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PMD Role Play - Printable Version

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RE: PMD Role Play - Masquerade - 05-25-2011

It's no problem. I believe John's planning on using Charmander. I don't have a problem with two of the same types of pokemon being around; you'll just have to keep an eye on whose Charmander you're interacting with. As for gender, pick what you want to be (also note you'll need a partner) because balance doesn't matter. I expect all sorts of things to happen, so no big deal. =p

RE: PMD Role Play - johalt - 05-25-2011

You could be a charmander with a meowth partner! ... Or vice versa! ^_^

RE: PMD Role Play - Masquerade - 05-25-2011

John makes a very valid point. XD

RE: PMD Role Play - johalt - 05-25-2011

Lol yay I'm helping!... Granted by pointing out the obvious but still! ^_^ lol

RE: PMD Role Play - Masquerade - 05-25-2011

Great news! I finished the character sheets!


Bad news! There's so many fields to fill in....I have a bad habit of doing that, so bear with me. A lot of it is necessary for battling in dungeons and shiz, so that's how it goes, not to mention you have personality stuff, turn ons/offs, about your exploration team, etc, etc. You can start to get an idea of how much of a compilation this thing's gonna be. x-x I'll post the sheets after I finish the ones for my own characters so you can use them as examples. Almost done with Riolu and then I'll move on to Vulpix and that'll be that. Stay tuned. :3

RE: PMD Role Play - johalt - 05-25-2011

No probs. ^^ having actually played the game, I totally understand where youre coming from. If only I could find my handbook, or at least my compilation of best moves... Wait a minute... Haha! Ok, found my game, with data intact! ^_^ I know exactly what moves I get and in what order! Thank you gulpin!

So let me get this straight: newly recruited team members just stay in the hq?

RE: PMD Role Play - Masquerade - 05-25-2011

Oh, you mean new recruits to your own exploration teams? No, they don't live in the HQ. They live wherever they did before joining your exploration team, or you can convince them to move closer to the town. It's up to you. But they cannot stay in the guild because they are not actually apprentices to the guild; they're apart of your exploration team. Kinda like how it is in the game.

Anyway, time for the character sheets! Let me make some notes first:

1) I NEED EVERYONE'S INPUT ABOUT THE ROOM THING (i.e. want to room with your partner or do you want me to shuffle it up randomly?)


2) WHEN YOU FILL OUT THE CHARACTER SHEET FOR YOUR CHARACTERS, LEAVE THE STAMINA, ATTACK, DEFENSE, SPECIAL ATTACK, SPECIAL DEFENSE RATINGS BLANK ALONG WITH THE PP RATINGS FOR YOUR MOVES!! I will be giving those to you after I see your profiles and you can just edit them in when you get them, capiche?

Without further ado:

Pokemon: What pokemon is your character?
Nickname: If you have a nickname, what is it? Completely optional.
Gender: Male or Female? Simple enough. (Even if your type of pokemon doesn't typically have a gender like Magnemite, we're gonna switch things up a bit and give you a gender anyway. Don't know who would fuck a magnet, but it's all good. ;3)

Team: What is the name of your exploration team if you have one? If you haven't decided upon a name, put "Unnamed" for now. If you don't even want to form your own exploration team at the moment, put "Not Applicable".
Trademark: What is the trademark of your team? Blue scarves? Funny bandanas? A secret rock or crystal that all members possess? It'll help clear up confusion in the case that two of the same type of pokemon are in the role play. Oh, but you don't have to have one if you don't want to.
Specialty: What will your team specialize in? Strict explorations? Daring rescue missions? Located lost treasures for other pokemon? Hunting down wanted outlaws? Etc... It's possible to do EVERYTHING, but what will your team be best at?
Reason: Why do you want to start an exploration team? To go to where no one has ever been? To discover forbidden treasure? To be around other pokemon that share your interests? To be famous? Put something. lol

