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Full Version: New Username, New Avatar, Limitless Possibilites
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Hey guys and girls!

I used to be Duamutef, but I have made a decision to change. I examined my personality and my growth over the months that I have been here, and decided that it was time to change.

But this is not merely a change of image for me, this is a declaration of personal change! With my new name shall come a new age upon my life. The new me is no longer a slacker. I shall turn in all of my work, and pass all of my classes with the best grades I can achieve. I shall strive for excellence as opposed to lazing about at the back of the pack. My change of image represents a true physical change. When I first signed up for this forum, I had short hair, through which my ears were prominent. But, now I have an amazing mane of hair, so my friends of the opposite gender have dubbed me "(name removed due to privacy reasons) the Lion". Thus, I have adopted "Maahes" as my new image.

I have also decided to work more avidly on the three writing projects that I have already started, and start a new one for my new fursona, and a new lioness character I thought up while working in Physics. I have also decided to re-dip my toe into the ocean that is art, so If anybody has any good programs I should try, Let me know.

I just thought I would let you all know about my personal decisions for the rest of my life! If any body wants to know my real name that I removed, just shoot me a PM. After all, I consider all of you as friends!

By the way, does anybody have a cool looking drawing of a lion furry that I can adopt as my new fursona and avatar? I'm having a bit of trouble finding one.
Cool, if i find something for your new avatar i'll send it to you.
Thanks a bunch, man! Two days of searching on my behalf and I still haven't found a thing. You look for lions and you get no results, but type in fox and you have half a billion pages of results...
try cats, you pretty much have to run a super computer to see all the results.
Thanks for the advice! I tried that and found about 1 lion pic in an hour, and it was badly drawn. Therefore, I gave up on Google and moved over to FA, where I found hundreds of well drawn lions! So after about ten minutes of browsing, I realized that a lion's mane makes him look like he has a beard. So I set off to find a more specific bit of art. And I found it!

A wondrous artist named Jailbird had two great drawings of a lion, with hair and not a full mane, standing in a doorway (with a mug)! So now I just need to decide which version I like better!

And by the way, thanks for replying, havok! Is greatly appreciated!
No problem. Nice pic by the way, I like the mug.