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Southern Cross - Printable Version

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- Casey the furry one - 01-20-2007

"I don't think so Disturbed...something tell me he has something planed for us and Ada could you give me Tensaga," Colby said calmly waiting for KUbrika next move.

- Crimson Fox - 01-20-2007

Ada nodded before handing the legendary sword over to Colby. "Yes, it is probably best you use it." The red wizard continued to look outside before her magical scenes began to feel a negative force begin to surround the ship. "Kubrika...he's going to strike soon..."

Crimson groaned before activating the thrusters now that the Meteor was not interfering with the ship's function. "Well he did say it was only the first "gift"."

Jedrek shook his head before explaining a few of the many things he has learned from the shadows of people he has been watching. "Kellie is no longer here...for reasons I don't understand the Master expelled her from the castle...likely as bait to crush the Southern Cross. Though I'm sure why he didn't send us to kill them..." The shadow dragon closed his eyes before thinking to himself, Kubrika, just what are you planning...does he not trust us... Well I wouldn't be surprised, a demonic human, a sly pantheress, and a shadow dragon wouldn't evoke much trust in anyone.

- DragonMasterX - 01-20-2007

The Assasin stopped in her tracks, "What do you mean 'expelled'?" asked Lu, turning her cold gaze towards the dragon.

The voice strangely didn't chime anymore, the ship, apart from the chunks inside, had been left alone. The last small chunks were striking against the barrier, which quickly dissipated. Had the rough flight truly ended?

- Shadowknight - 01-20-2007

"Well it wouldn't be much fun if we didn't give them a head start." Shadow grinned as he leaned against the wall, "Let them put some distance between us before we charge out and rip them apart. The thrill of the chase adds something to the fun anyways." He added with a dark smile.

"If that was only the first gift I'm afraid to wonder what the rest could be." Kit sighed a bit as she sat down on the ground, her tails wrapping around her, "What? What happened to my tail?" She thought aloud as she noticed the two seperate tails swishing around.

"I can only imagine the rest will only be worse," Hiro said, kicking aside a small burning rock, "And I'm sure it won't be long before he sics his attack dogs after us."

- Disturbed - 01-21-2007

Disturbed looked around for a moment before his eyes landed on the cockpit "Well what the hell are we waiting for..get this hunkametal back to the Cross!!" he then blinked quickly then looked down at Kit and gasped "Your tail! D-did I do that?" he asked quickly getting on his knees and looking at her in concern.

- Crimson Fox - 01-21-2007

Crimson growled before stating, "We're already going at full speed and that Haste spell is still working." He looked at the map and gave a small sigh of relief. "It's okay though, we're out of Kubrika's territory, unless he's following us his spells are now out of range."

Ada was not so sure however, her green eyes glowing whilst she looked outside the windows. I feel it...Kubrika, you are near, aren't you...I know you won't let us get away that easily...

Jedrek nodded towards Lu before telling her, "Yes, Kubrika removed her from the castle...the shadows have told me this much..." He then heard Shadow and smirked a little. "That's all the Cross is good for anyways is running away, once we catch up with them it will be..." A devilish grin grew on the shadow dragon's muzzle before he finished. "...it will be a slaughter." His crimson eyes looked over to the window, despising the sunlight beaming through the opening. "I hope he sends us soon, I grow tired of waiting."

- Shadowknight - 01-21-2007

"I don't know." Kit said as she examined the second tail, or the first, she couldn't really tell, "I noticed it splitting apart earlier but I didn't give it much thought." She smiled a bit, "But I don't think you have to worry, it didn't seem to do any harm when it happened." Kit blinked a bit, "Wait, I used a fire spell." She suddenly realized as she looked at her hands, "Did I use it? Or, was it someone else?" She asked, figuring it had been from Ada or someone as a way to strengthen her own barrier.

- Disturbed - 01-21-2007

Disturbed slowly shook his head "No Kit..Ada used barrier spells..no one else was using any fire spells." The black wolf sat down next to the kitsune "As long as you're alright thats all that matters."

- Yoosei - 01-22-2007

- Shadowknight - 01-22-2007

"Why are we waiting?" Shadow said as he pushed off from the wall and walked closer to Jedrek, "Why don't we just charge out there and destroy them?"

"Alright?" Kit smiled excitedly, "I'm more than alright, I used a fire spell. I didn't think I could, I wonder if I'll still be hurt by fire attacks." She shook her head a bit dismissing the thought, "Let's try," she held out her hand palm up and focused on the center of her hand. Within a few seconds a small crystal of ice appeared in the center, "Ohh, I wanted a fireball. How did I do it last time?" Let's see, when focusing on my ice powers I need to think coldly, uncaring, unforgiving as ice itself. So with fire... Maybe rage? Would rage affect it? She thought back to every moment that had ever angered her, having her tail stepped on by random kids was one of the most prominent. As she felt the rage boil inside of her a small spark did jump across her palm, but that was it, "Must've just been a fluke. Guess I can't control it."

OOC: I have done what no one else has. I have captured and harnessed the most raw and powerful of all energies.

Slashmon: You mean the unbridled emotions of a woman?

Shadow: Truly a power none can compare with.

Slashmon: Your dealing with powers you can't possibly control.