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Anybody else heard is music? It's ridiculously racist, sexist, and generally inappropriate but in a funny way. Here are some of his songs on youtube.

Let it be known that I am not a racist or a sexist, I just find the songs a bit hilarious.

Let's Go Jesus!
Go Cops!
I Can Do Whatever I'm White
Like A Nazi
Don't Be A Playa Haiti
Ching Chang Chong (This Actually Got to #1)

There are a bunch more, these are just some of my favorites. Not in a racist or sexist way!
I find ching chang chong and I'm a Korean to be very funny, despite being Asian myself! XD He's really funny!
I have both "Don't Be A Playa, Haiti" and "Like A Nazi" on my playlists. It makes me laugh.
Whoa! The topic sits ignored for two months then gets two replies... interesting...
I was away for two months! XD These sorta topics go un-replied to for a while when I'm not around (SHAME on you people)! :3 The other night, a couple of my friends came over, and we spent the most part of an hour and a half listening and laughing to his music on youtube! XD
Huzzah for laughing at racist music with friends!

But I guess what I am trying to say is: Thanks for replying, Psycho!
Oh no problem Dua! ^ ^

Hehe, we especially loved the racism toward Asians, being Asians ourselves!
OMG I hate his videos! Not he guy himself. He made an offensive video against Canadians and it totally pissed me off! Thank God the video got flagged and taken down. The rest I think would just harm others! So, I worry about others now.

BTW, I'm Canadian. Italian-Canadian.

Wait a minute...is this a rant?
No. It's not a rant. I happen to really like his music because the songs may be racist, sexist, homophobic, or generally disapproved of as individual pieces, but if you listen to a bunch in order, he's really making fun of everyone, which means he's treating everyone the same.

Go unorthodox way of promoting equality among the human race! *jumps*
I saw his song list and saw, that I would not like him.
I looked him up because someone on Youtube said they prefer him to Weird Al.
Everyone there thought that was actually crazy.