Type: What type of pokemon is your pokemon? Fire? Grass? Poison? A hybrid of the two? It might be painfully obvious, but put it down anyway.
Ability: What innate ability does your pokemon know? You can only choose one and it has to be one that actually exists (i.e. Absol with Pressure, Arcanine with Flash Fire, etc.) which brings up the point that it has to be an ability that the pokemon can actually know. So if it only knows one ability, you have no choice. XD Also put what the ability does.
Evolves From: If your pokemon has a previous form, what was it? This should pretty much be None for most of you, if not all.
Evolves To: The next stage in your pokemon's evolution.
Strengths: What pokemon are you strong against? You can also put any special talents that your pokemon mighty have.
Weakness: What pokemon are you weak against? You can also put anything like fears or personal shortcomings here as well.
Stamina Rating: Leave this blank. I will provide a number for you based on what pokemon you choose. Basically, it'll be a number from 1 to 10 that gauges how many hits your character can take without fainting. Like if your character is getting slapped around a lot in a dungeon and has a low stamina rating, you won't be able to keep fighting continuously. Kind of a way to dampen power playing.
Attack Rating: Once again, leave this blank. If your pokemon is laying the hurt on some bad guy with physical moves and has a high attack rating, then you better believe your pokemon is going to seriously be kicking ass.
Defense Rating: Leave it blank. If your pokemon has a high number for this rating, it'll be able to shrug off physical attacks rather easily.
Special Attack Rating: Leave it blank. If your pokemon is unleashing a barrage of special attacks like Flamethrower or Psychic, and has a high number for this, you can bet on those attacks dealing some serious damage unless the opponent has a shitload of Special Defense.
Special Defense Rating: Leave it blank. Find yourself getting blasted by moves like Confusion and Water Gun? Have a high number for this rating? Then you should be just fine. ;3
Moves: These are your moves that your character knows. You can only have a max of 4. Make sure to pick something that isn't OP for a starter. (If you start with Mudkip and try to have it know Hydro Pump from the beginning, I'm gonna slap ya.) Include what the move does, what type it is (Fire, Grass, etc.), and whether it is Physical (Razor Leaf, etc.), Special (Surf, etc.), or Status (Safeguard, Counter, Mist, etc.) No power or accuracy ratings needed. Oh, and no PP, but there will be PP ratings from 1 to 10. A move with a high PP rating you can use pretty much over and over and over, while a move with low PP rating would be something you'd save for a special occasion. ^ ^

+First Move.

+Second Move.

+Third Move.

+Fourth Move.

Personality: What is your character like personality-wise? The wise-cracking jokester? The enigmatic schemer? The too awesome for these chumps guy/girl? Arrogant? Serious? Humorous? GAAAHH!! You know what I'm driving at.
Sexuality: Straight, Gay, Curious, Bi, etc, etc.?
Turn Ons: What gets your character aroused?
Turn Offs: What puts off your character?
Measurements: This is mainly for the male characters for cock size. Since our pokemon characters aren't anthros, I'm afraid the females won't have breasts. Sooorrryy~~ I hope that doesn't put anyone off. >< Also, for those cocks, try and be realistic. Rhyperior having an enormous dong? I can imagine. Turtwig? Not so much.
Other: Anything else you want to add. You can do a small history here if you want, or whatever. It's completely up to you. If you don't have anything else, just put "None."

Phew....I know it's a lot, but it'll drastically improve the quality of the role play itself. NOW, about those Ratings:

-There will NOT be any actual damage calculations. Enemies will have ratings similar to your own (they'll typically be a bit lower in general) so they are based off of the same idea.
-They are there to help smooth things out in battle and to prevent power play and stuff. I know you guys would prevent that yourselves, but this is a good way to help. Like a guideline.
-As the role play goes on and you guys get stronger, the scale of the ratings will increase, so instead of being 1-10 like it is now, a little later on it might be 1-20 to make room for the growth you guys get.
-Ratings are increased by special drinks (Protein, Iron, etc.), gummis (I'm only giving rating boosts if you eat a gummi that corresponds directly to your type), and by just gaining general (note I said 'general'; no numbers) experience in battle.
-THERE ARE NO ACTUAL STATISTICS; JUST GUIDELINES!! However, if the guidelines are completely broken, I might have to have a word with you. :3

Anyway, here are the examples which so happen to be my characters:

Pokemon: Riolu
Nickname: None
Gender: Male

Team: Team Cascade
Trademark: Members are given raindrop-shaped translucent blue crystals to hold onto as proof of membership.
Specialty: The team plans on specializing in rescue missions to aid lost or injured pokemon in their attempts to escape a dungeon. Secondary priority would be exploration.
Reason: Why the hell not? A hot ass Vulpix asked him to form the team, and he didn't have much to do otherwise since he lost his memory.

Type: Fighting
Ability: Inner Focus - Prevents Flinching.
Evolves From: None
Evolves To: Lucario
Strengths: Strong against pokemon of the Normal, Rock, Steel, Ice, and Dark pokemon. Takes less damage from Bug, Rock, and Dark type moves. Due to his memory loss, he seems to have quite a bit of bravery, but whether that bravery is pure or just plain recklessness has yet to be determined. He is also fairly decisive seeing as how he usually neglects consequences of those decisions.
Weaknesses: Weak against pokemon of the Psychic and Flying types. Deals less damage to pokemon of the Poison, Flying, Bug, and Psychic types. May endanger others without fully realizing it with his rash actions. Not very good under pressure. If he had fears, he forgot them.
Stamina Rating: 3
Attack Rating: 3
Defense Rating: 2
Special Attack Rating: 1
Special Defense Rating: 1

+Quick Attack: Speedy attack that involves the user rushing into the opponent from either up close or from a short distance away. Normal. Physical. 10 PP.

