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Full Version: about nude photography/modeling...
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I've been curious bout photography lately...since I got a camera for a gift... and for most users here, they know I'm a nudist. But combining the two...its interesting and something of a new boundary for me. so if anyone here is experienced in photography or this sort of thing...I dun mind getting a few tips on nude photography...it maybe a one off thing, but I am really considering bout taking pics of myself or someone...most probably the first option
I'd say go over to Deviantart. They have a large photography section.
Oh! They do. And that can be considered art but a lot of people do the same when they draw but they might have it deleted. One reason why people think DA sucks.

As for here, *ahem* *Lawyer voice* All subjects must be 18 or over. Suggestion is that you don't show you face but you can if you want to. Please put it on a different site (image hosting) and use a link (not image).
We have no responsibility if we or you run into a problem by this.

I think that's everything. Have fun with your camera
Alright, I'll check it out there and thanks for the words here hehe :) I'm not sure about posting, I'll just consider it first. I'll get a Deviant account and see to it.
Thank you. I kind of felt I had to say anything Lawyer based I could just in case. Hope you have fun.