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Valentines Day is Dangerously Close - Printable Version

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- Harie Krauzer - 02-10-2006

I agree, I, myself, would have no idea what I'm capable of if I did "let loose." I just look at my Dad and some of the stories he doesn't tell me of his earlier life. He's not terrible now.

- Zephyr of Darkness - 02-10-2006

Stabbing people in Valentine should be a huge pain relief.
Oh, by the way, I do get loose in the things I write. While in my art I'm all soft and artistic, in my writing I'm all dark and wild.

- UnknownH - 02-10-2006

Have we ever seen any of your writing? And people are different when drinking. But for some people that's a bad thing. Like a couple of us probally.

- Zephyr of Darkness - 02-10-2006

Why aren't you online?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Evil Evil Evil Evil
Not that you'd be interested in my writing, anyway.

- UnknownH - 02-10-2006

Sorry, But I might like to take a look at it.

- Zephyr of Darkness - 02-10-2006

......................why aren't you online?

- EpsilonZX - 02-12-2006

I'm great when I'm hammered! Then again, I'm always publically insane, some people run from me, others come ot me, if you don't act yourself in public then you could lose many oppertunites, wouldn't just suck if a film shoot was going on and they needed some crzy person to play a leading role?

Think of how much surpressed anger you have when you act false and smile! I bet we could cut out more than half of the boiler section if you would just explode more often

Side note: I should go read Zephies writing before she puts hit on me (reads frantically in case of a pop quiz)

- Anonmon - 02-13-2006

Wisemon Wrote:
Quote:Funny thing, that. I think I understand why all the other kids around here drink: Lots of people (me included, but it was a Shabbat dinner and legal!) become giddy and more social when they've had something. Hmph.
A girl was asking me about why I don't go to parties and drink the other day. She said it would probably loosen me up a bit. I told her that I was afraid of what I might do if I lost partial control of my actions. In case you're wondering, she already had a boyfriend. She's one of those instigator types, complete with friendly slaps to my knee.

Stop being stupid and ascetic/Christian about things. 1 or 2 drinks will be enough to "loosen you up" without taking away a real amount of control, you'll only lose high intellect at that point. Just don't have any more than that. They key is to know your tolerance and not overdo things.

- senjuro - 02-13-2006

If you get riskque when you're drunk, then the trick is to drink as much as possible so that you pass out. As long as you're lying on your stomach, you're not a threat to anyone!

Everyone's different when they've had a few. Personally, no matter how loaded I am, I won't do anything risque, though I'll have really weird episodes play out in my head of random shit happening. I once had a horrible vision of tripping and hitting my open eye on the corner of a table! Oh, I also become a dancing fiend ^_^



I'm done now...

- Wisemon - 02-13-2006

Quote:you'll only lose high intellect at that point.
But that's where I get all my wit and charm!