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Breath of Fire-like RPG - Printable Version

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- Lonely Werewolf - 10-09-2006

"Thank you, partner!" Elissa went to Elliot and Shadow, pulling them out.

- DragonMasterX - 10-10-2006

OOC: Just an advice. AP restorative items are very rare. And they are called Wisdom Seed (Low AP recovery, a bit common) And Wisdom Fruit (High AP recovery, really rare)


The Assasin was hit by Aero succesfully again, however, his HP was still high, and he took that turn to use a Vitamin on himself. Restoring his HP to maximum once again.

Elliot got out, but he couldn't do much without his weapon. More and more Assasins were coming down and started to overcrowd the place, there were more than anyone possibly could take, "Oh damn!" Elliot said as backed off. His attacks were melee based along with his skills, and he hadn't got any AP for Flame Pillar. "There's no exit!" he gasped as he looked at the only exit, which was from where the Assasins kept coming.

- Kurtz - 10-10-2006

Lunos cursed loudly. "Damnit.." He tried casting another round, but cursed - his AP had practically run almost dry. He quickly decided to resort to another matter. Quickly, a neon light grew on the end of his staff, and he pointed it at himself. "Elixia..." He muttered, as his AP and HP went up a little, just enough to cast another round of Aero.

- Shadowknight - 10-10-2006

Shadow kicked away an assassin, the attack did little if any damage but managed to slow them down as a few others tripped over his body creating a pileup, "We need to find the storerooms, that's where they'd have our weapons." he said as he backed off from the pile.

- Disturbed - 10-10-2006

"The storeroom is just down the hall from here, I saw it when I was disguised as a hoodlum. I'll hold them off while you guys grab you're weapons...dont worry about me I can take a lot." Bruno rushed through the door way and slammed a bunch of the hoodlums against the wall on the otherside so they couldnt move "Go and grab your gear...I'll hold them off.." Bruno grunted as he cast Battle Shout on himself to give him some more stamina.

- Master Grim - 10-10-2006

OOC: -_- I really need to get online more often...


Catalina sweatdropped as she watched the cave entrance from a distance. What's taking him so long... Ah! I should have followed!

- Shadowknight - 10-10-2006

Shadow dove into the enclave and quickly found his two katanas, "Let's rock." He came out of the room with both his swords drawn and at the ready, "These guys don't matter, cut the ones that get in our way and run." Shadow said as he swung his sword at one of the bandits, killing it instantly.

- DragonMasterX - 10-10-2006


Brant looked on the hoodlum that had just entered, "Hm?"

"The prisoners are giving... trouble,"

"What do you mean trouble? Can't you seize them?" the boss inquired.

"They are escaping, sir."

"Grrr... They won't escape..." Brant said as he held a Red Crystal, something round was inside it, he gripped it hard and slammed the hoodlum against the wall, "If they want it, they'll have to get it," he said as he left the room, leaving the hoodlum unconcious.

"Where's my katana? Dang!" Elliot said as he searched for weapons, until finally he found both his extra clothing and katana, he equipped both and was preparing to leave, but he found a Treasure Chest in the way, "Well... guess I can take something here!" he opened it and found several satchels inside. One had 6 of his Healing Herbs, one had some Vitamins, there were two Power Foods too, "Great, this'll help!" he said as he used one Vitamin to restore his HP and then ate both Power Foods. Permanently increasing his Attack by 1. He ran out of the Storage Room and quickly caught up with Shadow, "Hey! Have you seen Lunos?! Did he get out already?! What about the Worren?"

- Lonely Werewolf - 10-10-2006

Meanwhile, Elissa is outside of the storage room, trying to turn the warriors' attention, so they can't get closer to her friends which still inside. "Be quick, you all! They're so many outside!" She speak through her mind, hoping her thoughts can reach them.

- Disturbed - 10-10-2006

Bruno struggled to hold all the hoodlums back any longer then he recieved Elissa's message "We have to get out of here...now." He then pushed the hoodlums he was holding down the hall some of them tripping over each other. Burno then used charged up and cast his Earth Shake on the cave's roof making it collapse ceiling the cave from that point "That should hold them for a while." He ran passed the storeroom and caught up with Elliot "We have to get out of here...NOW!"