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Breath of Fire-like RPG - Printable Version

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- Kurtz - 09-30-2006

OOC: Yeah, there's one vacany left, Faiz: The Naga.

- Master Grim - 09-30-2006

OOC: Twisted Please note: Faiz's character might find a little catgirl to... play with. :P


Catalina eyed the food for a second... before literally pouncing on it; eating noisily "Thankth yoo!" She said through a VERY full mouthful.


- Disturbed - 09-30-2006

"Hey Ralph!!! You there!!!" Bruno yelled as he walked to the back of the smith shop. "Ralph came to get my polearm sharpened" Bruno heard some russling in the back. "Dont get your drawers in a knot I'm commin!" A voice bellowed out from the back. Ralph a fairly old man with a hammer in his right hand walked out into view "Ah Bruno its you, how you've been?" Bruno walked to where Ralph is "I've been okay..." he handed his polearm to Ralph. Ralph took the polearm went to the furnace and got to work "So when are you going to throw that old armor of yours away, huh, you know I can make you some better than that antique think, no offence" Burno put his paw on his chest "This armor will forever be with me, it was my father's armor when he served in the army" Ralph now at the anvil hammering away ad the sharp end of the polearm "..You miss him dont you" Bruno grew silent

- Lonely Werewolf - 09-30-2006

OOC : I take the Naga.

Character: Elissa.
Age: 20.
Tribe: The Naga.
Gender: Female.
Weapon: Spears (hidden weapon)
Description: Female looks on upper body and snake on lower body. Long grey hair and green eyes.
Spells: Level 2 Hell Bound
Skills: Agility, Lightning Spears.
Perks: None

IC-----------IC (edit)

Elissa is laying herself on branch with her snake part wrapping on it. She's quite tired from her long journey to gain her skills and spells. As she's in sleep, her ears listening to someone who's talking a little bit far from where she laying. She got up and look to the direction where the sound is coming from, and saw Elliot, Lunos and Shadow talking to each other and wanted to headed somewhere.

Before she return back to sleep, she saw the three Bandits appears and headed to Kanryu. She just smile as she throws her hidden spears towards the Bandits, slashing one of Bandit's arms. She jump to ground, move in fast mode and arrive besides Elliot.

- Shadowknight - 10-01-2006

Shadow quickly moved out of their range doging the attack, "You've made a big mistake in who you chose to attack." He intsantly appeared in front of one of the bandits, "But it's good timing, I was wondering how I was gonna afford something to eat." He kicked up, connecting under the bandits chin and then quickly brought his leg behind him kicing away the second one that was sneaking up from behind, then used the momentum from the two attacks to jump into the air and brings his other foot across the face of the final bandit, knocking all three to the ground without even having to use his sword, "Tell you what, I'll make a deal with you three. You give me all the zenny you guys have, and I'll let you live." He drew one of his blades out, the larger 4 foot katana, "Refuse, and it's this," He spun around quickly and made two slashes at a nearby tree, slicing through it in an X shape as it fell to the ground. He turned and pointed his sword at one of the bandits, "What's your choice?"

- Lonely Werewolf - 10-01-2006

Elissa who watches the Bandits have been attacked by Shadow, impressed the fighting style that Shadow performs. "Hmm..quite good.." She thought to herself as place her twin-blade sword on her back.

- Shadowknight - 10-01-2006

Shadow's ears pricked up quickly, they turned around a bit searching, "Hmm, musta been a chipmunk or something." he concluded as he didn't hear anything else. He flicked his sword at the three bandits, knocking off their coin pouches and catching them in his hand, "Not a bad haul, now get out of my site." Shadow sheathed his blade and started towards the town as the three bandits ran off, scrambling over themselves to get away.

- Disturbed - 10-01-2006

"Sorry for bringing your father up like that, I know how much you loved your father" Ralph said as he finished the hammering on Brunos polearm. "But you have to know your father died of a noble..." Bruno slammed his fist on the counter "He did not die for a noble cause, it was a pointless war that never should have happened!" Bruno raised his fist "This damn counry is falling apart, fighting fruitless wars that mean nothing" Ralph got up and brough Bruno's polearm to him "But what are we to do, its not like we can do anything about it." Bruno took his polearm from Ralph "Well maybe we should at least try..."

- DragonMasterX - 10-01-2006

OOC: Faiz, Shadow isn't with Lunos and Elliot.

And read this:

Able to Equip: Spears (Most powerful), Staves or own Claws.


Elliot smiled to Lunos, "Hey, are you going to Ichinou then? I'm going there too." But soon enough Elissa had landed besides him, "GAH!" he spoke out loudly from startlement and fell on his butt, "Don't do that!" he eyed the Naga up to her face, "You... uhh... who are you?"

The old man folded his arms and closed his eyes, tapping the floor on purpose so she heard it and noted the lack of manners.

- Kurtz - 10-01-2006

Lunos stumbed back into the tree again, surprised at Elissa's sudden appearance. "'Oly hell!" Was the only words that came out of his mouth, as he stared at her quietly.