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Southern Cross - Printable Version

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- Disturbed - 10-29-2006

Grimlock gripped the Holy Gem in his grasp "Dont let me down." he raised the Holy Gem in the air and it began to shine a as bright as the sun

A pentagram formed under Grimlock and his Infernal "What..is this?" The giant Infernal was distroyed but Alexander took its place and Grimlock stood on its shoulders "A-Alexander?" he said in disbelief

A white aura started to emit from the gem and shined bright onto Grimlock and started to change him "Is...is this?" Grimlock's bones started to grow flesh, his hair growing longer with green collour showing life, he could start to feel his heartbeat again thumping in his chest, his face became whole again.

OOC: New Character

Name: Wengren

Age: 35

Race: Night Elf

Class: Druid

Abilities: Shapeshifting, healing, summon nature creatures to fight by his side, controlling nature and its elements.

Magic: Wrath, Entangling Roots, Moonflare, Arcane Blast, Molten Boulder, Vent, Hurricane

Bear Form: Super strong, take a lot of damage.
Panther form: Stealthy, speed

Special Attack: Nature's Angry Wrath (Bombard multiple opponents with elements of earth, ice, fire, and wind)

Description: Tall night elf with green flowing hair weilding an Oak Staff. Wears green long flowing leather robes.


Silver watched in awe as Grimlocks body changed standing there with his jaw wided

"ALEXANDER!!!!!!!" Wengren yelled loudly "SHOW YOUR HOLY MIGHT!!!"

Alexander openned his missle pannels revealing his holy missles and launched a barage of holy missiles filling the sky with bright beams of light crashing down on Shadow's position blasting him with holy light.

- Shadowknight - 10-29-2006

"Grimlock didn't have control over himself, and he didn't... you know." Hiro said, "Look, it isn't even relevant he's not Shaun. If you want proof," He pulled down the collar on his shirt, showing his neck, "Then go ahead and compare the tastes."

- Casey the furry one - 10-29-2006

"Fine then if that is what you want," said Kellie as beared her fangs and dugged then into Hiro neck, "dam I was right. I need to let him now without getting my head taken off," Kellie thought as she couple of ounces of life giving blood and then stopped.

- Shadowknight - 10-29-2006

Hiro's face scrunched a bit in slight pain as the fangs dug into his neck, "There, satisfied?"


"Oh shit!" Shadow braced himself as the barrage of missles converged on his position, causing a large explosion, dust shooting up for miles and blotting out the sun and all light around them.

A short distance from the ring of the crater, Shadow's body stirred slightly, the holy attack was powerful but since he wasn't technically an unholy or undead creature it wasn't fatal. "Damnit," He looked around for an escape, the castle was still miles away, "Well, only one option." He crawled towards the edge of the hill and over forcing himself not to scream in pain as his body crashed to the ground in the middle of a large forest.

He looked up at the forest canopy, a solid wall of green, it would shield him if anyone looked down the hill for his body, "Good, at least, I can..." His head hit the ground with a dull thud as he blacked out from his injuries.

- Casey the furry one - 10-29-2006

As Kellie stopped drinking Hiro blood she said, "He is your twin it is the exact same taste Hiro." She back a way from Hiro hoping that he does not go balistic her.

- Disturbed - 10-29-2006

Alexander disappeared as soon as the attack was finished.

Silver managed to snatch the file but it was still burning "Grim...I mean Wengren the file."

"Lemme see it." Wengren took the burnind documant and with a douch of his staff the flame was gone and the folder was renewed "There...we better get this back to Sir Ikonnen and give him our report.

Wengren shapesifted into his panther form and dashed off back to the Mansion.

"R-Right!!" Silver said dashing after him.

- Shadowknight - 10-29-2006

"No, Y-you must have made a mistake!" He shouted in surprise, there was no way that he could be related, "Colby, I can't believe someone I'm related to would do that to her."

- Casey the furry one - 10-29-2006

"Shadow as lost his memoiries Hiro and was raised by Lord Kubrika himself," said Kellie calmly.

- Shadowknight - 10-29-2006

"THAT'S NO EXCUSE!" Hiro shouted in rage, he quickly calmed himself, "He was well aware of what he was doing, and still did it." He looked up at Kellie, "You have to promise me you won't tell this to anyone. Especially Colby."

- DragonMasterX - 10-29-2006

Mar grinned as he grabbed his own gem, "Well, you said this was an ancient place. I thought it impossible that the original gem could be so new," he said and closed one eye while putting the gem on his pocket. He sighed, "Well, this was boring, guess we'll have to return" he said a bit disappointedly.