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Digimon Capsule Game - Printable Version

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RE: Digimon Capsule Game - Erethzium - 03-25-2007

yay! *eats it*

the capsule contains a patch that takes a really long time to download >_>

RE: Digimon Capsule Game - Gol22 - 03-25-2007

*sitting at computer* ......................................... T_T ...... -_- ...... T_T ........ >.< screw this!

Capsule contains someone ramming you down!

Steve: *charges at person*

RE: Digimon Capsule Game - Crimson Fox - 03-25-2007

Crimson: *jumps to the side at the last second and laughs as Steve crashes into the wall*

The capsule contains a roast beef sandwich.

RE: Digimon Capsule Game - Gol22 - 03-25-2007

Gol: *gasps* FINALLY FOOD! *eats*

Capsule contains red whip cream

RE: Digimon Capsule Game - Kurtz - 03-25-2007

Kurtz: *pours over Monica, pounces*

The capsule contains.... a ribbon.

RE: Digimon Capsule Game - Gol22 - 03-25-2007

Gol: *puts in back pocket* could be useful for something.

Capsule contains cranberry juice!

RE: Digimon Capsule Game - Erethzium - 03-25-2007

Z OH MY GOD!!! *drinks it* DRY! ^___^

the capsule contained a severe pummeling that costs only $10 with the purchase of a check-up at the doctor's

RE: Digimon Capsule Game - Gol22 - 03-25-2007

Gol: *on floor* ow..........
Emerald: *drags Gol to doctors* you lucky its cheap.

Capsule contains pain!

RE: Digimon Capsule Game - Erethzium - 03-25-2007

MY FUCING GOD!!! oh wait...my jaw has been hurting all weekend...just like my teeth. every little touch, and i get the pain o a thousand STABBITY KNIVES!!!! THE NKIVES! THE KNIIIIIVEEESSS!!!

the capsule contained the doctors for gol

RE: Digimon Capsule Game - Gol22 - 03-25-2007

Gol: *laying on bed* what the hell...? where am i? o.O

Emerald: Your at the doctors, you got....somehow pummeled till you couldnt move, so i dragged you down here.

Gol: >.> ....great....the doctors, i hate the doctors >.<

Capsule contains the cure?