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Southern Cross - Printable Version

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- Shadowknight - 11-03-2006

Shadow drove one of his blades into the ground and used it to push off and fly just out of a kiling blow, the blade cut easily through his outfit, "Impressive," He removed what was left of his shirt and stood with his two blades, his upper body showing clearly to the world, "But futile." He smiled as he took one of his blades and held it against his palm, Don't know how, but I know this will work. He smiled as he pulled out his sword, cutting a large gash in his hand, "DARKNESS!" He held his bleeding hand at Kurtz as a large number of black blades shot out of it towards him, cutting lamp posts, trash bins, and even the sides of buildings, "You can't hope to win."


Shadow, class change: Dark Knight.

Darkness (Sacrifice HP in order to unleash a strong attack)

Limit break: Death dimension, (Seals his foe inside a dimension that he controls.)

Wonder what kind of things could happen in that world Twisted *Cough* Tentacle! *Cough*

- Kurtz - 11-03-2006

Kurtz's eyes widened as black blades started appearing. Knowing that he wouldn't be able to slice them in half, he quickly pulled himself in an arc while still in the air, while spinning his blades around - turning him into something like a green whirlwind, as the blades hit against him. Blood poured out from both his legs and his arms, but he kept the whirlwind going, as more and more blades cut into him.

- Shadowknight - 11-03-2006

Shadow smiled as he saw the blood falling on the ground, "Heh," He turned away from the whirlwind as he sheathed his swords, "Waste of time." He smiled at the general, "Miral was it?" He asked her, "I thought you wanted to come to the Insanes, after you killed your own teamates in order to save me." Shadow smiled at her.

- Kurtz - 11-03-2006

Miral growled at Shadow. "I was taken hostage, if you don't mind!" She then bolted up, before hugglng Shadow. "Thanks.... for saving me..."

Kurtz stopped spinning, and almost immediately, he dropped onto his feet. He was bleeding badly from his claws and legs, but he was still standing... barely. He brought up a claw. "No way.... I'm not coming back... to lose to a pathetic insane like you..."

- Shadowknight - 11-03-2006

"Hold that thought," Shadow smiled a bit as he set her back down on the ground, "Looks like I still have to teach your friend here some manners." He smiled as he held his blades out infront of him, "You might want to get somewhere safe." He warned over his shoulder to Miral.

- Kurtz - 11-03-2006

Miral's eyes then widened, as she stepped back. "You're going to...." With a frown, she lifted her paw up. "...Sorry.." With that, she grabbed her gun from her pocket and fired at Shadow. "But that dragon is too cute for you to kill him."

- Shadowknight - 11-03-2006

Shadow barely flinched as the bullet fired clean through his side. He glanced at the hole and then back at Miral, "Bad move," he said as his arm isntantly shot out and grabbed the gun from her grasp, smashing it in his bare hands, "You've seen me fight and yet you'd still attack me." He looked her in the face, and smiled, "You never cease to surprise me." He resheathed his swords, "Fine, if he means that much to you I'll let him live. Consider it a favor." He smiled a bit as he walked past her, "Oh, and this is yours," He said as he threw the gun over his shoulder and at her feet, it was crushed beyond recognition, "Seeya sometime."

OOC: Post flood.

- Kurtz - 11-03-2006

OOC: Have to post this up for Matt, sorry n_n;; I forgot....


The last salamander growled, and launched itself at Zerus, who immediately bit down on his neck with a Crush attack. In retaliation, Zerus growled himself, and rolled, knocking the salamander off him.

Grabbing his shortsword, he then stabbed the Salamander through it's small body, completely shredding it's insides.

The Salamander gave out one more cry of pain, before it died.

With a sigh, Erne looked at them two. "Good, good. You seemingly do well when you're working together."

- Yoosei - 11-03-2006

OOC: it

- Crimson Fox - 11-03-2006

Ada glared at the general as she asked once more, "Well, are you going to surrender or not?"

The azure dragon soon fell over from his chair, the general already dead from a bloody wound in his back. The vixen gasped at this revelation until a dark figure came out of the shadows, holding a bloody halberd, "Well, if it isn't the sweet apple of the Insanes." The black scaled dragon grinned at the black mage, though Ada was far from delighted to see the fellow Insane.

"Jedrek? Hmph, it's a displeasure to see you again." the black mage coldly answered while looking away.

"Still so cold, foxy. Well, you'll be happy to know that I already took care of the general and his men." the dark dragon announced, pointing to the still corpses in the corner of the room.

"Fine, now..." Before Ada could finish however, she saw Mar run into the room, the doors still wide open. "Mar! Are you hurt?!" she cried seeing his numb arm and several scuffs and scratches. "Here, drink this." Ada quickly gave Mar a potion from her robes.

Meanwhile, Jedrek glared at Mar, his eyes showing the telltale signs of jealously for the vixen. That scrawny dragon... Hmph, he lucked out when he was partnered with her, he's lucky I don't slay him right here and now. She's too good for such a wimp.

OOC: Profile (Insane)

Name: Jedrek Ryu
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Dragon
Weapon: Sky Scorcher (Halberd)
Weapon Specialties: Halberds and Spears
Brute Force: Increases Strength and Speed dramatically, but only for a few minutes
Seventh Hell: Wraps weapon in searing flames to cause extra damage to enemies
Limit Break: Dragon's Fury: Jedrek is wrapped in a golden light as all of his stats become stronger, making his attacks even deadlier
Description: A black scaled dragon with white scaled chest who has a body the gods would envy, muscles rippling throughout his form. He wears a set of Dark Silver Armor to protect himself as he stares down his foes with his demonic green eyes.
Bio: Joined Lord Kubrika due to his love of war, death, and blood. He's also the Insane's personal assassin.