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Southern Cross - Printable Version

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- Shadowknight - 11-03-2006

Shadow was amazed by how much his body had changed, it looked almost like the attacker was coming in slow motion as he quickly turned his blades to parry, "Incredible," he started saying as he easily slipped behind Kurtz elbowing him in the small of his back, "I've never felt such power like this before. It's like I'm a whole diffrent person." He smiled darkly as he turned around, "You should feel honored to be the first person slain by my new powers." he said as he held up his katanas.

*Eastern resistance*

"Not so fast," Kit held her hands to the ground, "Frost!" The ground instantly froze over, creating a thin sheet of ice, the warmer mist instantly condensed from the cold air and fell to the ground. Glad I pay attention to science class. She thought as she gave chase to the fleeing Insane, "If you don't want to fight me than at least stand still so I can kill you!" She shouted as she fired another icicle at him, her aim was slightly off from her running but it was still heading towards him.

- Kurtz - 11-03-2006

Erne looked at them both, as they exited the building. "Why, we will be exploring a few... unexplored places, by the Cross. They've been rumoured to have many beasts there, so we need to clean 'em up."

Zerus smiled cutely as she took his paw, and continued to walk with her. "So, how far are the ne---"

Almost immediately, three Salamanders appeared from the nearby shade of the tree.

The first salamander made the first move, and used Blaze on Yoosei, breathing a line of fire towards her.


Kurtz's blades lowered slightly, as he cursed loudly, gritting his teeth. The only thing that he could do at that time was lift his blade up in hope to block his next attack.

- DragonMasterX - 11-03-2006

Mar heard the icicle heading nearer, he clenched his fangs and suddenly stopped, then his swallow moved up with the help of his tail and slashed the ice in half, both chunks going on the sides. He grunted from the pain in his arm, he gripped it harder and then resumed running away, "Wanna kill me? Get me first!" he shouted as he got away down the hall.

- Shadowknight - 11-03-2006

"With pleasure," Kit shouted, this was her first real fight and she was actually winning, "Frost!" She held out her hands and froze the ground over, sliding quickly towards the door. She held her hand out and created a side thing that allowed her to turn into the narrow doorway, "Now where did you go?" She asked as she looked around.


"One attack and you're already on the defensive?" Shadow grinned at the fighter as he held his blades up, one was wrapped around his waist and behind him the other over his shoulder, "Prepare to die!" He charged forward in a blur, appearing behind Kurtz his blades where now stretched out one horizontal and one facing downward like they had both been swung, "Man, I love this speed."

- Kurtz - 11-03-2006

Seconds passed, and nothing happened. Kurtz grinned, as his swords had been both suddenly placed in front of him, scratched slightly. "That all you got? My, I thought you were better with that agility." With that, he lifted his claw up, and a fireball appeared in it. With a yell, he threw it at Shadow, before charging forward again.

- DragonMasterX - 11-03-2006

Mar suddenly came down, hanging from a plumb tube on the ceiling with his tail, his head upside down, "I'm here!" he said and suddenly rocked forward to give a kiss to Kit's lips, then he pulled back, then jumped down and ran away again to the left passage, holding his swallow with his left claw, Come on... only the claw moves... shit...

- Yoosei - 11-03-2006

Yoosei widens her eyes from the sudden surprise, and she only had time to actually release Zerus

- Shadowknight - 11-03-2006

Kit fell to the ground stunned, "He, he kissed me." She looked at the door for a second, "Th-that was my first kiss." She shook her head quickly, "Focus, he's insane it didn't mean anything!" She shouted to herself as she stood and followed after him again.


"Not better," Shadow flipped over and kicked the fireball back at Kurtz (OOC: Remind me to try that in real life sometime.) Landing on his feet as he turned quickly, ready to attack Kurtz as he dodged the fireball.

- Kurtz - 11-03-2006

Zerus growled. "Damn it..." Flipping his paw down to the hilt of his shortsword, he slid it out, and lunged forward at the salamander, slashing at it. "...Die!" Was the only thing that came out of his mouth, as the slash cut right through the salamander's small neck, killing it almost instantly.


Kurtz, being ready for it, immediately dived forward, as the fireball just barely skimmed his hair. Rolling forward, he put his feet out, and ended up in a crouched position just near to Shadow's crotch, and, pulling his claw up, he jumped up, slashing Shadow across the front of his body.

- Yoosei - 11-03-2006

Yoosei narrows her eyes as she looks at the other two salamanders that are still alive. She reaches out her right arm and opens her paw, aiming it at one of the salamanders.