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Breath of Fire-like RPG - Printable Version

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- Master Grim - 10-05-2006

"... I can't... it's... embarrassing..." She started blushing.

- Disturbed - 10-05-2006

"Well then I wont press the matter then..." Bruno said with the same look "You've been through enough today as it is."

- Master Grim - 10-05-2006

"Hrm..." Catalina stared off to where the Merc lay dead.

- Disturbed - 10-05-2006

Bruno tried to think of what to talk about "Where are you from?"

- Master Grim - 10-05-2006

"I'm not sure... somewhere to the sough-east."

- Kurtz - 10-05-2006

OOC: Guys, I might want to remind you about Post Flood.

- Shadowknight - 10-05-2006

Shadow yawned a bit as he walked into town, Man, what a day. First some punks try to rob me, then some oaf messes with me and then I'm forced to rescue someone, a Kitsune of all things. Shadow entered the inn, She was lucky I hate cowards like that Mercenary more than her kind. He mumbled as he stopped at the counter, "One room please." he said quickly and dropped some money on the counter.

- Disturbed - 10-05-2006

Bruno looked at the kitsune's bandaged leg "Can you stand?"

- Lonely Werewolf - 10-05-2006

After a while, Elissa finishes her meal. "Thanks for the food!" Said her in happy tone, and shifting her vision to Lunos. "So, how's the meal? Does it taste delicious?"

- Kurtz - 10-05-2006

Lunos finished what he was eating, and smiled, turning to Elissa. "Yeah, it's delicious. I have no' had somethin' with meat in it for almos' going on two days."