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Breath of Fire-like RPG - Printable Version

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- DragonMasterX - 10-08-2006

OOC: Kay then. Elliot goes up two levels too. HP+30%, AP+30%. That'll let him use more Skills without depleting all his magic.


Elliot stumbled forward, a bit damaged, "Darn those inflicted lots of damages... thank you for the help Lunos, we got all the ones that were here," he sighed, oblivious there were more on the other side of the town, too.

He looked over the Naga girl and smiled, "Thanks Elissa!"

The red haired boy soon looked over Shadow while sheathing his katana, looking on the Kanryu's face, "Thank you too, mister," Elliot bowed once.

- Disturbed - 10-08-2006

Bruno then stopped in front of the strange group of people "Hey, are you guys fighitng against these Sharks aswell?" A bandit tried to sneak up behind him but Bruno batted him away with the blunt end of his polearm "Damn bandits...what would they want with a poor town like this? Would could the possibly gain from it?"

- Master Grim - 10-08-2006

Catalina caught up with Bruno, panting a little "Yeah..."

- DragonMasterX - 10-08-2006

"Money!" a roar came from the top of a house.

"Huh?" Elliot looked up.

"So, you took care of all my bandits eh?" the Ox that previously had messed up with Shadow landed on the ground, "Guess we'll have to take care of this! RAAAAR!" he growled as he started glowing. His form soon changed to a huge ugly demon with four arms, two bull horns on his face and red eyes. The sky got all black.

"Wh-what?!" the boy stepped back, "Damnit!"

OOC: Boss Battle. We won't be able to win according to the story-line. If you don't want your character to be locked up, then make them run away, NOW.

- Kurtz - 10-08-2006

Lunos' once panting face turned to one of a frown, as he slowly walked over to Elliot. "Think we c'n take him on, Elliot?" He growled, as he pulled his staff up defensively, preparing himself.

- Disturbed - 10-08-2006

"As much as I hate to say this Catalina." Bruno hoisted her on his shoulder "But we gotta get outta here." Bruno runs away from the battle with Catalina on his shoulder.

- Master Grim - 10-08-2006

"H-Hey!" Catalina blushes as she was hoisted and carried from the impending battle "Where are we going!?"

- Shadowknight - 10-08-2006

OOC: Level up, HP+ AP+ Speed++. No new abilities.


"I recgonize you," Shadow said as the ox landed, "What's the matter? Didn't like the little outfit I made for you?"

- Lonely Werewolf - 10-08-2006

HP +, Defence up +. New abilities, none.

Elissa then look to the ox and Shadow, smiles. "It seems we have a very tough company to take care of... Don't you think, Lunos, Elliot?" She knew the ox have a dark force and seems she also a dark type, she can't predict either she can defeat him or not.

"No matter that it takes, I have to knock them down to make this village stay peaceful" She gets ready as she unsheathe her claws.

- DragonMasterX - 10-08-2006

The demon growled, "SO IT's YOU!" the four armed bull roared, then before anyone could react, he used his Ability, Bonebreak on Shadow.

"We gotta help 'im!" Elliot said as he unsheathed his katana once again, "Take him or not, we'll stop that oversized bull!"