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Southern Cross - Printable Version

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- Disturbed - 11-19-2006

Disturbed growled "Damn..." then he sniffed the air and grinned looking back up at Erne slumped into a tree "Its not done yet, I smell the stench of a wounded dragon...and I'm not talking about Mar."

- Casey the furry one - 11-19-2006

Colby run over to her granddad, "How can I help granddad," she asked as she helped him.

Kellie looked at Disturbed and asked, "Do you have any sun glasses at all?"

- Crimson Fox - 11-19-2006

Ada took a sigh of relief as she saw Mar more or less in good health, though his armor appeared beaten from the Southern's onslaught. "No time to explain now, we must flee our attackers." The vixen's magic pulled them into the shadows of the trees, warping them deeper into the woods and out of the sight of the Southern Cross for now.

About a minute later, they emerged in a heavily forested part of the woods, shaded by the thick canopy of leaves. The vixen looked at Mar and Jedrek before she began to explain why she was here in the first place, a tear in her eye. "Dragon boy, Kubrika...he has lied to us...he has lied to us since the beginning..."

"Ha, that's a good one. What, did you think the southern's water or something, foxy?" laughed the dark dragon.

Ada scowled at the black lizard before she turned back to Mar. "Kubrika had neglected to renew the memory seal on me...even now I can see what he's been trying to hide...but you both have been wounded, drink these first...I'd rather you both be healthy before I begin..." Ada withdrew a couple of potions for the two dragons as she was unable to cast healing magic.

- Disturbed - 11-19-2006

Disturbed made a pair of dark sunglasses and tossed them to Kelle. Then he noticed the scent of the dragon has gone "They have retreated, cowards." he then looked up at the night sky and let out a dark ear piercing howl that could be heard from miles away from his position." Then he turned to Erne stuck up in a tree and smirked "Dog in a tree." he snickered as he climbed the tree and carried Erne down from it.

- Casey the furry one - 11-19-2006

Kellie grabbed the sunglasses put then, "Thanks Disturbed. Ikonnen I going to go help Yoosiei and Zerus with there search for the gem. Also I leaving Diabolus with you all so he can take you four back to the mansion when your ready," Kellie as she summoned Diabolus with out the aid of the summoning circle.

Diabolus shimmered into existence, "What is your wish Mistress?" he asked in a dark and terrifying voice.

"I want you to take Colby, Disturbed, Ernie, and Ikonnen back the Southern Cross Mansion when they are ready," ordered Kellie.

"By your command," Diabolus said with a devilish grin.

Colby looked at Diabolus and then to Kellie, "But how can you do that with out the summoning circle?" asked Colby a little confused.

"I think it is because the darkness gem is now part of me," Kellie said as she used her wing to fly off to the cave that Hiro and the others were.

- DragonMasterX - 11-19-2006

Dorothy looked down, then on Kurtz, "Did you catch that Insane?" she inquired, her tail swishing below the bench she was resting on.

Mar blinked at Ada, "So you met up with that girl and guy again?" he said after listening to her tale. After seeing the tear flowing from her eye and listening to Jedrek, he growled, "Shut yer trap, I want to hear her talk" he glared on the dark dragon, then, looking at Ada, he put one of his huge claws on her shoulder, "Tell me... what's wrong? The lord lied to us? How? What is he hiding?"

- Shadowknight - 11-19-2006


CrazyWeredragon Wrote:Kellie grabbed the sunglasses put then, "Thanks Disturbed. Ikonnen I going to go help Hiro and the other with there search for the gem.

Hiro just kinda showed up there. It wasn't planned that he would so there'd be no way for Kellie to know he was there.

We need to wait for Matt.

- Crimson Fox - 11-19-2006

Ada swept away the tear before she began to tell the tale Kubrika had tried to erase.

The setting was a sandy white beach, the sun shining brilliantly down on the coastline as a couple of dragons met with a young vixen and blue dragon. The fox child stepped forward as she said, "Hiya Dot, you have any new spells, I just learned Fire myself!" The vixen giggled as she showed off the small fireball in her paw before she threw it into the sea harmlessly.

Before the others could say anything however, a younger Jedrek swooped in from above, a look of panic on his face as he crashed into the sand. "The village...it's being attacked!"

"Jedrek, are you playing another prank?" sighed the young Ada before she said, "You're hopeless."

The black scaled kid could only shiver in fear as he saw a fierce crowd approaching from the rest of the children. Zombies, decaying corpses, and ghastly servants approached from behind as the sky turned to dusk, the darkness stretching from the village in the distance. Screams rang out as the children scattered only to be dragged off by the undead.

"And the one leading those doomed souls...none other than Kubrika." Another tear left the vixen's eye. "Our families...our village taken by that demon...taking us for his own twisted designs." The vixen hugged the dragonute as she cried into his shoulder. "I started to remember when I saw those other two dragons again today...they must have managed to escape those undead back then...Mar you should know that one of them...she's..."

"Great story, but do you even have any proof of this?" interrupted Jedrek with an amused look on his muzzle.

Ada nodded her head as she placed her paw on Mar's forehead. Her paw glowed with her magic as she focused on Kubrika's memory seal, erasing the hidden mark and unlocking the dragonute's memories of long ago.

- Yoosei - 11-20-2006

OOC: thank you so much Shadow *sighs in relief*

- Shadowknight - 11-20-2006

Shadow smiled a bit, after he had exited the building it was only a short walk before he stumbled upon Ada and the others. He overheard as she told her story, "So they used to be friends?" He looked back on them, "Well, it looks like we're gonna lose more members." He thought as he quickly left for the Insane's mansion. "This is working out well, I can use this quite well." He smiled as he landed near the building.

Shadow looked down a long hallway, the walls and floors were covered in small holes, "Okay, so which test is this one?" He wondered as he took a step into the hallway. Almost instantly spikes began shooting out of the ground at the opposite end, popping out of the holes in a wave headed at them. Hiro stepped back as the spears hit the edge and sunk back into the ground, "Okay, I'm guessing this is skill. I assume the test is to get from here to there without getting turned into swiss cheese."

Kit stirred slightly in her sleep, soon sitting up in bed and looking around the room, "What? How'd I get back here?" She thought aloud as she stood up. "Last I remember, that dragon..." She frowned a bit, "I hope they're okay." she said aloud.