+Foresight: Allows Normal- and Fighting-type moves to hit Ghost-type pokemon. Also allows for hitting of opponents with high evasion. Normal. Status. 10 PP.

+Endure: Braces self for a blow that would otherwise be fatal only to survive with at least a small bit of health. Normal. Status. 5 PP.

+Counter: Counters physical attacks to deal damage equal to double the amount taken. Must be used prior to receiving the attack. Fighting. Physical. 7 PP.

Personality: Riolu is a rather laid-back kind of pokemon despite losing his memory. He's extremely easy to get along with, but he can rub some pokemon the wrong way. His mind is pretty twisted and he constantly thinks about sex. He's also not afraid to voice his opinion whether it be about something important, or just about how hot a nearby pokemon happens to be. He joins Vulpix to form an exploration team in hopes of finding clues to retrieve his lost memory, or to just create new memories. He's not one for serious situations, but he's known to subside with the humor and lax nature in order to accomplish what needs to be accomplished. He's rather confident in his skills, but he's not arrogant enough to lay it all on the line. In other words, if things get rough: tactical retreat.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Turn Ons: Oral. He loves having a face full of dripping cunt or throbbing cock. Loves it, loves it, loves it. His biggest turn on. He also gets turned on by virgins or girls/guys who haven't been around the block too many times. He also likes being dominant. Shy girls turn him on, and he doesn't mind some watersports as long as nothing winds up in his mouth.
Turn Offs: S&M if he isn't the Master, gore, scat, muscular/tough/butch females.
Measurements: 4 1/2 inches long, 1 inch thick cock when erect. Rather small knot, but still has one.
Other: The crystals that serve as the team's proof of membership came about because he had a rather large sack of them upon his person when he was found by Vulpix. Of course, he has no idea where they came from or what they do if anything at all. Out of the stuff he can remember, he remembers being out at sea at some point and there was a storm of sorts...maybe...or was that? Ooohh...things are getting fuzzy...

~ | ~ | ~

Pokemon: Vulpix
Nickname: None
Gender: Female

Team: Team Cascade
Trademark: Members are given raindrop-shaped translucent blue crystals to hold onto as proof of membership.
Specialty: The team plans on specializing in rescue missions to aid lost or injured pokemon in their attempts to escape a dungeon. Secondary priority would be exploration.
Reason: To aid in quelling of the influx of outraged pokemon so that the citizens of Discovery Town and nearby areas can rest well at ease.

Type: Fire
Ability: Flash Fire - Strengthens one's own Fire-type moves if hit by a Fire-type move of which will deal no damage.
Evolves From: None
Evolves To: Ninetales
Strengths: Strong against Bug, Steel, Grass, and Ice pokemon and also takes less damage from those types of moves. Completely immune to Fire. She's very loyal, and quite reliable when she's around others. Values friendship to a great extent allowing her to work well in teams, even if the team is full of strangers.
Weaknesses: Weak against Ground, Water, and Rock pokemon and takes extra damage from those types of moves. She can be kind of a coward if someone she doesn't trust is around and she can be quite indecisive at times. More of a follower than a leader.
Stamina Rating: 2
Attack Rating: 2
Defense Rating: 1
Special Attack Rating: 4
Special Defense Rating: 2

+Ember: Lets loose a small jet of flame. Fire. Special. 9 PP.

+Tail Whip: Lowers target's Defense Rating by 1 point. Normal. Status. 10 PP.

+Roar: Sends a foe running away, cowering in fear. Normal. Status. 7 PP.

+Quick Attack: Speedy attack that involves the user rushing into the opponent from either up close or from a short distance away. Normal. Physical. 10 PP.

Personality: She's quite nervous around intimidating pokemon or those who are famous, but otherwise, she's quite outgoing and even surprises herself sometimes with that nature. She's unbelievably quick to make friends and has a vast capacity of kindness. Always helps those in need to the best of her abilities. Easily shaken by troubling circumstances. She's naturally curious and sometimes, it can get the best of her.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Turn Ons: She doesn't really have any at this point. She's rather naive in the area of sex considering she's never had it before.
Turn Offs: See above.
Measurements: Eh, she's a virgin, so whoever gets first dibs is in for some tightness.
Other: If she had never found Riolu on the beach, she would have decided against going to the Slowking Guild for the reception of the new recruits winding up with her not being a part of an adventure team.

