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Southern Cross - Printable Version

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- Casey the furry one - 10-29-2006

"Don't move Shadow," said Kellie as she shot at Hiro feet still that it might be Shadow again.

- Shadowknight - 10-29-2006

"What did he do for me?" Shadow asked, sounding genuinely surprised, "He saved me, after my 'parents' abandoned me. If he hadn't taken me into the castle I would have died." He looked back down at the two, "If it weren't for him I'd be dead, I owe him my life, and no matter what I will repay that debt to my master."

*Southern cross*

Hiro quickly jumped back and drew out his sword infront of him, the large blade providing an adequate shield, "That's the second time someone's attacked me like that! Where is that guy? I'd like to meet him."

- Casey the furry one - 10-29-2006

"My bad for shotting at you Hiro I just had to make sure that it was you. Would you mind if I have a taste of you blood just a few drops would do?" aksed Kellie.

- Shadowknight - 10-29-2006

"Sheesh, you take a shot at me and then ask if you can bite me?" Hiro lowered his sword to his side, swinging it around and sliding it into it's sheath with practiced expertise, "You really need to work on your people skills you know that?"

- Kurtz - 10-29-2006

Erne shared a glance at Hiro. "That man, Shadow, I think.... he's on the way to the Insane Castle. Don't let him esca...."

By that time, Ikonnen snatched both of the gems from Erne. "I'm going." With that, he jumped off the balcony, holding onto the rope that was still attached to it as he slid down the rope towards the floor.

- Disturbed - 10-29-2006

"Really? Well lemme tell you what he did for me. Five years ago a group of Insane genetic scientists came to my village, in hopes of creating and undead army of their own. House to house they gave the whole village a shot of the virus, those who would survive the zombification would become like me, but those who did not survive which was practicly the whole village would die from the shot!!"

Grimlock gritted his teeth "He may have given you a new "life" but he took away mine. My whole family died from that damn virus!!" he then calmed down and looked on Shadow "Sir Ikonnens is willing to give me back part of that life I once had."

Silver shook in horror from Grimlocks situation "Thats...thats just cruel." he quickly grabbed for his PDA and yelled into it "We have Shadow in our sights!!! I repeat we have the target in sight!!"

- Casey the furry one - 10-29-2006

"A reason you two may look the same is you two might kin and since I have tasted Shadow blood before. Also FYI sibling almost taste the same," said Kellie in anoyed tone.

- Kurtz - 10-29-2006

Sir Ikonnen, hearing Silver's message from the PDA, roared, and, with demonic speed, burst through the shield, his shuriken shaking from side to side. "Coming now! Hold position and DON'T let him escape! Tell Grim to use the Gem, NOW!"

- Shadowknight - 10-29-2006

"My brother was killed, and even if he wasn't there's no way that thing could possibly be Shaun." Hiro insisted.


"So?" Shadow asked coldly, "Think about your family then. Would you have ever abandoned your child?"

- Disturbed - 10-29-2006

"I wasnt a child...I was a father you moron!!! They killed my son and daughter!!!." Grimlock said defensivly.