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Embarassing/Funny/and or most agitating things happened to you - Printable Version

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RE: Embarassing/Funny/and or most agitating things happened to you - Dvolve - 04-18-2007

There are always people you don't like and there are always teachers you don't like. At restaraunt while I was about to leave the restroom my band teacher comes in and says "Hi" and goes out of sight. And immediately say to myself "I'm outta here!" And run.

RE: Embarassing/Funny/and or most agitating things happened to you - Gabumonfurry - 04-18-2007

I think this would be my most embarrising/funny thing i guess, i was in karate class about when i was like what 5 or so and i didn't want to ask my sensei to go to the restroom, long story short i pissed my pants during the session and yeah i just ran to the bathroom, another time my sister was doing karate lessions with her class so i sat in the corner waiting for her to finish and i fell asleep.

And thats all im sharing for now :P

RE: Embarassing/Funny/and or most agitating things happened to you - TheGayGabuLover - 04-19-2007

Ya i got another embarrassing moment, that slippend into a painful moment..I got uber pissed at my friend becasue he wouldent let my play Final Fantasy 7 (Its was so big then) so I got Super mad and stormed outta his house...I did not notice the Truck (I feel so blind) and the 2x4 hanging from it, i kinda Ran into the 2x4, literally fell on contact..OMG my head was gushing with blood, so i walked dizzy-ly (Thats not a word so I made it one for now) towards my friends front door where i then tripped and falling right onto the door..Lucklie my friends dad hurd the hard knock, and he rushed me to the hospotal...It was so embarrassing knowing all the things that lead up to this..lol

RE: Embarassing/Funny/and or most agitating things happened to you - Renamon_S3 - 04-19-2007

This is easy. The most agitating thing in my life just happend, twice, over this past weekend. I went to MEPS. (Military Entrance Processing Station) Nothing but hurry up and wait. I had to go back for a second time, to take a special eye exam. More info in another thread, comming soon.

RE: Embarassing/Funny/and or most agitating things happened to you - Dvolve - 04-21-2007

Once when I was doing my homework my sister came in (she's blonde) and asks what I was doing. I tell her "I'm doing my french homework right now." "oh." She says then tilts her head and a few seconds later says, "Hey I can't understand it" I bang my head against the wall after that.

RE: Embarassing/Funny/and or most agitating things happened to you - Erethzium - 04-21-2007

this happened just tonight :P

i was playing PIU and was playing "Perfect!" on Nightmare, and 1/2 way through the song one of my feet slipped off the side of the metal pad, and i tripped. luckily i DIDNT smash my face into the pad, and i managed to get back up and finish the song. i passed with somewhere 'round 39 misses and a D.

RE: Embarassing/Funny/and or most agitating things happened to you - cboy - 04-21-2007

My funniest moment (so far) was in Creative Drawing in High School. The bell was about to ring, so I was getting up to go put my stuff up. Well, my backpack was on the floor behind me and I tripped over it. I stumbled backwards like an idiot...and landed ass-first in the trash can. It got a roar out of the class and I was laughing so hard I was crying.

Even now, I still remember it. I just wish it had been caught on film so I could send it to America's Funniest Videos.

RE: Embarassing/Funny/and or most agitating things happened to you - Blue Rover - 04-21-2007

funny, at least for me. in last years AOSFYC (All Ohio State Fair Youth Chior "Ohio's singing embassadors of good will") i was in the dorm after i had taken my shower and someone ran into me. he fell on his ass as i glared at him, even as i help him up (i'm messed up like that.) and he started swearing up and down that we would meet in an ally someday and i would kill him. a werid funny i guess.

RE: Embarassing/Funny/and or most agitating things happened to you - Ghostiemon - 05-14-2007

i could write a book on stupid things i do that agitate me
ill go one at a time but not doub posting
sitting in r.e and doing the great schism yr7 (note class swot never get anything wrong)(just cant be bovered to spell on laptop) and he says they split into roman cxatholics and what(teacher) and i say prostitutes oh the shame
then he says go down to the midlands for that son

(n.b i had bought games master on way to school and read a san andreas cheatn book and memorised a prostitute cheat)

damn gm

RE: Embarassing/Funny/and or most agitating things happened to you - Sabre of Pain - 05-14-2007

i just remembered this it happened a while ago

i went for a job interveiw and on the way in the boss was standing there waiting for me i walked in and said hi as a passed him then proceeding to talk to the guy behind him (who was in a better suit) and told him i was there for a job interveiw then he points at the guy who i walked past and said "right there" i look behind me and i'm like "oh shits i just made the worst possible impression ever" then as if the day wasn't bad enough for some reason he needed to use a phone so i offered him my cell and he didn't really want it atm so i just kept it by my side for a bit then later he reached out his hand and i thought that meant that the meeting was over but really he was reaching for the phone so i reached out and shook his hand >.< and started to get up but he kept talking and i was like eh? then later when the meeting was over i realized he wasn't reaching to shake my hand he was reaching for the cell phone (i didn't get hired in case you didn't guess)