NOTE: The PP Ratings you see in the example profiles are NOT how many times you can use the move. They are just to give you a general idea of how much you can use a single move. I think I explained it in the character sheet, but the best way to explain is through example, which happens to be moves with a PP Rating of 10 would be moves you could use all the time with *hardly any* limitations. A PP Rating of 1 would be, on an extreme case, a move you might only be able to whip out once per battle. You won't see many of those though.

Anyway, that's that. I hope the Rating system isn't too outlandish, but for a role play like this, I think SOMETHING was needed, and I didn't think this system would be too complicated. ; ^ ; If it is, let me know and I can reformat. Thank you~

RE: PMD Role Play - BlackVeedramon - 05-25-2011

Pokemon: A meowth


Gender: Male

Team: Red scavengers

Trademark: Members are given a Red bandanna

Specialty: Scavenging dungeons for items

Reason: To make money

Type: normal

Ability: Pickup: May pick items from the ground while walking

Evolves From: None

Evolves To: Persian

Strengths: He is good at tricking people, he is a normal type Pokemon so he isn't good versus any type.

Weakness: Fighting Pokemon

Stamina: 3
Attack: 4
Defense: 3
Special Attack: 1
Special Defense: 2


Scratch: a Sharp scratch. Normal Physical 10 PP

Bite: A bite, Dark Physical 8 PP

Fury Swipes: Slashes with his claws repeatedly, Normal Physical 10 PP

Taunt, Taunts the oponent, Dark Status 5 PP

Personality: Arrogant, may be serious and worrisome sometimes.

Sexuality: Straight

Turn Ons: other felines, dinosaurs, bunnies, foxes, dragons, canines.

Turn Offs: People that acts too gay

Measurements: Regular (Your pick)

Other: He had a hard childhood


Pokemon: Charmander

Nickname: Carla

Gender: Female

Team: Red scavengers

Trademark: Members are given a Red bandanna

Specialty: Scavenging dungeons for items

Reason: To make money, also she thinks cats are cute

Type: Fire

Ability: Blaze: When a Pokémon with Blaze uses a Fire-type move, the power will increase by 1.5× if the user has less than or equal to ⅓ of its maximum HP remaining.

Evolves From: None

Evolves To: Charmaleon

Strengths: Strong against Bug, Steel, Grass, and Ice pokemon and also takes less damage from those types of moves. Resistant to fire. She's very passionate sometimes and is way friendly that her feline companion.

Weaknesses: Weak against Ground, Water, and Rock pokemon and takes extra damage from those types of moves. She also will stick with Meowth no matter what.

Stamina: 4
Attack: 3
Defense: 2
Special Attack: 2
Special Defense: 1


Ember: Lets loose a small jet of flame. Fire. Special. 9 PP

Scratch: a Sharp scratch. Normal Physical 10 PP

SmokeScreen: Releases a smokescreen from her mouth Normal, Status, 10 PP

Scary Face. Does a scary face Normal, Status, 4 PP

Personality: She's quite friendly

Sexuality: Bisexual

Turn Ons: Mostly felines, dragons and fire pokemon

Turn Offs: Gross stuff

Measurements: She is no virgin, but she haven't had fun in a while, so she is a bit tight

Other: She will never openly admit she loves Meowth

RE: PMD Role Play - Masquerade - 05-25-2011

Your pokemon's turn offs made me lol, Vee. XD Everything seems fine to me, I suppose, but I'll need info on those moves such as what type they are (i.e Ember would be Fire, Scratch would be Normal, etc.) and what kind of damage they do (i.e Ember would be Special, Scratch would be Physical, etc.) If you need help finding the info, check Bulbapedia. That's where I got all my crap from. XD

Meowth's Ratings:

Stamina: 3
Attack: 4
Defense: 3
Special Attack: 1
Special Defense: 2

Scratch - 10 PP
Bite - 8 PP
Taunt - 5 PP
Fury Swipes - 10 PP

Charmander's Ratings:

Stamina: 4
Attack: 3
Defense: 2
Special Attack: 2
Special Defense: 1

Ember - 9 PP
Scratch - 10 PP
Smokescreen - 10 PP
Scary Face - 4 PP

Just edit those ratings in where they're supposed to go and you're all set, Vee. :3

RE: PMD Role Play - BlackVeedramon - 05-25-2011

Done, I hope I didnt made any mistakes