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Red Meadow. - Printable Version

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RE: Red Meadow. - Shadowknight - 08-09-2011

OOC: Bummer dude, hope things look up for ya soon. Take care.


"Uh, well, if you don't mind a bit of a commute," Lupe said with a slightly shy smile, "There's a spare room at my house, it's mostly been used for storage so it's nothing fancy, but there's a bed and a dresser there you can use so you won't have to worry about those."

RE: Red Meadow. - DrakeZero - 08-10-2011

"Even a bed is a luxury for me Mrs. Lupe." he smiled rubbing his head nervously. "But it does sound nice, I'll pay whatever rent you think is fair."

"Oh I'm sure you two can work out some sort of 'payment' for the rent." Linda winked at her friend. "In fact Drake, if you are done you can go get settled in right now."

"Are you sure Mrs. Calftree?"
"Yes I am, and it's Linda or I cut your wage down." the werecow winked making Drake wonder if she was kidding or not. "Uhm sure Mrs....Linda."
"Hmmm better, but we'll work on it. Well off you two go. I have some paper work to finish now."

As she guided the two out she whispered in Lupe's ear. "Have fun."

RE: Red Meadow. - Shadowknight - 08-11-2011

"H-hey," Lupe started as she was suddenly pushed out of the house, blushing slightly as she glanced over towards Drake, "Uhm, well then, why don't I show you the way back to my place. My work's not far from here, so if you need to I would be able to give you a lift every morning." She said as she led Drake to the car.


Shaun nearly cheered as the bell rang, "Finally, school over! Freedom!"

Suddenly the speaker's came on over the school, "Remember students, basketball game tonight, be sure to attend and cheer on the team."

Shaun's excitement drained out of him, "Oh right, I joined a team didn't I?" he groaned a bit, "Well, least it'll be fun," he shrugged as he grabbed his bag. He headed for the lockers, yawning slightly, Ugh, this is gonna suck. Feel strange since that bastard hit me with that dart. He growled slightly as he clenched one of his fists.

RE: Red Meadow. - johalt - 08-12-2011

John arrived at the school just in time to here the bells and announcements. Well, I guess I got nothing better to do. Might as well watch at least one game this year.

RE: Red Meadow. - DragonMasterX - 08-14-2011

Mar put a hand to his face and let out a small sigh as he exited the classroom, people whispering about him or cheering him on from behind and around him right at about the same time the PA system announced their game. "Oh that's right. Well, this buys me some time. Crap, I've never had this situation..."

He glanced over the crowds, being actually quite tall even in his human form. Mar tried seeking out a few faces, but it took him some time until he eventually saw Shaun. "Yeah, better to ask. Don't wanna tell the adults yet," he winced at the thought of what might happen if Katt began running her mouth about weres. He made his way through the sheer number of students in the halls and eventually made it to Shaun's side, "Hey," he reached for the boy's arm and turned him around, "Gotta talk with you before the match. Got time?" he quite bluntly asked, though his tense grip subtlily indicated it was not really up for debate.


"O-oh, that's right! How silly of me..." Mia rasped and bopped the side of her head with a giggle, "You know, I never really understood them. Tifa and Delphi are pretty and fairly popular themselves, why would they listen to someone like Lisa?" she folded her arms in deep thought.


"Uh, well, yeah?" Tifa rubbed the side of her arm, "But we can help! I mean, maybe we uh, we know some stuff that could help you?" she tried. Delphi walked by Lisa and inspected her.

"Are you feeling ill again? Want us to walk you to the nurse's office?"

RE: Red Meadow. - Shadowknight - 08-14-2011

"Y-yeah, no problem," Shaun grunted a bit from the strong grip as he headed somewhere a bit more private away from the rest of the students who were on their way to the gym for the game, "Man dude, don't think you realize how strong you are." he said as he rubbed his arm a bit where Mar had grabbed him, "What's the matter? Seem a bit tense."


Katt meanwhile joined a few of the other students in the bleachers for the game, wanting to make sure she didn't miss her oppurtunity to talk to Mar afterwards, He doesn't seem like the type that'd just run off, but still, after then again he doesn't seem like alot of things I know he is. she thought as she watched the gym slowly packing with students.

RE: Red Meadow. - DrakeZero - 08-15-2011


"You're too kind Miss Lupe. I can always walk in the mornings gives me good exercise you know." he paused as he noticed how big he was compared to her truck. "Hehe I forget sometimes." he said before his body started to shrink and morph back to his human form as and he climbed into the truck. "I really do appreciate this. Those cows in the barn seemed like they were plotting against me lol."


"One and two and three. Malon you need to keep your arms straight." the teacher shouted as Malon finished off a grueling dance routine. "Yes teacher, I'm trying."
"Well you need to do better if you want to pass this course." the rough older woman spoke as she wrote notes on a clipboard. The bell rang, and instantly brough relief to Malon as she could now go shopping with Shaun, but then the PA announcement came over about the basketball game. "Oh shoot.....that's today?" she whined to herself. "Dam...well at least I can cheer for him and maybe even talk to Mar about strengthening ideas."


She took deep breaths and rubbed her head as it pounded heavily. Her body feeling warm, were these a side effect of the pills the doc gave her?
"Oh yeah, I'm fine. Fine to find out my so called friends had their way with the basketball captian before I could! Is that why you didn't even come to the hos-" Lisa was interrupted as the PA announcement came over the game. Lisa cursed at this timing, with her headache she was in no shape to be tossing around. "We need to go. We'll talk about this later on." she said as they turned and made their way to the gym to get dressed into their cheerleading outfits.

RE: Red Meadow. - Crimson Fox - 08-16-2011

Ada blinked, finding it rather odd, especially now that she knew the twins were really were-felines. "That's a good question, I'm not sure. Maybe they're just using Lisa." The black haired girl stretched for a moment, before uttering, "Ah well, they'll have to try harder now to catch someone off guard. She looked over to the thinking girl, and giggled lightly, "Well, that was a good snack. Ready to go?"

RE: Red Meadow. - Shadowknight - 08-22-2011

"Oh I'm sure you're just overreacting, all the cows I've met are all really nice," Lupe smiled a bit as she climbed into her side of the SUV, as she did she glanced towards the barn, seeing the cows all lined up and glaring towards the car. She shivered slightly as she closed the door, "Then again I suppose I haven't dealt much with the non-were version." she chuckled a bit. The ride back home was fast since Lupe had taken it so many times she knew all the quickest routes, the fact that she drove like a maniac helped too, and within only a half hour they were pulling into her driveway, "Well, this is it, no mansion but sure it beats a barn." she joked a bit.

RE: Red Meadow. - johalt - 08-29-2011

(Uhm... Hello?)