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Digimon Capsule Game - Printable Version

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RE: Digimon Capsule Game - Gol22 - 06-17-2007

*earases all evil doers!*

Gol: Nnnrhhh..... >.< *opens eyes a little seeing Refia, feeling arousal greaten* OH GOD!!

Capsule contains a giant balloon

RE: Digimon Capsule Game - Erethzium - 06-17-2007

*floats away to japan*

Refia: huh? *notices Gol, and sits down in a beach chair, fanning herself with a paper fan* meh...must be summer or something...

the capsule contained a power crunch!!

RE: Digimon Capsule Game - Gol22 - 06-17-2007


Gol: *pants, gritting teeth, feeling very hard buldge in pants thats covered by paws* ...nm! *falls over*

Capsule contains a lake full of jello!

RE: Digimon Capsule Game - Erethzium - 06-17-2007

Ereth: wow! *dives in*

Refia: hey you okay? *walks over to him, standing next to him* you need any help, dude?

the capsule contained....some breakfast for me? :(

RE: Digimon Capsule Game - Gol22 - 06-17-2007

3 over easy eggs, 3 strips of bacon and sausage, 2 hot cakes, hash browns, and a cup of coffee.
(man that sounds good)

Gol: *looks up at her* EEhhhh....I..uhm.... *sigh* ...Y-yes... i do need help... >.< *still holding self*

Capsule contains a camo suit.

RE: Digimon Capsule Game - Erethzium - 06-17-2007

w00t! *wears it in the city* XD

Refia: *kneels down and extends her paw out to him* here let me help you up...

the capsule contained a WII!!

RE: Digimon Capsule Game - Gol22 - 06-17-2007

*plays Wii Sport* YEAH! PRO!

Gol: *slowly reaches up and grabs her paw and slowly stands back up with paws over his crotch, sweatdropping* T-Thanks....

Capsule contains a hail mary pass!

RE: Digimon Capsule Game - Erethzium - 06-17-2007

uhh...i dunno what that is xP

Refia: *stands up and giggles* i'll be over here if you need anything, sweety. *walks back over to her chair and lays down*

the capsule contained a chatroom!

RE: Digimon Capsule Game - Gol22 - 06-17-2007

*talks to strangers online and starts making fun of them for no reason*

Gol: *he sweatdropped more and looked over at Refia* Damnit, i need to deal with this now... its driving me nuts! *he walks over to her by the bench* Ehm...hey..uhh...c-can i ask you something?

Capsule contains n00bies

RE: Digimon Capsule Game - Erethzium - 06-17-2007

OMG *pwns t3h n00bz!!*

Refia: yeah, what is it sweety? *looks up at him*

the capsule contained herm goodness!