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ok patamon digivolves into angemon, gatomon digivolves into angewomon. So my question is does this mean that A:patamon and gatomon are related and or B:all patamon are male and all gatomon are female?
What about C) none of the above?

Also,doesn't this go under Digimon Chat?
Nope. *ahem* Good thing I have my professor coat on a wheeled coatrack.


1. Patamon and Gatomon don't always evo to the Angels.
As seen here,

And here, (Tailmon is another name for Gatomon)

As you can see, Patamon can even evolve to Gatomon.

2. No they are not related. They just have similar evolutionary paths. Or at least the two most known paths.

A similar case is what DemiDevimon and Black Gatomon. As they evo to Devimon and Lady Devimon.

3. And you can easily have a girl patamon and a boy gatomon. They'd just evo differently. As such, A pata-girl might be more girly then our most know examples. And a gato-male (gato is male cat after all in Spanish), would be more guy like.

Does that help at all? It should, I like doing the professor thing.
And, Moved to Digmon section!