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Full Version: Leaving for a week or so.
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Heading back across country for a sister's wedding. So avoiding bumping into one of those crazy security gaurds at the airport that thinks the metal in my leg is a bomb or something should be back in about a week or so. Fun times.
Don't worry mein Fuhrer! We'll hold the fort for ya! Take care Shadow! Here, you can distract them from your metal leg with this! *gives bombs*
Aww! You'll be gone? FOR A WEEK?! *Jumps into suitcase* Take me there so I don't get bored. And so I don't have to take an exam this week. I FIT PERFECTLY IN HERE!
See you when you get back, hope you have fun.

Don't drop you luggage. You know with dragon in there and all.
Pretty sure dragon's are labled under 'dangerous objects' Probably wouldn't be allowed to bring you on board. Plus there's no way you'd fit in the overhead.

Are you saying I'm fat?! *Roars and rampages*
Just put him in a pet carrier. It's cheaper that way.
Have fun.
Well, good luck and a wedding, one thing dont get too drunk!! I know I learned my lesson at my aunties! lol
Take care, dude. See ya in a week.

Crimson: It's dangerous to go alone. Take this! *hands him a very sharp wooden sword*

Ada: They won't let him take that aboard!

Crimson: But what if the plane is accosted by Ganon? We have a right to bear arms of questionable use, dammit!
Shadow said to say that he said hi to DaD.

So, "Hi to DaD!"