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Southern Cross - Printable Version

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- Yoosei - 12-11-2006

Yoosei lays her head on the bed, looking tenderly at Zerus while still rubbing his paw gently with her paw. She surely didn

- Disturbed - 12-11-2006

Wengren gave a soft bow to Yoosei "You're welcome Yoosei." he said as he quietly walked towards the door and slipped out without making a noise he gave small sigh "What to do now." he said then he got thought about Kitt "..I just left her there didnt I...maybe I should give her a visit..." the night elf walked down the hallway to Kitt's room. He gently knocked on the door "Kitt are you there?"

- Kurtz - 12-11-2006

A small smile erupted, and, soon after, Kurtz jumped off the boat along with Dot. "So... let's follow after your eager brother, eh?"

- DragonMasterX - 12-11-2006

"Alright!" she cheered, then went with Kurtz to follow the dragonute.

"Hmm" Mar muttered as he looked on the entrance of the ruins, "There doesn't seem to be anything strange with-"

Go away... monster...

"Wha?!" Mar widened his eyes, then quickly drew his swallow and turned around, only to notice Kurtz and Dot in from of him.

Dorothy widened her eyes and stopped, "What's wrong?" she asked.

"I heard someone" said Mar.

"Someone? Who?" Dorothy asked again, "I don't feel anyone nearby."

"I don't know... We should be really careful here."

- Casey the furry one - 12-11-2006

Ooc: Dmx what about Kellie?


Colby glared at Ikonnen, "Diabolus was showing me what was happening to Kellie," she said and she proceeded tell him what happened in her dream.

- Crimson Fox - 12-11-2006

Jedrek chuckled once he saw the holy dragon grounds in sight, the shadow demon grinning with delight before descending towards the ground. Upon touching the sacred earth, the shadow hissed while his body seemed to burn. "Curses, this place rejects my darkness, such a horrid place!" Retreating quickly, Jedrek took to the skies again, taking a sigh of relief as his powers returned to normal. "Fine, I'll just wait for them to leave, then they'll be all mine!" The shadow dragon proceeded to make the stereotypical villainous laugh before retreating into some clouds.

Ada nodded her head a little towards Colby before she rose her Darkwood Staff. "A dream could mean more however. Well, we'll find out for sure. My staff will show us where Kellie lies." The black wizard focused her magics until an image was projected from the rod's head.

OOC: Crimson: Rod's head... *laughing out loud*

Ada: *bashes Crimson over the head* That's not a funny pun.


The projection showed the Insane's Castle before zooming in, showing the area just outside of Kubrika's throne room before it disappeared. "Sir, I'm afraid it's what you feared..."

"...Kubrika's treehouse, eh..." Crimson remained silent for a moment, thinking before turning back to Ikonnen. "Then we have no choice...activating the machine now could endanger Kellie's life due to the fake in her body...we must go to the Insane's Castle and rescue her." The fox scientist stepped forward before he continued. "Sir, if you choose to send a team there, I would be honored to assist."

Ada also stepped forward before adding, "Well, I suppose I should come along then too. Magic must be fought with magic and Kubrika has plenty of the sort. Just give the order, Sir Ikonnen, I wish to prove myself to you and everyone...to prove I can be trusted..."

- DragonMasterX - 12-11-2006

Kubrika looked on Kellie, "I haven't got my question answered" the lord said, rising a hand and starting to grip his fist. Soon, Kellie's very soul would start to be smashed by a horrid feeling of pain, the same feeling manifesting throughout her whole body, "I gave you everything you needed to be able to take your revenge against the humans who attempted to hunt your tribe down" he snarled, pressing his fist even harder, "You've got against me, why? Why is that I can't read your mind to know your reason to stop being one of my Insanes?!"

- Shadowknight - 12-11-2006

"I can see how that would be an advantage." Hiro smiled as the buzzer went off, "Finally," He said as he opened the device and removed his plate, "Nothin, like a good fried chicken." he smiled.

Shadow's jaw nearly hit the floor as he gazed at Lu's perfect figure, "Adult. Definately adult." He said, his eyes glued to her chest and crotch.

- Kurtz - 12-11-2006

"Everyone shall go," Ikonnen blurted quickly, staring still at the image. "I can't let this madness of his go on, even if I have to enter these battles now."

Moving his arms, he quickly pulled his coat from the seat - a finely trimmed, fancy long coat, blood red in it's colour, as he slipped himself into it. Moving his arm, he quickly pulled the rifle from the table. He then took a sigh, before he circled around the desk and walked to Ada. "Come on, we got a Lord to stop."

Blinking softly, Kurtz took a small glance at Dorothy, and then took one at Mar. The dragonknight didn't know what was going on with Mar, but, he took a guess that possibly he was hearing noises from the island. For, of course, Mar certainly looked and sensed sharper then them. "Come on, Dot. Let's just go... carefully, though."

- Disturbed - 12-11-2006

Silver nodded slowly "Yeah you can say that." He rubbed the back of his head "I really through that Jedrek guy for a loop when I came up and smashed his face in, er well Disturbed did."

< Corridor >

"Huh looks like Kitt isnt in her room." Wengren shrugged.