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Full Version: More randomnessity by me, oh!
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What do you get when you cross a person with a wall? A dead person in a bloody wall...in Britain, because the amount of P.S.I need to crush the dude in to bloody somethingness (cuz nothing doesn't exist) could be enough to EXPLOSIONS it to England...932 A.D. Yeah, they went foward back in time. Why they? Cuz the wall stole the person's organs and whanottowear and became SUPER DUPER UPER PER ER SON WALL MUTATOR UH...THING...CREATURE...MAN, OH! Take that 5 times fast!! So the Super Duper Uper Per Er Son Wall Mutator Uh...Thing...Creature...Man, Oh! went to the middle extremity of London and became: SUPER DUPER UPER PER ER SON LONDON WALL BRITISH MUTATOR(steal all the good detail in video games bastards) UH...THING...CREATURE...MAN, OH! Take that 7 times 5 fast!! Heheheh. Anyway it was eventuallyblackally demolished because it was trespassing on private property and there was no Super Duper Uper Per Er Son London Wall British Mutator(steal all the good detail in video games bastards) Uh...Thing...Creature...Man,Oh! Embassy. So as they said in Kentucky..."he dead." The End 69 times fast!!!

So remember, if I'm bored, I'm unpredictalicable! Oh! So I was bored out of my interdimensional head, so yeah, there...woot!