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Full Version: Secret little Lover (Matt Ishida & Kyosan's RP)
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For many years, secretly, a group of scientists; working for an organization; worked days on end on what could be the most amazing experiment ever. The result would be something they would call Anthro. They would be given both human and animal attributes, in order of hopefully make them stronger, weapons or so to say.

One of their experiments, given the name of Yoosei, a purple vixen with long dark blue hair, crystal blue eyes and with the trait of having two tails; had just recently escaped their facilities. She had a sneaky nature and she found fairly easy to sneak out right under their noses.

But, now she had a far worse task. Once escaping that one cave, she finds herself in the outside world, which was nothing more than a normal neighbourhood. A great cover if those people didn't want to be found.

Still, focusing in not letting herself get caught, the vixen sneaked around, looking for a possible house she could get inside to finally trick them away from her tracks. The moment she was about to lose hope, she found an open window and that definitely was not a moment to think twice. Quickly hoping inside, she remains still, resting against the wall. Sighing only in relief when the ones that were chasing her, had passed by that same house.

"Finally" Was all that she commented to herself before then finally taking the moment to look at the room she was in. Nearing the bed, she gently sits down on the edge. It was comfy, and she was tired. "Just for a little bit" she murmurs gently before laying down on bed. Immediately slumping down to sleep. She had forgot that house would belong to someone. But that for now, was not her concern.
As the day strolled on, Nath Alkemar brushed his brow hardly. After many hours of fencing and sword-training once more, he was finally done for the week. Returning back home to his fairly decent house, with cultural and special ornaments scattered to decorate the place, he kicked his shoes off before then slipping down out of his training clothing. Being left in his boxers was more then usually a tradition for his house, as there was no-one there but him.

Making his way up the stairs, he yawned eagerly before then brushing his eye, opening the door gently to his room while murmuring to himself. "I guess I'll need to update the story for the publishers in the morning... another-"

The purple-haired man paused as he noticed something odd about his room. The window was left open. Moving over towards his window, he shut the window firmly and locked it, grunting to himself and cursing himself for not shutting it any earlier, before then turning for his bed. It was only then he noticed his surprise intruder, sleeping peacefully before blinking. "Helllloooooooo....?" He murmured faintly, his shock trapping any sort of exclamation that wanted to come out.
Tired as she was, the purple vixen's senses didn't alert her of Nath's arrival. Yoosei kept sleeping peacefully. Her head resting on the pillow, her naked body covered only by the bed covers that she had pulled over her to warm her up. Her fluffy tails, hanging down the bed, and only their tip wiggled lightly. "Mhh..."
Walking up to the side of the bed interested by the strange contraption that had suddenly decided to take comfort in his bed, Nath slowly crept onto the bed, looking over the features of the vixen for a moment while thinking. An... animal? No, can't be. He thought to himself, lifting up the covers from one side and then slowly pulling himself in. He didn't know at all what to expect, as he rested under the covers on the opposite side. Sighing, he closed his eyes and turned....

...Straight into the vixen's mounds. With a surprised blink, he spoke muffledly into her mounds for a moment, flushing darkly. "Mmmff!" How the hell did I pull that off?!
Even though the purple vixen was sleeping peacefully, she felt something against her. Yawning softly, she slowly opens her eyes and they grow wide opened once she noticed someone resting next to her, and specially resting against her mounds. Instinctively, the girl pulls the covers aside and quickly gets off the bed, getting herself in a defense stance. "Who...are...you?" she asks softly, yet forgetting she was the intruder one there.
"I should be asking you the same!" Nath pointed for a moment, on the other side of the bed as he prepared himself while blinking. "You're the one currently in my house using my bed, so at least grant me that liberty!" He murmured, yet didn't ask about her appearance as of yet.
"I umhh.." Yoosei stood silent for a moment as she took a quick glance around before looking back at Nath, finally realizing the current situation she was in. "I am Yoosei" she responded and slowly easing up. "He doesn't seem like he has the intention of hurting me" she thought for herself.
Nath, looking a little bit peculiar in sense towards Yoosei, paused for a moment himself - finally noticing what she was, but didn't take much of a reaction to it as far as his physique. "Nice to meet you, Yoosei. I'm Nathan. Now, all I want to know is... uhm, how did you get in, and why?" He asked kindly.
"Well..." Yoosei paused for a moment before pointing to the now closed window. "I got inside through there" Her tails wagged slowly back and forth. She stared at Nathan, analysing his reaction to the information she was slowly letting out. "I was..running away from people that are no good to begin with" she admitted gently.
"Huh, well." Nath paused for a moment, noticing both her tails wagging and looking at her. He had to admit, she was a strange and curious being. Not like he minded, he was open to new things. If at best guess, he would have imagined her to have been at least of the canine family, though in the form of a human. "Were those people also interested in not giving you clothing?" He asked somewhat bluntly, but calmly.
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