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Digimon fight!!!!!!! - Printable Version

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- fred_18 - 11-06-2006

WKmon:I would give a demenstration...but I'm not under attack yet...

- fred_18 - 11-07-2006




attacks:Holy saber (just like wereknightmon's attack but has light effects to it), Reflect (basically reflects attack...but with double power, weak against other light/holy attacks), Infinite shield (just like...well you get the picture, like wereknightmon but with a light theme to it)

abilities: can control light, moves fast as light, and can shoot light arrows from his sword

discription:Lobomon, and gallantmon put together with the exception of angel wings and the symbol of light on the sheild. no lance, but one like GallantmonX off of Digimon X-Evolution

LKmon: HOLY ARROW!! *fires an arrow of light at WKmon*

WKmon: *looks as the arrow comes at him* damn, DEFLECT! *raises shield in front of him as it absorbs it, before glowing dark purple and firing the lightning arrow back at Lkmon*

- fred_18 - 11-18-2006

WKmon:your fast...but I'm faster! Lightning Strike! *charges at LKmon holding his sword up*

LK:we'll see...Holy Saber! *slashes sword at WKmon*

*both attacks collide cancelling each other out*

- Kurtz - 11-18-2006

Aqua: Uhm... gee, is there anything happening here?

- fred_18 - 11-18-2006


WKmon:your good...Ancient Sword!!!

LKmon:I know I am! Holy Saber!!

*both attacks connect, but not cancel, instead they keep on charging each other up into a huge energy ball*

- fred_18 - 11-20-2006

*finally the thing blows, after the energy ball is at least ten meters in diameter, sending the two flying opposite directions*


WKmon: what the hell just happened?! Trinity Shield! *holds shield up infront of him and fires electrafied energy beam at LKmon*

LKmon: REFLECT! *reflects the plast back towards Wkmon which is cancelled out with his Anceint Sword, then charges at him with his Saber poised to strike*

WKmon: *charges as well into the smoke cloud, with a battle cry*

*the two begin to duel to the death causing huge blasts and afterimages of the two doing the deadly sword dance in the skies*

- fred_18 - 11-20-2006

OOC:might as well monoply this topic...

*finally after a few minutes of battle they both hit each other with anceint sword and light saber, reverting back to rookie*

Quote:name: Dark Elecmon



discription:just like elecmon but with black and dark blue fur...

attacks:same as elecmon





discription & attack: same as kotemon

- amaterasu - 11-20-2006

OOC:You ain't monopolising this topic with me around.

Description:looks like a renamon,but the yellow fur is replaced by blue,white replaced by red,and the symbols are black
Weapon:3-foot long sword called Zeta Blade
Attacks:Diamond Storm,Zeta Wave(swings Zeta Blade to send a small wave of energy),Zeta Barrier(forms a barrier around herself)

- fred_18 - 11-21-2006

OOC: finally some kind of action in a while...

kotemon: does this look like a worthy opponent?

Darkelecmon: meh whynot?



both: DNA DIGIVOLVE TO! *both start to duel before their attacks collide when they both hit each other making a blinding flash revealing Wereknightmon with Lightknightmon's armor on*




discription:looks like WereKnightmon with Lightknightmons armor and sword, but still has his shield that doubles as shoulder armor...with the crest of light instead of lightning. has a black cape with white on the underside. controls both light saber, and anceintsword. other than that they both share the body.

attacks:Twin sword,uses both swords while spinning at fast speeds like BlackWarGreymon with an electrical and light feel to it.
Defect, sends Viral dart towards it's enemy that slowly deletes them.
Twin attack, splits into two and attacks full out on it's enemy with thier swords, no spin attacks.
YinYang blast, it uses both light and dark to pass judgement on it's enemies: put it this way, if he uses it to help an ally they are given a power boast;or if against an enemy it will weaken them slightly while taking power away with every attack they make.

abilities:can control light and dark, split into two to scout an area for a breif amount of time before joining back into one, and can heal allies.

other than that they still don't have enough strength to polarize to a better form.

LightWeremon:are you friend or foe?

OOC: is she rookie or mega?

- amaterasu - 11-22-2006

OOC:Forgot to mention,rookie.Haven't thought of champion,ultimate,and mega levels yet.Though I have an idea for mega.
