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Digimon Protectors - Printable Version

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RE: Digimon Protectors - Gogglehead - 09-27-2009

(We have enough people to start now.)

Daisuke awoke to feet jumping on his stomach. He opened his eyes to see a tiny blue dragon jumping up and down.

"Daisuke! Daisuke!" Chibimon cried as he pounced.

"What?" Daisuke said groggily as he rubbed his eyes. He became aware of a beeping sound.

"The D-Terminal! Your getting a message!" Chibimon declared pointing his rounded hand at the device. Daisuke let out a yawn before reaching over and opening the lid to the D-Terminal. He read the message slowly.

"It's just from Gennai." Daisuke said lazily before flopping back down. After a moment of thought his eyes popped back open.
"Wait! Gennai! Since when the heck does he e-mail me!?" Daisuke declared rabbing the D-Terminal again.
He saw that Gennai had mass e-mailed all of the Chosen Children, rather then sending it to Koushirou as he usually did. It said to go to a palace in the Forest Terminal. But where the that!?

After rushing though his morning routine he used his D-3 to open a Digtal Gate. After tinkering for a bit he managed to set the Digital Gate to to the Forest Terminal, mostly recalling how Miyako usually did it.

He emerged from the TV like terminal alongside the new evolved V-mon. He looked around to see nothing but forest in every direction.
"Guess this is why they call it the Forest Terminal." Daisuke climbed a tree and saw some sort of train station in the distance.

"Do you see the palace?" V-mon called up.
"Na, it must be pretty far."

Elsewhere the Digignomes flew emerged from a Digital Gate that opened loosely in an underground tunnel. They flew out into the city over the crowds heads being noticed only by a few. They searched until they found Takato's residence and flew into the window hitting it with a thud. They had a lot to learn about glass.

In the Trailmon stainion Trailmon Worm arrived and rested. Ofanimon (Ophanimon) had sent a message to Takuya's D-Scanner Digivice, which would have recently been restored and loaded with the Human Spirit of Fire she had already recovered.

(Okay, I think I got everyone covered here. The other Adventures\02 characters can come though the Digital Gate with Daisuke.)

RE: Digimon Protectors - DarkChibimon - 09-27-2009

Takuya walks out of the trailmon, looking around. 'I wounder how the rest of the digital world is doing after Lucemon was destroy.' Takuya thought, looking down at his D-Tector, turning it onto it's radar mode to see if he can find any more DigiDestined.

RE: Digimon Protectors - Gogglehead - 09-27-2009

From the tree Daisuke was just barely able to see someone getting off a mono-rail train.
"There's someone over there." He said down to V-mon as he fished his D-3 out of his pocket.
"I'm getting a blip from him to. Is he one of us?" Daisuke pondered.

RE: Digimon Protectors - DarkChibimon - 09-27-2009

Takuya saw a blip on his radar, Takuya looks over at the tree, seeing Daisuke a bit and Veemon. "Hey!" Takuya said, as he started to walk over to them, putting his D-Tector away.

RE: Digimon Protectors - Mai - 09-27-2009

'I don't wanna do what Gennai says!' Mimi wailed, Palmon holding her hand and pulling her through the trees.

'Mimi! You know we gotta! We're the only ones who can save the Digital World!' Palmon explained, dragging her reluctant partner behind her. The Digimon then pointed at Mimi's Digivice which was flashing on her belt.
'Look! There must be more Digidestined nearby! We'd better find them, c'mon!'

Mimi sighed, running a hand through her hair as she walked behind her Digimon.
'Hello? Tai? Matt? Is somebody there?!' The girl called out, squinting to get a better look at Daisuke and Takuya.

RE: Digimon Protectors - Gogglehead - 09-27-2009

Daisuke looked down to see another gogglehead below. Is that Taichi-sempai?
"I'm up here!" He said. V-mon looked questionably at Takuya.

Daisuke jerked his head hearing Mimi's voice and lost grasp of the branch landing with a thud.
"Darn...ouch." He muttered. He looked up at Takuya.
"Hey! Your not Taichi!" Daisuke stated as he got up.

"Palmon! How have things been over...where you live now.V-mon asked not remembering where they moved to.

RE: Digimon Protectors - DarkChibimon - 09-27-2009

Takuya looked at Daisuke. "The name is Takuya, yours?" Takuya asked, looking at Daisuke, holding his hand out to help him up.

RE: Digimon Protectors - Gogglehead - 09-27-2009

Daisuke took the strangers' hand to get up.
"Daisuke Motomiya." he answered as he straightened his goggles.

"And I'm V-mon!" The Digimon chimed in jumping to them.

"Yeah. And the girl is, Mimi-san?" Daisuke said somewhat surprised at seeing her.
"I mean Mimi Tachikawa. Guess you got the e-mail too." Daisuke corrected.

RE: Digimon Protectors - Mai - 09-28-2009

'Daisuke! Thank goodness, somebody i know! I was beginning to freak out, thinking i'd be stuck here with nobody!' Mimi yelled, throwing herself at the younger boy to give him a hug.

Palmon smiled at V-mon, rolling her eyes at her partner's antics.
'Nice to see you again V-mon! Yeah, we got an e-mail. And things have been great with us so far, what about you? Oh, and who are you two?' Palmon asked, turning to look at Takuya and his Digimon.

RE: Digimon Protectors - DarkChibimon - 09-28-2009

"The name is Takuya." Takuya said, guessing she know about the human spirit of fire.