"

Elliot grinned, "That's better, let me help ya," he said and pulled Lunos up by his arm so he could stand.

"Ahem," the big Ox stomped the ground loudly making sure Shadow heard, then turned around, "I think you didn't understand me, punk. You are not going to fight at all," he cracked his knuckles even louder, showing off his oversized physique.

"Brant, leave him alone," the waitress that previously had taken Shadow's order told the bullying Ox, "He's new here and didn't know of your 'place'."

"This is personal matter between men, girl," the Ox growled, then walked towards Shadow, "You clearly don't know in what kind of mess you just got yourself into."

- Disturbed - 10-03-2006

Bruno was now finished with his meal but he remained sitting watching everything unfold in front of him between the Brant and the newcomer.

- Shadowknight - 10-03-2006

Shadow calmly scratched the back of his head, "I have no reason to fight you so just take the seat and leave me alone, you're getting annoying."

- Lonely Werewolf - 10-03-2006

Elissa sigh in relief as watching Elliot helps Lunos to stood up. "It seems you two have healing magic as well." She smile as looking around, to make sure the route is safe to take. "May we proceed there?"

- Kurtz - 10-03-2006

Lunos finished casting heal, and stumbled back to his feet, smiling. "Yea', we can proceed there now. Hopefully..." He then cursed, putting his staff back to his side. "...If w' not attacked again."

- Master Grim - 10-03-2006

Great... Catalina shuffled her feet a little "Yeah. A bunch of mecinaries." She looked out of a window and blinked "Oh-"

OOC: Oh no. I wonder what EVER could be out that window. :P

- DragonMasterX - 10-03-2006

"Hmm?" Bunyan muttered as he walked towards Catalina, looking outside through the window, "What is it?"

"I haven't got any healing magic," said Elliot to Elissa, "Anyways, I must be heading off to Ichinou. Are you coming?" he asked.

Brant growled and put one of his over-sized paws on Shadow's shoulders, "I don't like when new comers walk in here and just do what they want like if they owned the place, see?" he started grinding the Kanryu's left shoulder with his paw in a strong grip, "You shouldn't do what you want here."

"Come on, stop it!" the girl cried and tried to stop Brant. Only to forcefully be pushed to the ground by the overgrown Ox male, "Eeek!" she yelped as she hit the ground.

"I told you to stay out of this," Brant growled again.

OOC: Dang, lol. First ones to have a Boss fight are you two-