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Darkness to light (Silver/AWL) - Printable Version

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RE: Darkness to light (Silver/AWL) - Maero - 07-07-2009

Sniver rolled her eyes and said "Oh Im sorry if having two broken legs and being taken away from this wreck by a cop whose girlfriend I just stole dosnt seem so appealing." She winced as she was set down and looked at her legs. "Im useless, these will take months to heal." she murmured. "I dont have months..." She added bitterly, looking away. "So what now? Are you going to carry both of us back to the police or are you only taking one?"

RE: Darkness to light (Silver/AWL) - Erethzium - 07-07-2009

"Just be quiet and go to sleep." The avian grumbled, hoisting up both females, which was quite a task considering he was so fatigued from running so far, and began to carry them out of the sewer.

RE: Darkness to light (Silver/AWL) - Maero - 07-08-2009

Sniver bit her lip and grumbled "Right, like I can sleep right now..." still, she remained quiet as the began to leave. She continued to feel horrible pain from her broken legs and eventually passed out, not resisting the welcomed black out that much. Amy wiggled in her latex bindings and waited to be let out, not liking her warm, sweat drenched interior.

RE: Darkness to light (Silver/AWL) - Erethzium - 07-14-2009

The avian brought the two home, having to be wary of any police forces on the way there, setting them both down on the large bed in the master bedroom once he arrived. He used one talon to slash the latex off of Amy, pulling it off of her. "Are you alright, Amy??" he asked worriedly, pulling off as much of the latex as he could.

RE: Darkness to light (Silver/AWL) - Maero - 07-14-2009

Sniver lay unconscious on the bed, sweating and gasping. She was clearly having further complications with her broken legs that were affecting her now. She groaned in pain but lay mostly still as Ocax freed Amy.

Amy flew out of the latex prison and into a hug as Ocax let her out, her naked sweat drenched body pressing against his as she kissed him. "Thank you..." She said tearfully afterward, holding him close as if anything less may result in her kidnapping again. She looked at Sniver and eeped, hiding behind Ocax.

"What is she doing here?" She whispered, looking with fearful eyes at the once proud mercenary.

RE: Darkness to light (Silver/AWL) - Erethzium - 07-14-2009

"Heh, don't worry, babe. She's harmless, trust me." Ocax chuckled, patting Amy's head gently, before stroking his claw down her back. "Why don't you go and shower, Amy? You're all sweaty."

RE: Darkness to light (Silver/AWL) - Maero - 07-14-2009

Amy slowly nodded but hugged Ocax more tightly. "I..I will go shower." She said after few moments. She let go of him reluctantly and made her way towards the shower. She didnt want to be away from Ocax at all but she also did realize she was entirely slick with sweat and a shower would help keep her fur from stinking later.

RE: Darkness to light (Silver/AWL) - Maero - 07-17-2009

(Hello?) *Echoes*

RE: Darkness to light (Silver/AWL) - Erethzium - 07-19-2009

"Now for her..." Ocax looked over at the unconscious woman on the bed for a couple moments, before opening the nearby closet and taking out a special medical kit from it, setting it down on the bed and opening it up. After digging through it for a moment, he pulled out a small vial, and attached it to a syringe. He then reached for the woman's leg, and felt the hard metal a bit, soon finding a small switch to manually remove the boots. After they were off, he gently stuck her with the syringe, and injected a bit of the fluid into her bloodstream, doing the same to her other leg. There...she should be better in at least a day...

RE: Darkness to light (Silver/AWL) - Maero - 07-20-2009

Sniver groaned and slowly began to wake up, just in time to see Ocax inject her. She groaned a little more and laid her head back. "What...did you inject me with?" She asked, sweating and clenching her teeth. She was in allot of pain. "What are you...going to do...with me?"