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Can't sleep, bored, and got nothing better to do. SO RANDOM TOPIC TIME! *Fireworks go off and streamers fly around* Just out of random curiosity what are some moments in gaming where you just messed up big time by accident, or suddenly had a huge run of bad luck? Well here's a couple of controller smashing moments for me.

Dragon quest 8: So fighting this one boss, pretty routine not too big a deal. Psyche up Hero and Yangus and pound him for like 800 damage, boost defense so he can't hurt me and everything's going good. Then, out of the blue here's how a few turns completely destroyed what I thought was a surefire victory.

Angelo's defence returns to normal.
Boss uses desperate attack on Angelo and kills him.
Goodbye healer.
Yangus and Hero psych up, hero hits 20 yangus hits super high tension (for those that don't know SHT is basically what happens when you psyche up 4 times, it gives you one attack that does insane damage. My normal unpsyched damage was around forty, SHT attack was 400.)

So next turn yangus attacks and kills him right? haha, WRONG!

Next turn:

Boss uses muddle on yangus
Yangus is confused
Yangus attacks hero for 500 damage and kills him.

So yeah, now I'm down to a confused killing machine and jessica who's, well, pretty much just there as fan service at this level of the game lol.

Next turn

Yangus kills jessica, boss kills yangus, party whiped out.

Man if I ever get a heart condition I think I'm gonna have to give up gaming lol, or at least switch to something simpler.
Got incredibly angry during a game of Halo 3 matchmaking and threw my controller off the wall. It didn't smash, but now the thumbsticks can get jammed into one position and thus limit my character control. I got another one though, so its okay.

Another, more recent, one was when i was trying out Tom Clancy's Vegas for the first time, i was already rather pissed at the controls being pedantic and i accidently knocked my Xbox, which was standing upright. The disc was scratched to hell as the console toppled over, so needless to say i was pissed. Still, at least i don't have to play the game anymore.
Dead Rising 2, Case 6-2. *Spoilers*

*Spoilers, again*

So I was running around to get to where I was supposed to when I had my first few encounters with super zombies. Was happy that I still could slice them in half with the laser sword so I wasn't worried as I ran to my destination. That is, after I realized I was being pursuitted by frenetic fast zombies, which weren't nothing like the normal horde. I thinned my weapons out and tried to do a stupid stunt to grab OJ when I was low on life. Managed to drink it and restored life to full but by then one of the super zombies grabbed Chuck.

lol, that's when it all went downhill. As some of you might know, getting grabbed by a zombie means QTE time. In the PC, the QTEs can involve you shaking the mouse as if it was a Wiimote with motion sensor or to press any of the movement keys (WASD).

I normally am dextrous when it comes to QTEs, but I was being hella confused, and the ironic thing was that I was being shown exactly which key I had to push to break free. My left hand probably was thinking that WASD was Up, Left, Down and Right respectively, so my brain must've been expecting the game to tell me "Up, Left, Down and Right", so I took grand time trying to make the conversions for some reason, which was more than the one second you're given to do the QTE.

After failing the first time, I was pushed by the super zombie to the floor and kept being bitten, and I failed one, two, three, then four QTEs in succession because either I couldn't adjust to the keys it was asking me to push or I was just too unlucky to press the key I had pushed twice and therefore ruin the QTE.

You probably think I kept trying until I died, right? No. I was so annoyed that after losing 5 out of my 10 life squares to ONE zombie I just decided to Alt+F4 it all to hell, lol.

Needz more Paddlesaw.
Every time I get killed due to Source Lag Compensation in TF2.
I was playing Assassins creed 2, and I kept dying. Then to make matters worse, my mother walked in just as I was returning to the Xbox Dashboard, so she saw my sexy Renamon background :P It was terrible. (But my background is amazing!)
My remote died in the middle of a match in Halo 3, and all the batteries were downstairs. When I finally found them and got back, my team was killing me. x3

Halo 3 again, any time all or most of the team quits mid-game. Annoys me to no end. >:C

Any game that saves the checkpoint at the worst possible spot.

Oh, Pokemon games are the worst for me. Nothing more frustrating than getting that Legendary to one health and asleep only to run out of Pokeballs. And the status effects. And the game dying just before you save.

And for the lulz, a moment from way back then. Playing 101 Dalmations when my brother wanted to play something. He then told me I was a bad gamer and sucked at games. And that is so heart-breaking to a 3-5 year old. 8'D
The final act of Ninja Gaiden on the NES. Besides the insanity that happens on the way to the final boss fight, if you lose to any form of the final boss (even if you have extra lives), then you get sent back to 6-1. At least the game shows a bit of mercy and lets you skip any final boss forms you've beaten, and you have unlimited continues. Still, 6-2 and 6-3 are a pain to have to repeat. XP
Uh... I once got mad and snapped the control stick off a N64 controller. That and got a cheaply painted one legged gold controller.
Getting reported for 'lag-hacking' in TF2. Getting reported for using an aimbot... as a Medic. Getting reported for dominating the reporter. Getting reported for spraying over the reporter's sprays. The list goes on.

Dwarf Fortress: Losing 6 dwarves and one dwarf baby when the vacuum created from a small falling stalactite sucked them into a chasm from over 20 squares away and fell 16 z-levels (floors). Dwarven physics strike again.

Playing Cabal online a long time ago, I got too cocky with my Raider after winning four PVP fights in a row with people one or two levels above me.

-And then a Wizard mopped the floor with me. You'd think I'd stop and take a bite of humble pie after that...

But no.

I was raped by the same person 15 times that day...
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