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Full Version: gonna be gone for god knows how long
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Well the power chord for my labtop, which has been testy for the past few months, finally went FUBAR (fucked up beyond all repair) so unfortunately until I can get it replaced I'm gonna be without a computer since this thing fries through power like no one's business.
You must acquire new thingie post-haste! Good luck, I'm gonna miss youuuuuuuu! *Tries to cling onto Shadow but crushes him down his weight*
Nein nein nein NEIN!! I just got back and now Shadow-Sama gets kidnapped by faulty wiring? *clings to foot* TAKE ME WITH YOUUU- ooh! Two and a Half men is on! *Goes to watch TV*
Okay scratch previous message. was complaining to my roomate, so he just took the power cable, sliced it open, sodered it, and now it's working. I'm gonna have to remember him if anything else of mine breaks lol.
Hooray!! You're (kinda) back! ^ ^ *glomps*

Technical-Savvy roommates sure are convenient to have!
Yes they are. I wonder if he could build me a gundam robot.
He probably could! I mean, he solved your computer problems just like that! NOBODY SOLVES THEIR COMPUTER PROBLEMS THAT FAST. It would take days at the very least! He'd be able to construct at LEAST a Turn X Gundam out of toothpicks, paperclips and scotch tape!
I wish I knew someone with some soldering experience. My Atari 2600 needs some work.
YAY! You're prematurely back! Awesome! Now get your grey furred butt to MSN so we can play, I'm boreddddd!