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Ruin and Creation - Printable Version

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RE: Ruin and Creation - Yoosei - 07-19-2007

OOC: it's ok oniisan, really ^^


Yoosei as soon as she was dropped down on her feet by Kurtz, quickly stood behind him. She sighed softly in relief for having someone that was there for her, yet she couldn't help but be afraid of Akane still.

Akane growled in annoyance as she turns to glare at Kurtz. Quickly and without thinking twice, she created a fire ball on her right hand that she then quickly throws it against Kurtz. "I hate people like you...digging their noses where they are not called"

RE: Ruin and Creation - Kurtz - 07-20-2007

"I'm a Mercenary, that's what I do!" Kurtz grinned, putting his own arm up as it ignited into flames, sending his claw into the oncoming fireball and hitting it within the centrepoint of the fireball; splitting it into seperate streaks of flames to the sides. He then turned behind him and nodded. "I'd like to talk to you later. But for now, just get out of here... please, ma'am."

RE: Ruin and Creation - Disturbed - 07-21-2007

The Cerberus just growled not even turning to Flammie he folded his arms and simply said, "I'm making friends," he said. As the fox's stomach deflates another helhound appears to the cerberus' side and runs into the building.

(Inside the Inn)

The helhounds had successfully planted 7 more helhounds into females throughout the building. Suddenly three helhounds came down the stairwell at the bottom floor where Kurtz, Yoosei, and Akane were. Busting the door open the three hounds charge into the main lobby and saw Yoosei quickly indicating it was female two of them lunged towards the dragon while the one jumped at the two tailed fox.

RE: Ruin and Creation - Erethzium - 07-21-2007

"Really." Flammie said, summoning her bow, which was 6 feet from bottom to top, and her quiver, which was full of arrows nearly as big as pool sticks. "Tell me what you're up to, that you're summoning monsters for."

RE: Ruin and Creation - Kurtz - 07-21-2007

"Huh?" Kurtz blinked, noticing the hell hound approaching him before the one heading for Yoosei. Almost widening his eyes to plates, the dragon lunged- he didn't care at the time for his own safety, as he brought his sword arcing around, aiming with quite deathly accuracy to kill the Hell Hound - luckily avoiding the other two as well. "I said get moving! NOW GO!" He roared at the top of his lungs to Yoosei.

RE: Ruin and Creation - Yoosei - 07-21-2007

Yoosei widens her eyes in surprised with all that sudden things that were happening. she looks at Kurtz and nods. "a-aye" she said nervously as she suddenly turns around and quickly heads out of the inn, running as fast as she could.

Akane growled in annoyance and quickly glares at the two hounds left and threw two fireballs at them. "damn you bastards.. wasn't enough this dragon interrupted me.. you guys had to show up too"

RE: Ruin and Creation - Disturbed - 07-21-2007

The helhound that attacked Yoosei is destroyed instantly from Kurtz's attacked, but the helhound that was attacked by the fireball did some damage but the hound resisted the fire attack and the flames stayed on the hound's body. Both of the hounds reached Kurtz being distracted by the other helhound one of them bite his sword hand wrist and the other bit his side both locking their jaws on the dragon.

With a ding of the elevator in the lobby two more helhounds ran out and bolted in Yoosei's direction. Inside the elevator there was a female feline who's pants were ripped and her stomach had already expanded.

"I'm standing ontop of this building enjoying the view," Cerberus answered simply.

RE: Ruin and Creation - Kurtz - 07-21-2007

Growling hardly, the dragon cursed. His sword arm wasn't affected as such by the hard bite, as he quickly placed his claw on his chest, his entire body igniting into hard flames as he raced after Yoosei, his eyes sharp. "I won't let these..." He took a glance back gently, noticing through the open door to the inn the stomach-expanded feline, his glare making him turn back to Yoosei. The bites were deepening, but he didn't care. It'd be a few more minutes before it really started to kill his arms away.

RE: Ruin and Creation - Erethzium - 07-21-2007

"Suuuuure you are..." Flammie said, raising an eyebrow, and moving in closer. "Tell me what you're doing damnit!"

RE: Ruin and Creation - Yoosei - 07-23-2007

Yoosei kept running, slowly taking a glance behind her and widening her eyes as she notices more helhounds running in that direction, as she then took a quick glance at Kurtz before shiting her vision to the path in front of her. thoughts raced in her mind as she tried to figure what to do.

Akane, out of frustration, throws one fireball against one chair made of wood turning it to ashes in a matter of few seconds. "damn it...I lost her. I won't get another chance that easily"