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What pisses you off? - Printable Version

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- Guilmon and a shotgun - 08-22-2006

yeah congrats herr mullen!!!
lol lol lol lol lol

heres a monty python of spam


- Shadowknight - 08-22-2006

wow, what a selection :roll: . One thing that pissed me off before, I went to a gamestop and picked up an old game, it was about 20 dollars, and when I went home and put it in my playstation it says that it's a demo disc. Aren't they supposed to check for this kinda thing? That wasn't the biggest deal though, when I tried to return it they said they didn't accept demo discs, I told them that they sold it to me and they had the nerve to say, "Sorry, all sales on used games are final." luckily I knew exactly how to get my money back and make them look like idiots in front of a bunch of customers. If it ever happens to anyone all you need to know is that the return policy is only valid if the item in question was the correct iten sold, since they sold me something other than what the box said their little return policy was completely worthless, it was fun watching this highschool dropout try to understand half the things I was trying to explain.

- Herr Mullen - 08-27-2006

Why is everything to do with personal hygiene designed to put you in as much discomfort as possible?

I look at products such as this deep clensing face moisturising cream someone gave me, and it's a burning acid. It says "Warming sensation" and yet it burns. It burns like heck. And shaving! Someone keeps blocking up my shaving gel and so I put too little on, slice my face to ribbons and die from aftershave poisoning my bloodstream. Toothpaste's god awful: why did they make it mint? Why not something that tastes nice? Why can't I have a cicken flavour toothpaste? Someone, please, throw a chicken in a bender and pour the bloody carcus into some paste for me to clean my mouth with. Mint is horrible. Do you know why little children won't bruth their teeth? It's the god awful mint. It puts them off it for life. I can only have weak mints because of the trauma I suffered having to stick a bit of pastic with some hair on it into my mouth three times every day of my life with some foul tasting mush on the end of it. Then there's mouth wash: I've got a god awful mouth ulser I'm trying to kill, and I took some of this mouthwash and I'm certain someone at Asda wants me dead because it's like toothpaste mint but stronger and with an added feeling of corosive acid eating away at your tastebuds and cheekbones. I got a bottle of "Natural hair shampoo" the other day, promicing me a "Never before felt sensation." It was right: never before have my eyes burnt so much. I wasn't being clumsy and doucing my eyes with it, throwing it in my face to mesure the pain factor, no. I was just washing my hair on the very back of my head and it ate my scalp and the fumes stung my eyes. Even my tongue, which doesn't make an apparence in the shower very often, was in excutiating pain. Coincidently, the shapoo was "Tealeaf and mint". I'd like to meet the man who decided to put mint in every blasted cleaning product in the univerce, preferably whilst holding a bottle of that shampoo. I'm certain that one day, some big deoderant company will release a mint underarm spray so I can go around in pain all day. It is on that day when I will grow a beard and live in a delapidated castle in Cornwall completely naked, roaming the countryside and telling people to get off my land in a series of uninteligable grunts until I become known as "That naked crazy guy in the castle" and get shot at by famers late at night. Then I will burn any naturally occuring mint I find whilst singing "Oggleboggle! I will hurt the mint! It will burn like my eyes!"

But I don't feel like smelling like a cesspit, so I probably won't. I'll just get very annoyed about it and write an adsurdist stand up/rant about it.

- That One Internet Guy - 08-27-2006

I can't think of anything particularly big that I hate. Life's pretty good.

- Crimson Fox - 08-27-2006

At the moment, the only thing that I really hate is Writer's Block, frustrating to say the least. Other than that, yeah life's okay I guess.

- DragonMasterX - 08-27-2006

Hmm... I really wish I had the will to write. Because my inspiration is well balanced, but it seems I just... don't want to write fiction. But at the same time, I want to!

^^ Confusing DMX.

<< Pisses him off.

- Shadowknight - 08-29-2006

Okay this really pissed me off today, my mom downloaded some software onto the computer, firewall, virus scan, that sorta thing. Common stuff right? Well the problem was I had already downloaded all the viral software we need, and putting all that crap on messed with them so while they were going (Thanks to the fact that she didn't tell me) we got about 50 viruses (Nothing serious thankfully) and a couple trojans. Well anyway the worst part was that she started yelling at me about how she was getting countless E-mails and it was my fault for going on sites, this is the only site I go on, and I don't even really pay any attention to porn currently. So she's saying it's my fault and that something I did is causing all the E-mails, thing is she's the only one getting anything meaning that if anything it's her fault, so I had to spend almost 8 hours yesterday updating the virus scans, deleting junk, reloading crap, and checking important files for corruption, and fixing the firewall. It just pisses me off that despite the fact that she knows nothing about computers she insists on just downloading everything that says virus block without wondering what it'll do to our current software and making my life difficult when I have to fix everything.

- UnknownH - 08-30-2006

People do that. I have to help my parents (mom mostly) with the computer.

- Renamon_S3 - 08-30-2006

I hate that I am a bit afraid of hights, and that I still have to paint my ceilings. 20foot, and all I did yesterday was put painters' tape around the crown molding. At least I had a wall to brace myself against, but now I have to paint sometime today, before my siblings get home from school.